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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. Home and Pool, Pattaya 3rd road next to 7-11, the after sales service is good....the price for a pool is not the cheapest, however, 1st quality materials and proper building of pool( footings)...good luck!

    I sure second the importance of quality workmanship for your pool. You can do it yourself, with a knowledgable consultant, for under 200,000 baht for s decent sized pool.

    A couple of good threads on the topic recently in the Chiang Mai section and General topics...

  2. For some here, it's a lot about balance...

    I know I can live in Japan and make a lot of money, but I don't like the Japanese lifestyle, culture, food, atitudes....

    I know Korea is a beautiful country and has some good jobs, but I can't think of ANY other positives, for me.

    Thailand has it's share of headaches, too, but, it's other aspects have, so far, balanced them enough for me to feel that this is my Home, where I feel quite content and happy, and I've learned to be a lot more cai yen here because it's what works best here for me.

    Lots of ways to drive one's self crazy here.

    Just as many ways for one to find peace of mind.

    The choices are always yours... :o

  3. you are all making excuses to make yourself feel better about following crazy rules.  I have to go report in "only" 4 times per year.  Just go to malaysia or singapore, etc. etc. 

    does anyone going to our countries have to do this crap?  what does singapore have to do with an american or brit or whoever that goes to work in thailand?

    are we all criminals?  are we living in some communist or facist state?  why do we need to report?

    why do we have to carry our passports on us at all times?  see above.  our passports are valuable and they are totally disrespected.

    people who live and work in our countries don't have all this hoopla and uncertainty always hanging over their heads.  how do you know one day when you go to report, you won't become a victim of extortion or worse?  how can you predict when one day, you won't be allowed back in after a visa run?  you don't.

    in our countries, visas are done once, at the beginning.  people are told they are allowed to live and work in the country and that is that.  they can then go live like human beings.  not like animals.

    Your feelings are always valid for you, of course.

    Your feelings are not always valid for me, of course.

    Watch the mass projections.... :o

    Anyway, sorry things didn't work out for you in Thailand, for whatever the reason. If you have dashed dreams, I'm sorry. Nobody wants to have that happen, but sometimes shit does happen, no matter how hard we feel we've tried. I don't know you or your situation- only the feelings you've expressed here. I do empathize. I've had a number of buddies leave here wounded...

    I hope you will find more happiness in your home country, or wherever your heart takes you. Really.

  4. My aural skills are much better than my reading skills, so I mostly watch the Thai news on TV...

    What I notice is that the news is pretty much the same, but taken a few steps further in the sense of more gory stuff, more gossipy stuff, more local stories, more private addresses, more victim photos, more initials instead of names...Speaking of which, sometimes the media will fill in names for each other's stories..You can even see this in the Nation anf Post at times. For example, one paper will mention an un-named 'influential politician with the initial Raw Paw (RP)' that is accused of being the master mind... Another story, with a different sub angle, 'innocently' mentions MP Raprakan Sutiwan in some story that allows a careful viewer to make the connections sometimes...

    One thing I've come to learn is that nobody truly knows what will happen next. Like watching an old hollywood serial. "How's he going to get out of this one!!" See you next week! ...That's really all it is. Same old shit, just constantly moved around under different names and scenarios...:o

  5. CTG don't be so sensitive. You are one of few Thai members here who can conduct a converstaion with foreigners at a western level, as opposed to the level they have come to expect after living in Thailand for years.

    It's actually a credit to you and somewhat of a compliment.

    Ice Treasure, Be careful you don't melt or wash away in this heat!

    One thing you, and other, perhaps virginal, contributors to online forums should be aware of is that you can tell nothing from a persons' net name.

    CGT could be female, or male, Thai or non Thai. You will never know until you meet the person, in person.

    Many people think it amusing to use misleading "noms de plume", simply to try to make others lose face!

    True enough P1P. Thanks for the heads up.. If I read all the posts from CTG I am left with just one question...if not, then why all the posts saying she is.. I have been lurking here for a long time, just not posting.

    More seriously, I think it just comes from our natural tendancies to believe what we read. Lots of people play on that here for various reasons :D

    I've met ctg, but many have not. A nice....what? :o:D

  6. All around Chumpol and especially Pathiu where the eye made landfall, trees were pretty much flattened.  What was interesting to note was that close to the eye, trees were toppled in a circular pattern and not necessary in one direction.  I heard from first hand account that the sea would inuadate low lying areas washing house and homes along the people in it

    Lots of devastation but nothing more so than the promise help by the government which never arrived...or arrived to the wrong hands.  :D

    Interesting...I never knew about the circular pattern. Even now, you can stilll see many 'headless sticks' around that area- coconut trees that were flexible and strong enough for the winds, but their tops were blown off... That is also the reason my hut survided, I believe. Coconut wood construction... Though it did feel like Dorothy's house in 'The Wizard of Oz' at times... :D

    By the way, that was also Chavalit Yongchaiyud's entrance to the National Scene. As Army Commander, he personally jumped in and directed things after the government was accused of not doing enough...I'll admit that even I was impressed by his (then) commanding appearance and voice :o

    The King also got personally involved, making a Proclamation against any logging in Thailand- ratified later by Parliment, per the constitution. Unfortuntely, the logging continued illegally, with every year showing an increase over the year before, at least up to recently...

  7. both newspapers tend to just blindly copy what any gov't official or anyone for that matter tells them.  if toxin says the sky is green, then the next day there will be an article that says the sky is green.  there would be no additional info like "but observers report seeing a blue sky or cloudy sky"

    Yep. The gossipy story in the Nation(?) a couple of days ago about some german with a limp infecting young girls with aids comes to mind as a recent example. I surely assume it will be picked up by the trashy UK papers....

  8. thailands not in a hurricane zone.

    thats why the buildings wont withstand it and thats why theres no shelters for such an event.

    so what would i do....nothing

    cos it aint gonna happen.


    Lets not forget Typhoon (Hurricane) Gay 1n 1989, a big surprise for Thailand, and extremely devastating. I was in the middle of it...


    You didn't happen to be in Pathiu when Gay made landfall...were you?

    I was there a couple of weeks after the event. Really devastating.

    Yeah, it was amazing. Never had that impact on me when I'd seen it on TV before...


    Did you have ten girls in there?? according to splitlid it is absolutely vital :D

    I had an Aussie GF with me for a few months, but I was looking for peace and quiet after that, not patpong-on-the-beach :D

  9. thailands not in a hurricane zone.

    thats why the buildings wont withstand it and thats why theres no shelters for such an event.

    so what would i do....nothing

    cos it aint gonna happen.


    Lets not forget Typhoon (Hurricane) Gay 1n 1989, a big surprise for Thailand, and extremely devastating. I was in the middle of it...


    You didn't happen to be in Pathiu when Gay made landfall...were you?

    I was there a couple of weeks after the event. Really devastating.

    Yeah, it was amazing. Never had that impact on me when I'd seen it on TV before...

    I was living here...samuihouse1.jpg

    On the beach, northeast corner of the island (I think SBK said she was on Kho Tao, which was closer than Samui a bit and had damage similar in type to Chumpom, where most of the lives were lost) I had the high winds, but my hut was partly blocked by a short rock outcropping into the water next to me. At times, it felt like my breathe was being sucked out, because of the vacuum effect ... There was no warning broadcast by the government until it was too late for many... It was 2 weeks before we could leave the island and travel anywhere. Funny though, everyone except the farangs seemed to take everything in stride... :o

    Oh, and here's a shot out my side window that evening....Before the wind really picked up.


  10. Thailand only got a slash of Gay, not the full whack.

    Tell that to the thousands killed, the overturned drilling platforms, the hundreds of ships lost, the incredible devastation from the flooding... :o

    Typhoon Gay formed in the Gulf of Thailand. The islands and Eastern coastal areas received it's full force...Not just a 'slash'.


    "Typhoon Gay is unique because it is the only tropical cyclone on record to bring typhoon strength winds to Thailand"

  11. thailands not in a hurricane zone.

    thats why the buildings wont withstand it and thats why theres no shelters for such an event.

    so what would i do....nothing

    cos it aint gonna happen.


    Lets not forget Typhoon (Hurricane) Gay 1n 1989, a big surprise for Thailand, and extremely devastating. I was in the middle of it...

    I thought Typhoons were in that part of the world they spin opposite way of a hurricane right ajarn??

    The terms "hurricane" and "typhoon" are regionally specific names for a strong "tropical cyclone". A tropical cyclone is the generic term for a non-frontal synoptic scale low-pressure system over tropical or sub-tropical waters with organized convection (i.e. thunderstorm activity) and definite cyclonic surface wind circulation.

    Wind direction is counterclockwise (west to east) in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise (east to west) in the Southern Hemisphere


    More info here. http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/hrd/tcfaq/tcfaqHED.html

    And thanks to google for making me sound like an expert :o

  12. Most tourist areas are malaria free

    I think it is a mistake to suggest that tourist areas are free of malaria...There is no part of Thailand free of malaria- or Dengue fever. There are cases of malaria every year in all areas, but in places like Chiang Mai, dengue fever is actually endemic, as it also is in many other areas where tourists go...Often this is alleged to be spread by the movement of Burmese/Cambodian/Lao workers who've been infected with the disease, and mozzies feed on them, further spreading the disease...

    Generally, Dengue mozzies strike in the day, malarial mozzies at night. If you're worried, use some protection both day and night. I've never used any protection, I live in Chiang Mai (18 years), and I've never had any problem. But friends have, including one who was infected twice with Dengue- inside Chiang Mai city itself. Best to be aware and use some protection, I'd say.

  13. Perhaps it was Georgie Porgie. A noted moderate and upholder of most ridiculous causes. Nice to see you back Tutsi.    :D

    Tutsi is on my good list for the very honorable thread about his love for his wife, but I can "beat-up" pretty much anyone on either forum with my brain; Why would I sink to threats of physical violence?

    Violence is for the stupid! :D

    Hi Georgie, good to see you're still here. Hope life is smooth for you... :o

  14. CTG don't be so sensitive. You are one of few Thai members here who can conduct a converstaion with foreigners at a western level, as opposed to the level they have come to expect after living in Thailand for years.

    It's actually a credit to you and somewhat of a compliment.

    Ice Treasure, Be careful you don't melt or wash away in this heat!

    One thing you, and other, perhaps virginal, contributors to online forums should be aware of is that you can tell nothing from a persons' net name.

    CGT could be female, or male, Thai or non Thai. You will never know until you meet the person, in person.

    Many people think it amusing to use misleading "noms de plume", simply to try to make others lose face!

    Yes, yes, that's what I meant to say, but I couldn't wait...biglaugh.gif

  15. I was having a smoke last night and when I put the cigarette to my lips my whole hand fuzzed out! I jumped into the shower to cool my jets after the scare and my nipples and testicles were completely fuzzed out too!

    Almost the same thing happened to me.. Except when I was in the shower... I was fuzzed nearly to my knees..

    :o Coffee!!! :D

    Hey, my legs were completely fuzzed, as was the ground extending a couple of feet in front of me... :D

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