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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. Nice ThaiPauly, two weeks away form moving to CM....

    About your leg and back, try some "light" yoga, great stretching and I bet would help.

    Then hit the golf course and take it easy.

    About fishing,,, yes I bet it is relaxing, but not for the fish.:o)

    That pool is also great for your legs and back :D

  2. Kringle and markydd, I've heard about this also. Not sure on all the restrictions. Love to bring

    my beloved BMW 1150 RT over. Heard though what ever way you bring it over, in wifely name, on a retirement visa, or just go the import tax route it must be fully disassembled?

    I would sell her before it was taking apart then put back together, then again this, "

    buy a v-max here, unrestricted 145 bhp, about 180000bht" as davethailand brought up sound like a great idea...a fine bike for sure.....

    I have some friends who have had their bikes shipped to Singapore, then they drive it to Thailand. At the border, you register your bike, and your bike is allowed in Thailand for the length of your visa, and you can renew it, the same as yourself when you get a new border stamp...But, as I've heard, you have to take the bike back through the original entry point only, each time.

    It was 3 or 4 years ago, and I'm a bit hazy on the details. Not sure if it's still the same...

    I do know that BMW's and Harleys are the only big bikes allowed to be imported legally. I think the duty is right around 100%, at least for a Harley.

  3. Ajarn, 

    The hospital is in Wang Sai Phun. Dont have the name off the top off my head.

    Hospital records??  Dude this is Thailand, you must be new here.

    Anyways if you want to verify my story do this little experiment.

    Go way upcountry, boon docks,  jump on a motorcy, crash into something big,

    when (and if) you get to a hospital tell them you have no $$$ to pay for treatment.

    Then report back here what happened, OK?

    I didn't ask for records, I asked for the name of anyone concerned, and the dates. Since you stated they were your friends, I assumed you knew their names..

    And, Thai hospitals do keep records, masses of them.

    Sorry to say, but from the tone and quality of your response, it gives me more reason to to think that your story isn't really accurate.

    It's easy to accuse a hospital of negligent homicide, and I believe accusers should be responsible for their accusations, especially in this case, being that your charge is extremely serious

    But, so far, you don't seem to be willing to back your words, or accept responsibility for your accusations stated here. That's your option, of course

    Oh, and I'm not new here :o

  4. Not looking at the sweat-taking as being possibly a human rights violation, I'd like to look at this as a more positive sign...

    I'm basically an Old Hippy (ex) Pothead....I grew up in a culture and time of open minds and open hearts, in the Haight Ashbury of the late 60's......

    Drugs were a major part of any and all social interaction, anytime, anywhere.

    It worked for awhile, but then there was strychnine in the acid, heroin, and all the crime that came with that. ...Speed... Cocaine begot Crack, which has almost single-handidly destroyed entire communities in my home of San Francisco, and like, I feel, every other big city in America. Look at the violence so common in the States...In my city there simply were some areas people were afraid to enter once it got dark, because of the crack and meth dealing going on, and all the supporting crimes and violence. If you entered the area, you were expected to be a buyer or seller. I drove SF Yellow Cab, at night, as a second job for a couple of years, and though I was lucky to not get more than 50 stitches in my mouth from a guy tossing a beer bottle through my window, I saw and heard plenty more.... In these torn communities, EVERYTHING at night revolves around drugs...prostitution to support drug habits, thieves stealing for money to buy drugs, cops on patrol looking for drug dealers and drug-related crimes, cabs running stop lights to avoid car-jacking by druggies.... Far beyond the issue of personal use, in the privacy of your home, and not hurting anyone but yourself....

    This scenerio happens in other cities in America, and most other western countries in the world... And it's one of my main reasons for coming here...

    It's happening here now, too. Slowly a few years ago, but now out of control. Tourists are highly unlikely to see it, but if you're Thai, you can see it in every community, to some degree. Familes destroyed, and communities in danger, literally thousands killed....Serious shit.

    My HOME is in danger of collapse, and becoming more and more like the society I escaped from. I'm invested in protecting my life I feel. and I want to support any real attempt to gain some control of the drug situation.

    Listen, I know that there's likely corruption involved in the bidding process for the sweat machines, and for a price, the judge might give a favorable ruling, and that many police are themselves drug dealers,etc., etc.... It's easy to say it won't make any difference, for the people don't have any confidence in police, for obvious and valid reasons...

    So, what can you do? Have faith and hope, I feel.

    I have faith that, like in the cowboy westerns, good is better and stronger than evil.

    I have faith that good wins more battles...

    I'd like to say that I have faith that the Thai police will become more dilgent and professional...And I hope I can someday.

    Faith ain't so easy sometimes :o

    So, I'm glad there are checkpoints and some (hopefully 100% accurate) machine to make drug testing better and cheaper. And I hope that there will be enough good police to win over the evil ones..

    So much is at stake, na'?

  5. Ajarn, excuse my ignorance, but what is a KSR degree? Just curious thanks.

    Khao San Rd, Degree...It's where one can find all kinds of fake documents like Student ID cards, Press Card, IDP, university degrees... The last one I saw a few years ago was looking pretty ratty, as it looked like a 50th generation copy...

  6. Yea I dont really get it either, medical costs are'nt that high. Gov hospitals 30 bht

    You can also get help in emergancy situations, if you dont have enough money to pay.

    My brother-in-law's little boy was very premeture, and only given about a 50-50 chance of surviving. The hospital said that the total cost would run into several 100,000 bht.(as he had to be in intensive care for a few months)

    The whole family was trying to decide, if it was worth it with only a 50% chance of survival, anyway they applied to the hospital and the goverment agreed to pay the bill

    Yea I dont really get it either, medical costs are'nt that high. Gov hospitals 30 bht

    Not just Govt hospitals, but most private hospitals, too.

    Frankly, I find it extremely difficult to believe that any person in a hospital would stand by and not treat a baby dying from dysentary simply because the family didn't have 400 baht.

    Sorry, I just don't buy the story, as presented.

    But, I'm willing to make the effort to personally find out the whole story....if Nam Kao will provide me (by PM) the name of the hospital, baby's name, dates, and any names of hospital personnel known....

    Up to you, Nam Kao...

  7. Yes the hospital refused to help the girl.  This is a serious problem upcountry.

        No $$ / no treatment.

        One day a guy crashed his motocy on my soi.  The guy was messed hard.

        Blood everywhere, mouth / ears bleeding.  Instantly everyone jumps in a truck

        and we pick him up and take him to the hospital. The nurse comes out and

        looks at this poor guy and says  "10,000 baht" .  Well nobody had 10K baht

        on him and she let this guy lay there in pain for 10 mins before they convinced

        her they will get the $$$.  I almost choked her I was so angry.

    Yes, correct, no cash - no treatment.....

    But to see a doctor for first aid in a hospital after an accident is not baht 10.000,-, even not, if you go to a private hospital for foreigners......

    Charges are low in a general hospital.....

    Which hospital? Please offer more informations....

    Between Social Security Medical coverage, and the 30 baht Health Care Program, I wonder why these things would happen. Doesn't make sense to me, but I've not had much experience in this area in recent years. I do sense that there is more to both of these stories, but I don't know....

  8. Just one thing that may, or may not, be of concern to you...

    One of their Head Teachers was hired with a KSR degree.... I know this for a fact.

    The guy is a nice guy, and decent teacher, but, personally, I wasn't impressed with Harrow's quality control when it came to vetting their own teachers. If I was a parent, I would certainly wonder who else got through...

  9. I have a 3 bedroom furnished home in a quiet muubaan for 5000 baht pm. More of these around, if you work at it a bit

    I would suggest you check out http://www.chiangmainews.com/classifieds/ . They seem to advertise a number of places for rent....

    Oh, you might want try 'Tong' at 09 7568137. I met him once and he seemed like a pretty decent guy...He acts as a broker for a number of places, and he has a website at http://www.chiangmaionestop.com/property/h...ting_browse.php

  10. Ajarn, you have it sorted, I just hope that when  move to my own house in CM in two weeks time that I can develop a lifestyle similar to yours, problem for me is l like a "wee dram"  so I am gonna have to control myself, it ain't half hard NOT to want to drink a beer or two or three or...... when you are lazzing by your pool on a sunny afternoon.

    I want to take up golf but my back and leg are giving me real greif so golf maybee not the best sport, perhaps I should take up fishing, never thought about it before but freinds of mine say its very relaxing, but I am afraid I would get bored, I am also interested in doing some meaningful charity work, is this possible in CM?

    Any comments?

    One thing sure about this place, ANYTHING is possible. It's the best, and worst, things about this place :D

    When you feel like it, drop me a PM if you'd like some ideas on ways to help support some of the locals...

    TP, I hope things work out well for you. And I hope you're able to avoid the pitfalls I experienced (I tend to learn best the hard way) :D

    The pool is actually a physical therapy pool, but it has also had an enourmous impact on my well-being, too. A real sense of Peace. Building my pool was possibly the best decision I've ever made...

    TP, I hope you find your 'pool', too :o

  11. I could have saved a 6 year old girls life upcountry.

    I was 2 days late. 400 baht at a hospital would have saved her

    from dying of dysentary. I didnt know her or her family (neighbors)

    or that she was sick, but if I was there in time I would have helped

    her in a second and she would still be alive for a lousy 10$.

    Watching the mother screaming while carrying the dead girls body

    while the family members tried to pry it away from her is an image

    that still haunts me to this day.

    I'm missing something...Did the hospital refuse to treat the child because the mom didn't have 400 baht? Is that what happened?

    I would like to hear more details about this, if you don't mind...

  12. I spent a year living in a hut on a beach, and I never got bored. I just developed a schedule of waking with the sun, going for a swim to 'feed the fish', breakfast, newspaper...more swimming, maybe a book or a nap or a listen to VOA or BBC...Another swim, dinner, chill out alone with a book or chatting with friends. I enjoyed every day of this..... :D

    Now, I'm retired in CM (49), and enjoying the fact I can do anything I want, whenever I want...So, some computer, some swimming, maybe a cruise in the countryside or cruising the plant markets...and whatever else strikes my fancy, and I have lots of interests if I want to do them...

    From my view, if you feel like you want to chuck the rat race NOW, there's likely a good reason for that, and waiting a few more years could be needless self-torture....

    100,000 baht is plenty to live comfortably on, but live like a king? It's all relative, right? There's lots of cool stuff to spend your money on....

    You should also consider that, at some point, that 100,000 won't go as far as it does now. 25 years ago, you really could live like a King on that :o

    Best of luck to you.

  13. Yesterday, when the notice came from the local post office to pick up my package, I duly sent the HK to pick it up, where she was told I had to go to Customs, since it hadn't cleared yet... :o

    I'm on my way there now, after a stop at the ATM to get some palm oil, just in case ... :D


    Back from customs...12,000 baht paid, a receipt for 7,000+ given in return....

    Story of corruption to follow. Stay tuned, if you like.... :D


    Okay, here's the story.

    I went with my housekeeper to the customs office next to immigration. I had been in there a few times over the years, and I knew that corruption was the name of the game with these guys...I've done the Klong Toey game, too.

    I got sent over to a building just past the airport, where customs receives, inspects, and stores all stuff arriving in CM by plane. The office was on the upper floor. I use a crutch for walking, and I feel real unstable going down stairs (stroke-related) and I could too easily picture myself tumbling down those stairs...So, I sent my HK upstairs with my passport. Some minutes later, she returns with a Thai guy in tow, who proceeds to tell me that I must get a special paper, and the cost would be 2,000 baht...I questioned him more on this, and he said it was, indeed, a requirement. So I agreed....

    A bit later, he comes back with my HK and tells me that the duty would be 20%.. I was hoping for the 6% some guy on Thaivisa told me it would be, so I started to brainstorm on the tax category...Thet were calling it an air gun, so I suggested that 'sports equipment' or 'recreational equipment' might put me in a cheaper tax range?

    No, everything I mentioned was 20%, they said.....In retrospect, I should have suggested 'children's toys', too. :D

    Now, I could have challenged that, and waited for an in-house investigation, but we all know that the likely ending would be me not getting my stuff, ever.

    It's at this point that I learn that the 2000 baht I was told I had pay was in fact, for the guy who was 'helping' my HK.... My HK said that when she first approached the uniformed customs worker, she immediately told her she would have to talk this guy 'for your service'...Now, that would have raised a flag for me, but my HK is just not tuned to that kind of stuff, and she agreed to the deal... It wouldn't have made much difference, really, as at any step, I always had the option to say no, or 'let's ask Bangkok', but that would likely never end in my favour. They use the 'rules' against you, because, it seems, from what I've experienced, any and ever rule and counter-rule is written in stone (paper pamphlet..) somewhere for the creative karachakan to protect themselves from the 'customers' (us) who try to veer away from their pre-arranged path.... To your wallet.

    One thing you can always count on at customs, in my experience, is that you will always be missing something, in my case, it was a 'Bai Anuyat' (Permit) to import 'childrens toys' -_-

    What can you do? I figured the only choices I had were the ones they offered to me, and whatever price was said by them was pretty much a fixed price (this is no place to make ANY open suggestion of accusations that there is corruption going on...That could make things VERY problematic, because they will simply 'go by the book' (the same one they've been using all along? ), and, happily, they will offer their personal help to get a different answer from Bkk...

    So, the last part of the story....I was presented with a written estimate, based on 20% of the invoice priceand the shipping... 9,000, and change, plus the 2,000 baht to the broker (not a karachakan, btw).

    I agreed. They told me it would be a couple of hours, so we went out for a bite....3o minutes later, my HK gets a call..."'khaw bawk,'Mii pen haa nitnoy', " she said to me.... ?? Huh? She passed the phone, and that's when the Bai Anuyat was mentioned...

    On arrival back at the airport, a new guy comes out to greet me, papers and little green pamphlet in hand. After greetings, he opened and fanned through the book like a card shark, and said I must have a permit for importing childrens toys, I explained that this was not for children, but I got the head shake in return... Okay, maybe the permit is doable..."Where can I get this permit?" "Bangkok"......

    Okay, I know when I've been beaten down....

    "Khaw Tote, Khrap, Khaw chuay noi, dai mai Khrap?" kissass.gif

    Magic Words to any karachakan....

    BIG smile......"I'll have to talk to my bosses upstairs, BUT if they can help, you will only get a 'little' paperwork"

    Leew Tae, Khrap.... :D

    "If they agree to this, the total cost will be about 12,000 Bhat"

    Finally some good news...this was almost exactly what I had agreed to pay earlier- 'on the books' it seems, for he was crystal clear that this was to be off the books now... He was quite friendly now since I'd just filled a few pockets (as if they are ever 'full') , and he left me with, 'If you have any problems, give me a call'...How much extra help did I buy, I wonder.... :wub:

    Back with a receipt for 7,7742 baht. Further inspection shows that they changed the value to 19,800 baht (this fits with an earlier comment that it would have been easier (cheaper) if the value would have been under 20,000 baht (The real invoice value was roughly 35,000 baht). I also got a an Official Receipt for 270 baht to prove that I've paid the registration fees, making possesion (back to 'gun' now) legal.

    Though I paid almost the same, clearly, a much smaller part will now be going to the government...

  14. What about second hand computers ? A lot of the kids in the villages local to me are doing computing business courses and they seem quite bright. I want to pick up a couple of cheap second hand computers for them so that they can use word processors and spread sheets etc.  at home.

    Anyone know of a good source, Im not planning to spend more than 10k baht a head. But anything that I can load linux on or perhaps an early version of windows. An old machine with at least a cd rom drive.

    Just something so that these kids can practise at home and get ahead. I plan to buy a couple of them pc's and then get a them a couple of PC books in Thai.

    Anybody done this ? If so what were the results and what did you get in terms of hardware for your baht ?

    I arranged and supervised the donation of several top of the line computers, when my firm re-equipped several years ago, to a secondary school near Khon Kaen where I had family links.It was really my own fault but I think the donation was less useful than it should have been because there was no effective training component built in.

    Good point about training....Reminds me of when I was teaching in the South, and our university was given a 10 million baht computer lab, with 40 computers and even a satelite receiving hookup... Every govt university got the same.

    No training was ever provided, and none of the Ajarns, except me, ever used the lab for anything other than watching their afternoon soaps off the satelite.

    Total waste of money.

  15. i find that copious amounts of beer generally does the trick  :D

    seriously though...

    i agree that maintaining the enthusiasm and energy teaching requires is critically important - even for the most experienced teachers...

    i attend many teacher conferences & workshops in the LoS. they helps me to learn new approaches for handling difficult situations, and the creative ideas and enthusiasm of other teachers help spur me on to greater things...

    I agree. It's very important for a teacher to have some outlets, hopefully not too self-destructive... :o

    Networking with other teachers, either to share horror stories, or new teaching methodolgies, is great, and there is always something interesting going on around Bkk, for sure. Some schools even have money to send you to some of the various workshops around. I've always valued the workshops and seminars put on regularly by Chula, through the Language Center, if I remember correctly.

    Networking is also a great way to make contacts for a better job. :D

  16. Indeed Ajarn, one of the ideas I had was setting up an English school near the village that would be open to all the kids in the area and free to attend. Whether or not this would be practical or feasible I have yet to work out. I look forward to discussing this with you in the future.

    I would be very interested in discussing this with you. Like you, I'm also keeping my eyes open for ways I can help support education with the resources I have..

    For wamberal, I completely agree. The hardest part is often, for me, making the right contacts, with the right people. Speaking Thai is good, or at least someone with you who can, and who is thinking and understanding on your wave-length so they can better communicate and make decisions with families, puuyai baans, schools, etc., on your behalf. But, lots of caution here for the (relatively) clueless farang... like me. Lots of ways to get in over one's head, even with good intentions, as I've learned :o

    like you im also a teacher, i help my less fortunate but deserving students by giving them monthly allowances (for foods and bus fares), i get the money through friends (farangs and thais) they are my angel networks, and now we are supporting 4 students in my school i hope that it will grow gradually and that we can help more less unfortunate kids, because we believe all they need is a chance, to have a good education and with this under their belt they will have better and a brighter future. :D

    You are so cool, Vanessa... It's great to see so many grassroots Ajarns doing so much more than just teaching in a classroom. :D

    Since the Thai government closed all schools with fewer than 60 students, the more isolated a kid lives, the farther they would have to travel to school now... Some don't even have the 20-40 baht per day for a songthaew to school, so they simply stop going to school.

    Just 20-40 baht per day for a kid to have a good chance for a good life.

    Another side-effect of the poorly planned school closures, is that more and more parents (hilltribe and Thai) are opting to send their kids to Christian boarding schools. Not because they're Christians, but mostly because it's free and safe for their children, the parents have told me....

  17. When I was a kid, my school had a long wooden paddle for us naughty boys...

    Printed in big letters across the front was, 'Board of Education'  :D

    ajarn, i really do think that reminiscing about the sado-masochistic goings on at your school is both highly distasteful and c7.gif... start a new thread please ... :D

    where are the bloody forum moderators, not doin their job properly :o

    I never liked whiners as students, either... :D

  18. Goes by weight 1baht - 2...3...4...5. ect price goes up exponentially as you go up in weight. 4000THB roughly for 1BAHT weight of 22K gold. I picked up a 10Baht weight chain and looked like MR T and probably have neck problems wearing that.

    Current price is about 7,850 baht per baht (15 grams, I believe)

    Hasn't been anywhere close to 4000 baht for at least 4 years...

    If you buy from a shop, ask for the shop to stamp it.

    Here is one example of a stamp...


  19. When working with younger students, it's probably best to start off strict.  Set the ground rules.  Make them clear and enforce them.  Otherwise, the little ankle-biters will walk all over you.  If you remain reasonable, and encouraging, the students will want to please you.  Once that bond has created, loosen up a bit and enjoy the ride. 

    Introduce a reward system.  Demerits are not the answer...when I was younger...we strove to see who could get the most demerits.  Nothing that discourages should be used. 

    Absolutely great advice on classroom management! :D

    Learned through trial and error. Its a day to day learning experience with these little gaffers.


    Yeah, I mostly learned the hard way, too.. :D

    In an earliear life as a DoS, a large part of my job was problem-solving situations where teachers (mostly new) were having problems with their classes. 90% of the time it was a classroom management issue, and in many cases, it was because the teachers didn't get off on the right foot by establishing their authority, as well as clearly setting boundries...and consequences, and being consistant...

    I believe kids are very proactive in seeking their personal security, and part of that security comes from having limits set and backed-up... If they don't feel secure, kids tend to act out in the classroom, but sometimes in ways that are confusing to the teacher, too. I believe that they are seeking to have limits/controls placed on them at that point, and the sideways stuff is to get your attention....

    The teacher who gets off on the right foot in the beginning, rarely ever has any kind of classroom management problems, in my experience.

    As I mentioned before, I know how hard it is to be a kid teacher, and often the kids are the least of the teacher's problems. Often there is zero support for teachers, especially for farangs working in a Thai school with Thai teachers.

    I've worked intimately with many many teachers, and in my experience, every teacher wants to do a good job. Every teacher tries and tries... If they get some support and encouragement, they will likely do fine. But when they get zero support, tons of office politics, crappy school food... Anyone can break :o

    Food brings up a funny memory about a large school where we had about 30 teachers contracted there. We had other schools where we also had teachers working, but this one school was especially popular among some teachers because of the great food served at lunchtime.... At another school, which had truly garbage to offer, I had to bring some KFC or Pizza Hut to our teachers on a semi-regular basis to keep their spirits up.. :D

  20. just as a warning to some of you teachers working here without a work permit, the tourist police volunteers do monitor this site so it is probably best if you do not give out too much information about your selves.

    listen to me you useless lump of poo... i used to teach classes of thai tourist police & they would have trouble reading a janet & john or ladybird book... let alone understand the going on in here...

    uhmmm... i guess that doesn't say much for my skills as an ELT :D

    bkk barney ... aka william pilkington fosdick

    prof... teacher without a work permit, visa or passport, drunkun bum

    address... the hut with the pink corrigated roof under the overpass near phrakanong


    If you are gonna flame someone make sure you read the original post first..

    He actually said...

    the tourist police volunteers
    volunteers... not regular Tourist Police, but Farangs volunteering to help the tourist police, they are active in Pattaya.

    Whether or not they would be checking visa/work permit status from their minivan by Walking Street..... I don't know !!


    mind your own bloody business... i can flame BKK Barney as much as i see fit, he would do it to me given the opportunity :D

    i ain't never seen a tourist police (< uncouth KK) volunteer.... if some farang came up to me & wanted to see my passport then i would naturally chin him...

    They just snitch, right? Seems like a dangerous vocation for a farang in Thailand, maybe especially in Pattaya... :o

  21. How was your transition from Teacher, to Boss?

    How did you like working with Farang teachers (Maybe especially British girls(?) ? :o

    Thai owner? Clueless about teaching and teachers?

    How successful were you as buffer between the Decision Makers and the teachers? (Ye Olde Rock vs Hard Place scenario)

    Weirdest teacher you hired? (Hey, He was fine at the interview!)

    First "Weird" story that pops to mind?

    Weirdest teacher you hired that turned out to be a gem?

    Most interesting interview, as the interviewer? :D

  22. If you come in on a 60-day tourist visa, once you get a job, you can get that tourist visa turned into a non-immigrant (working) visa at immigration.

    If you're considering Rajabhats, you'll basically be able to get a teaching job anywhere you want to live in Thailand. Many of them around, and getting hired if you're at least presentable shouldn't be too hard for you.

    Rajabhats are all universities now, and all such universities pay the same for most English teachers on contract....17,500 baht, plus 8,000 housing allowance, last I heard, and that rate hasn't changed for almost 10 years...Some places, Like the Mahidol University International Program, can pay up to 1200 baht per hour for part time and full time farang teachers...About 60,000 per month

    Teaching in universities can be pretty good. Mostly, you're allowed to do your own thing with your classes, and for the creative teacher, you can have lots of room here...or be tied tied tight to an inadequate text book on a teaching schedule so tight as to allow virtually no space for anything 'outside the box'... 'TiT' here, too.

    The downside for many, if not most, of the university contract teachers, is the office politics among the Thais. Lots of shit going on, and farangs can often stay out of most of it, but it isn't always easy. Office power struggles going on, almost always among the Thai female Ajarns, in my experience, and I've seen some be very nasty and backstabbing....Best advice is to talk with other farangs working there to get the skinny on what's going on.

    Anyway, good luck :o

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