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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. The new Warm Up on Nimmanheiman is carcking, although my Thai friends reckon that it is now PACKED with farang trying to pick up chicks and many have stopped going.

    PC, is that a typo, or is another new English slang for this olde fogey to learn? :o

  2. Ajarn:  So far you haven't been a "chain puller" so will fall for it.

    Blue Green is a recognized color combining blue and green, perhaps close to the color of shallow sea water.  There is much too much blue in the color to be even close to to widely "hated" instiutional green or pea green.

    PTE, your first instinct was correct...I was pulling your chain, a bit :D

    But, thanks for the clarification. It's a color (the institutional one) I see in many Thai homes, but never in the institutions here :o:D

    'If you have good intentions, always trust your intuition', is another of my little 'learned from experience- finally! ' mottos.. :D

  3. SBACM, how much does it cost to install a phone line?

    Around 4000 baht takes about 2 weeks for line installed

    Two weeks, or two months, or two years... :o

    Totally depends on where you live. This ain't Bkk. and many places, even in the city, still lack telephone lines....Call the phone company yourself, or better yet, get someone with a clue to help you :D

  4. In the States at least, I think women dog men about their bathroom habits, like terrible aim, etc., because they often forget to look to see if the seat is down before using..... :D

    Speaking of toilets, when I first came here, I didn't believe it when I was told what the spritzer is for...I've come to definately prefer it over paper, but, at first, it was a bit tough to aim it so I didn't spray shit all over the walls, especially with some of those high-pressure ones... :D:o


  5. Another thing - you head the thread 'Savings Account in Thailand'.

    You will not get a savings account (interest given) but a checking account with ATM card. This, as you do not have a work permit. Maybe this has been your problem - asking for a savings account. Ask for a checking account.

    Wrong! The only account available without a work permit is a savings account of the passbook type (current access rather than fixed deposit).

    My understanding and experience is the same as Lopburi3's..

  6. No, mine isn't lit...My idea was to make it as natural-looking as possible, using all river rock and dark cement. Took a couple of months to find and fix the leaks, but we still lose a few gallons everyday to the slight splashing of the water going down over the rocks. I was extremely lucky to chance on an artist who was able to make my vision a reality...It's multitiered, multichanneled, with all sorts of small plants and vines in and around the waterfall

    I love the algae, and if I didn't allready have it, I would have looked for some :D

    Can you adjust your flow? If my little sumersible pump is running full, the waterfall is more like Niagra Falls. The waterfall is just next to my bedroom, and if I can hear it too easily when I wake up, I must RACE to the bathroom 'cuz, man, it makes me have to piss when I hear that water falling :o

    Anyway, the pump has only one speed, but if you connect another short piece of pipe off the main outflow pipe, and put a simple valve on it, you can use that to adjust the flow quite easily. I use the outflow from this pipe to help circulate the pond water a bit. If you have it out of the water a bit, it can also help with aerating the water- it's really important for fish to have enough oxygen in the water, and as the water heats, it expels more oxygen from the water.

    Here is a sorta-clear shot of the blue pipe sticking out off the main, wth the arrow pointed at the red valve on top, and just at the waterline.


    I opted for sea foam green tile

    Is that also known as 'piss green' or 'institutional green' ? :D

  7. Having had Koi, both in a natural pond, cement covered with algae and tile on the 24th floor of a highrise, I offer the following:

    Many want lighted ponds so the fish can be admired, especially at night.  If the pond is dirty, all the light will do is illuminate the dirt.  Keeping the pond clean involves water chemistry and filters.  Tile is ideal for keeping a pond clean, acting as a backdrop for decorative fish and it will keep your wife happy.

    My algae infested pond, was a natural one, where the small leak, about two gallons a day, allowed for fresh water infusion at the same rate and was beneficial, although with no filter, algae was a constant problem.  Likewise, without water chemistry, the pond did smell a bit.  The koi did well there anyway.  If you keep in mind that Japanes koi keepers actually keep them in rice paddies and they thrive, anything that holds water seems to work, just a question of what you want to accomplish, visibility of your fish, water chemistry objectives, circulation and water falls etc.

    My 3 meter-tall rock waterfall acts as a natural water filter to the pond. The water is always clear. Never had any problems with algae except on the waterfall rocks.

  8. Chanchao, you're right about Mae Ngat. It costs a fortune. But there's another dam out Doi Saket way that doesn't cost anything to get in. Just pay for the boat. And there're big fish to be caught there, too.

    I think it's the same lake, but not sure. Some years ago, I used to go swimming there most days until they started locking the gate that gives access to where I used to like to go to swim, just to the right of the dam structure. A bit further north along the shoreline are a few places to eat, but never checked them out. Beautiful and peaceful place. :o

  9. Still better than where we came from! 

    I completely agree. I think we should also remind ourselves that it's ourselves who've created that life here. Many of us don't survive here for various reasons, but to survive and be content and be able to say 'Still better than where we came from! ' we must work at it...Let's face it, we must be proactive to maintain our sanity here at times, na'?

    Because we have gained these survival skills, it should enable us to build and grow here, in my way of seeing things. To me, this forum is invaluable for learning more about where we live by us sharing our experiences, bouncing ideas off others, ....and complaining-- to let off steam, and also, I think, to try to find some kind of resolvement of our frustrations. And there seems to be a certain sense of security and bonding in a room full of people all whining (happily?) in agreement :o

  10. I know that Thai law allows a foreigner with a tourist visa to open a bank account with just their passport; but every bank I go to insists on seeing a work permit.  I called call center for one bank and was told it is up to discretion of branch manager regarding work permit being required.  Does anyone know of a bank in Bangkok that will open an account without requiring a work permit?  I am getting tired of carrying around a lot of cash and plan on being in Thailand on tourist visas for at least 6 to 9 months.

    I am with Kasikorn Bank, formerly Thai Farmer's Bank, and they have never asked me for a WP to open an account...

    However, last year, a manager suggested to me that without a WP on file, I wouldn't get any interest, or if I did get interest, 15% of that would be deducted for taxes (something about a new rule from the Bank of Thailand) A few months later, I saw that they had paid the interest, but another debit, equalling 15% of the interest, also showed.

    Seems to be a lot of inconsistency on this issue, and others have reported the same problem here as you have..

    Good luck :o

  11. Hi, I have just joined the board and wish to offer salutations to the members.

    I promise, only two questions per day.

    Questions 1 &2, What area is a Rai in square metres and what is it subdivided into?



    I rai= 400 talang wah, or 1600 square meters

    I talang wah= 4 square meters

    There are more, but I can't remember them at the moment :D

    OOPs, I just noticed that all the info was posted already...Never mind :o

  12. I have a small fish pond fed by a waterfall. When they were building it, they asked me about tile, bit I opted for just concrete...But, it does seem to be normal for Thais to tile these pools. They tell me it looks more 'riaproy' than plain concrete. Anyway, the tiled ones I've seen all have fish swimming around, seemingly satisfied with the tile, which quickly gets a coating of crud, anyway. Personally, I still prefer the plain concrete because my first impression of most tiled pools is that it's 'dirty'...My attention goes right to the strong visual of dirt on tile, rather than the fish, and the beauty of the pond

  13. > I He11, I even went in through the PornPing Tower Hotel washrooms to avoid the cover charge and any after-hours noodle-soup would be "American-Shared" with any girls I was with. :-))



    Ki niow. :o

    In America, we call it 'going Dutch', especially, I would think, if, as in this case, one party is Dutch :D

  14. "Of the 373 people tested, 104  didn't have passports with them as required in Thailand..."

    I thought it was acceptable to have a passport photocopy to hand rather than actually having to carry the real-thing around with you all the time. Perhaps someone could clarify this?

    were taken to a police station where they were fined and released

    At least it lets wanted criminals know that the only penalty for refusing to identify yourself is merely a small fine, it seems. No follow-up on these folks? :o

  15. It used to be much more difficult to get a salesperson to offer help. It seemed as if the first sight of a farang sent everyone scattering.....Perceived lack of English skills or shyness, I suppose.

    That doesn't seem to be the case too much anymore, but the fact that they rarely have a clue about what they're selling makes them almost useless... I usually just say, 'duu chuey-chuey' (browsing), and that always gets them to back off for a while-- until you show interest in something... :D

    I've asked a few sales people over the years about sales commissions (mostly appliance stores). They've always told me that they don't get a sales commission, just a salary, but some have said that they are required to meet certain sales quotas set for sales people. :o

    I like to shop at Siam TV in Chiang Mai because of their excellent after-sales service. I've been a customer of theirs for a long time, and I've never had an problem with them except that the sales people are still clueless...But, they will deliver and install anything for free, and always within a few hours of the purchase. On 2 occasions, the installers beat me to my house...Everything they sell has a two-year warranty, and, in my experience, they've always lived up to that, coming to my home to take care of the problem within hours of my call...They also come every 90 days like clockwork to service the aircons, free for 2 years.... :D

    That's why I don't like shopping at Tesco and all the others. They don't have that level of after-sales service, and warranties have always been only 3-6 months, in my experience... I do support these mega stores being around because I think they do help to keep consumer prices down, and even the smaller local appliance stores have been carrying better selections than in the past, seemingly in order to try to remain competitive...

  16. Frankly, to me, either one of your schedules sounds boring on a daily basis... :D

    But, as you clearly expressed, you are happier! There's the proof in the pudding, whether it's on 20,000 a month, or 200,000 amonth....The whole idea is to make one's self happy and content, right? :D

    The main reason I like it here is the relative freedom I have here to do my own thing, and not be hassled by anyone. Like, I never sweat the cops when I'm driving like I did the Calif.CHP... Basically every govt official I've ever dealt with in Thailand has been professional with me, and never caused me any problems....I don't do anything really bad I'd say, and I feel much more in control of my life here now. I also get treated well here, and I credit Thailand for teaching me a lot about myself, and a lot more about differing ways of living than I'd known before. I seriously feel this is my home just as much as any Thai. I don't care if nobody else see's it that way. Home is where my Heart is :o

  17. its not the guy per se, its the attitude of "once I land in Thailand I can do things that I wouldn't dream of doing back home". Too many farang have that attitude and it pisses me off, especially when mentioned in such a nonchalant way.

    I thought the whole point of going abroad is to do things you can't do back home, else why bother leaving home?

    so you can get laid back home then? :o

    Hey, most anyone can get most any prostitute, most anywhere in the world... na'?

    As for getting it free, I certainly did better at my last home than I ever did here... :D

  18.   I  was just being sarcastic about the fuel shortage sometimes it seems like I get hit with more and more extra chargees and extra bills and it seems sooner or later retired guys living in THAILAND will be blameed for the fuel shortage too.

    Hey, MK, just how much fuel are you using?? :D

    I don't think there's a fuel shortage as much as there is a money shortage to pay for it. Thankfully, my bud Thaksin is paying 20% of my diesel fuel bill. I only wish he would do it for my other bills, too! :o

  19. ^I notice up there that there IS a difference between farang and Thais when it comes to clearing up this paperwork problem.  Yet another case where corruption makes official avenues impossible or unavailable because they're not as profitable to gov't workers as the "unofficial" ones.  I agree it's unfair, but not much use complaining about it.  Better to do things as close to kosher as possible or give up when you realize you're headed down a dead end (not unlike visa problems!)

    Sorry, I don't quite understand what you're talking about. What do you mean exactly by, "I notice up there that there IS a difference between farang and Thais when it comes to clearing up this paperwork problem. Yet another case where corruption makes official avenues impossible or unavailable because they're not as profitable to gov't workers as the "unofficial" ones. " ?

    Maybe an example would help me understand :D

    I understand the end advice though, and agree with you...Cover Thy Butt :o

  20. what nice replies.. :D

    i do agree chiang mai definatly has a"home" feel to it.

    I also love the fact that there isn't such a frenzy with competing in Thailand, i love how happy people are when they have nothing,it seems the more we have ,the greedier we get and we lose what livings all about.

    Thailand reminds me what livings about, not about having "the best" car or the nicest clothes, but about being happy.

    When i'm over there i could happily live in a shack on the beach, its glorious to wake up and feel the sand beneath your toes and the sun rising and for nothing else to matter, no more competition, no more looking in the miror and wanting this done or that done, no more stress or feelings of uselessness...

    just a happy warm feeling inside. :D

    Sunbeam Bungalow #15 Baan Tie Beach, Samui


    5 steps from the water ...I spent almost a year here. :o

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