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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. "I think the Red truck militia could be reduced to a tenth of it's current force and still be effective ... and I might actually be able to make it down huay kaew road without any near death experiences."

    1. If the red trucks actually went places instead of cash diving in mid city. Ask them to go out any rural road a single kilometer and you end up paying another 50 baht.

    2. Huay Kaew is designed for providing that adrenaline rush, isn't it? Why else would there be 1 3/4 lanes in either direction (promoting motorcycles to drive on the saidewalks) and during rush hour, the 20-30 minute wait to get through the lights turns potential saints into homicidal maniacs. I am suspecting this is actually an exotic form of entertainment. Like kids who hit their heads against things because it feels good when you stop.

    (I once encountered traffic backed up from Niemenheiman to past CMU-2 kilometers-due entirely to how the police were manually operating the traffic light. It took 40 minutes to make it through that intersection. Way to go, guys!)

    It seems to me that the traffic is always smoother when the cops are gone, and there are no controls. Thai-style takes over. When I was teaching at CMU, I used to use the intersection at huay kaew-Super every day. This was before the traffic lights and police booth, just a chair at the corner, sometimes manned, sometimes not. As I approached the intersection, if the traffic was backed-up at all, it signalled police control. No cops, and everyone just worked it out as usual.

    If you ever get stuck at the head of one of these police-controlled ques, count the number of cars that pass through the intersections in say, 1 complete cycle. If you compare that to the flow at an equally busy intersection without any controls for the same period of time, I think you'll find a noticeable increase in traffic flow...Police cause traffic.

  2. Here's the phone for a (Thai) lady (sorry, forgot her name) who provides support services for displaced people, including some Burmese (053)279-467...She can probably tell you the current situation or tell you how to get info. There are many many transportation networks around like one you mentioned, but there are also many others who choose to walk in, and maybe that's an option for them. My ex wife used to travel home through this same border crossing to her Shan home....But that was a couple of years ago. I would think that she (Thai lady)might have someone staying with her now who might have recently come through that area.

    I'm trying to get hold of another friend who knows this scene quite well and visits these border areas on a regular basis. I'll let you know if I hear anything useful.

    The word CAUTION is in order here. Mind you that the same people that where on the forum during the beginning of the "DAVID" story are also posting negatively here and are on line all day every day. Read their posts carefully and play a connect the dots game. CAUTION!!!!!!

    Caution? Some kind of plot, ya think? :o

    David is a seperate issue, and I have seperate feelings and comments.

    And please feel free to connect any of my dots you want. I stand by my words. But be careful that you connect carefully and accurately, sticking to what you can back up, rather than these nasty little innuendos. I have little patience for fools and idiots.

  3. I read an article yesterday saying that the subway they planned in CM is not going to happen, as it would require 10 B baht in investments - an extension of the bus services is underway though, and will gradually replace the songthaews during a three-year period.

    I would personally love a subway though. Very sensible systems, and they don't ruin the soul of the city either. Too bad about the cost.

    And the return on investment, of course.

    I remember when this was orignally planned, they were planning for an average of 1.3 million riders per day, a ridiculous number then and now.. I guess someone finally realized that...

    It will be interesting to see what happens in the songthaew area, too. I would imagine that if this was credible news of in-place government policy actions, we may very well see a large upsurge in songthaew numbers in advance of notions of government payoffs to move their business...How many songthaews does it take close traffic on the Super? We've already experienced a day of traffic chaos downtown a few months ago, when they were flexing their muscles in the new busses issue, in which they lost little ground... I doubt they would need to do any more than merely suggest an action, to get a payoff offer. Or at least that's the dream of many songthaew drivers, you can be sure.

    And what about the tuk-tuks?

  4. I came,I saw, I conquered.

    Thanks to all of you for the info provided,as it was accurate and I found the place without any trouble,bought a gen set even bigger than I had thought at a very good price and saw some stuff that I just can't live without, I will be back to buy more plunder. 

    Thanks again. :o

    Great! I love happy endings! :D

    That shop is a great place to explore. I even found an imported pasta maker there, sitting next to the 30amp battery charger I also bought. A definite Toy Shop for Men- except for the pasta maker, perhaps... :D .

    Anyone need a barely used heavy-duty drill set, cheap? :D

  5. Probably the only person who would have known what to do was Matthew. But he has been sent back to Salem.

    You could try asking some X'tian Hosers, (Mish'narys) for help. They seem to have contacts in the highest places!

    Thanks for your information.

    Could u possibly give me an idea where to start? Like a contact number or website or whatever?

    Thanks again.



    Here's the phone for a (Thai) lady (sorry, forgot her name) who provides support services for displaced people, including some Burmese (053)279-467...She can probably tell you the current situation or tell you how to get info. There are many many transportation networks around like one you mentioned, but there are also many others who choose to walk in, and maybe that's an option for them. My ex wife used to travel home through this same border crossing to her Shan home....But that was a couple of years ago. I would think that she (Thai lady)might have someone staying with her now who might have recently come through that area.

    I'm trying to get hold of another friend who knows this scene quite well and visits these border areas on a regular basis. I'll let you know if I hear anything useful.

  6. >If I were David though then I'd be real happy to be in a Thai court and not the Thaivisa.com court.. ;-)



    Why? The 'court' here says he's still innocent..

    And what guilt or innocence is this poll supposed to measure?

  7. I Have been told of a guy in CM area that makes hot tubs out of very large rocks.

    Does ayone know or have heard of these? :o

    If you mean a tub from one rock, I don't know...

    If you mean a rock tub, then I know a craftsman who can do the job. He built a rock waterfall w/pool for me at my home last year. The pool could easily be redesigned into a hot tub or bathing pool. Figure costs to be around 20-30,000 baht, including pump and piping. If you really want a HOT tub, you'll need to add perhaps 40,000 baht for the proper heater. Solar heating might work if you have the space for at least 500 ft of piping or hose. I recently designed one for my pool, but that has more than 1000 ft of tubing. The solar heater cost about 2,000 baht to make.

    Here is a photo of the rock waterfall he made for me.


    PM me for his phone number...

  8. Give him his day in court...


    Come on, get real here folks. You are going to rely on a Thai court to convince you of innocence or guilt?

    That should be a ridiculous notion to anyone who lives here...

    In my opinion, that's really putting one's head in the sand.

  9. > Leena's in Anusarn was, the last time I was there perhaps

    > the biggest rip off joint in Chiangmai. I can't understand that

    > they have any customers.

    Tourist customers; getting repeat customers isn't really a priority in that target market.   (Also especially including Thai tourists from Bangkok and elswhere here)



    It could also be that not everyone agrees that Leena's is a (no reason given) rip-off.

    And it's not just tourist customers who eat there.

    I happen to like the place, and the people working there. I've eaten there perhaps 30 times in 20 years, always with good service, good food (and fresh!), and with a good people-watching perch. I also like going there because the large open prawn pools keep the place nice and cool. And, finally!, I can catch something when I go fishin'! :o

    The prices for prawns there are expensive @ almost 500 baht per kilo for the largest, but not really much more than you'd find in any fresh seafood market, and they do prepare them exactly the way you want.

  10. The medication had been sent and got through with no trouble at all.

    As if u care...thanks for nothing.



    I'd say your comments are best suited to the person who created the whole mess in the first place.

    And better luck to his victims...

  11. Often you'll find that for many purposes where one might think to use a lawyer, you might find that a good accountant will be more useful (and cheaper) than a lawyer. Personally, I've found accountants to be much better at keeping details sorted when dealing with government stuff than most lawyers I've met. Some Immigration issues, workpermits, taxes, new company setup, are a few examples. And there are a number of accountants in Chiang Mai experienced in farang issues, and the laws pertaining to them.

    Of course, the same problem arises, as with lawyers....Finding a good one.

  12. Thanks Ajarn, gives me a good place to start, don't know John Shaw however.

    He's a nice guy, well respected, been around here a long time, and he's smart. Don't think he'd engage a shyster.

  13. AJ. Thanks I surely will stop there, and I have 2 pumps,one chinese and one thai,,I would rather have chinese than Italian.

    Ya know,right after the war #2, I bought cheap,an italian made military rifle,,guarenteed never fired and only dropped once.55555 :o

    When I heard that joke the first time, it was a French rifle :D

  14. What about the old cafe on Patpong 1, about halfway. Used to be run by Big (Wild?) Bill... I used to go there for lunch sometimes because Patpong is clear of vehicles and prople during the day, so parking for this cafe is easy..

    Anyway, I remember they did a pretty good job many types of NY Food, and also decent tacos and burritos...Real nice folks, too.

  15. I bought a big fridge in which I can lie down.  :D

    Married? Don't forget that fridge can be closed, and locked.... :D

    Never thought about that. :D

    I have a big frigde for sale. Anyone interested ?

    The ones I've seen were a bit smaller, more wife-sized :o

  16. Educated lucky guess: Corner of Superhighway and Chotana (Mae Rim) road. (Khuang Singh Intersection). When on the Superhighway driving towards Doi Suthep, it's on the left side at the corner.  Big shop selling all kinds of machinery and tools.

    Even if they don't have it they will likely know where you can get something like that.  It will NOT be cheap though.. especially not if power needs to be nice and stable, like for computer use.



    Yeah, I think that place at SE corner of Chotana and the Super (are they going over, or under??) is a great resource. And they seem used to dealing with farangs, too. Most helpfull if they think you are serious.

    One important consideration when considering any mechanical or elictrical device here...Chinese-made, or 'Other' (Western, Jap-Asian, mostly)...I just bought a 2 hp self-priming water pump from


    Italian=20,000..... Which would you choose? :o

    Oh, and the main Honda Motorcycle dealerships sell Honda generators, too.

  17. Anyone able to put me in touch with a manufacturer of Khom Loy lanterns?

    Look for the little temp places along the road that sell various things like kites, auto covers/steering wheels, etc...Often these komes will be strung around....

    I bought a few (5/100 baht) at one of the little stands lining the road a few clicks south ot Chiang Dao, selling coconuts, prawn chips, coconut plants, etc

    A great place to also get Maprow Aun Paw (Young Roasted Coconut) served ice cold for 10 baht. Lovely on a hot day. :o

  18. chingy, I feel for you, but you've been asking this question for months, and no reply.

    I'll tell you what, Ajarn, or Larry Lek, is a really good cook and a really good guy!

    If he says that his Mexican food is good, I believe him.

    I suggest you start kissing his ass on-line as often as possible, and get him to invite you to Chiang Mai for a Mexican dinner.

    By the way, smootch, smootch, :o I want to go too!

    Yes, I'm a guy who enjoys his food, and it shows! :D

    And my big butt likes a big smoochie! :D (minus the tongue, boys!) :D

    I love to cook, but since my stroke, that's not possble anymore...

    However, I was lucky enough to hire a housekeeper with a brain! I've taught her how to make pancakes that don't bite back, hamburgers w/o the ham, and mexican food like a Mexican... Just show her one time, and she's got it. Last night I taught her how to make Coney Island Corn Dogs. Yum :D

    Anyway, I'm always open to sharing meal with any other relatively sane folk, if yer' in the neighborhood.

  19. I agree about the Gordos "tourist" burritos, but I still ate a lot of them as I lived at 47th and Geary for quite a while.

    I'll tell you what, Mission Street is better, but still, I'd happily pay 1,000 baht for a Gordos chicken super-burrito right about now! :D

    Gordos was actually on (I think) 25th and Geary, with Clement one block away towards California Street.

    Man, I loved that part of the city...The wind, the fog, the park, the beach...

    Some great Chinese food close by, too

    But, as a taxi driver at night, I hated getting calls out there. So often, it was a long drive from downtown (admittedly made easier by well-timed lights on Geary all the way), only to pick up an old guy going two blocks to the bar, or, doing the same trip, but now taking him home from the bar.

    Still, a Great City. :D

    Hey, George, I'd be happy to split that burrito with you for 500 baht :D

    I would love to get some Flynts BBQ on San Pablo, in Oakland. Their ribs and links are to cry for :o

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