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Posts posted by anon210

  1. Many are tired of the massive corruption and lies by politicians


    Thats been going on for decades, what the difference now?


    That Somchai .... who drives a Tuk Tuk to support his Thai family and 3 kids is now finally willing to go all the way .... even violence if it's required ...... to get rid of the self-serving corrupt politicians that he and his friends have been plagued with for years.

    And that means ALL politicians.

    Big changes on their way for Thailand ... and they may NOT all be good.

    But you can't make a tasty cake without breaking open some eggs at first.

    And I have a feeling a lot of eggs are going to be broken open soon.

    Unfortunately, it will not be "Somchai" the tuk-tuk driver who is willing to "go all the way", but rather, the mercedes-driving K. Sobahn who wants to keep the current situation.

  2. Foreigners are stupid when they think they are welcome in yellow/red shirts protests. This stays a Thai thing, limited to Thais, understandable only by thais (or so they say!) and about which we should not care at all.

    Any Thai government is going to be xenophobic and enforce racist measures such as those warnings on deportation.

    So, why bother if the Thais destroy their own country?

    • Like 1
  3. Now is it in reality a political rift or a rogue political family led by a fugitive from justice causing the majority of the discontent we have just seen publicly manifested ?

    Truth be known it is a renegade political family and its renegade leader that by their manipulating the political scene that have brought the country to the brink of what could and yet may be a disastrous outbreak of civil disorder which of course may demand the entry of the military to restore civil order.

    Methinks that the good general is making a public announcement in a genteel fashion to all involved to toe the line so to speak, politically and family wise.

    The people have made their feelings plain, hence the Thaksin clan along with all of their ilk should listen and step back from the brink and do Thailand and its peoples a favour, depart from the political scene now and remain out of that scene for many years.

    Who is this general working for ? The nation Thailand or his army ?

    As all the Thais, first and foremost for himself! cheesy.gif

    • Like 1
  4. people this time are not relying that much on protest leaders other than deciding which route they are going to take.

    Not relying on protest leaders ????? They even don't know why they want Yinluck out, they only listen and follow Suthep !

    That's pretty insulting for people to read. I can read and I understand why they want her out, i think you will find most Thai's can understand this too.

    Actually, most thais listen only to "their side" medias. And nothing else. In general it is "red=evil" or "yellow=evil". Little effort is done to argue or build a coherent reasoning.

    Most thais are aware that Democrats (and Suthep!) are just as corrupt. They just choose not to see it.

    • Like 1
  5. If this country is genuinely interested in tackling corruption in Thailand then the first order of business should be to rescind the immunity from prosecution granted to sitting members. Why should an MP be granted such immunity. They should in fact be held to a higher standard rather than be given such immunity. Any serving politician should be subject to the same laws as the people who voted for them and should they be guilty of malfeasance they should be dealt with under the full weight of the law swiftly and harshly for betraying the trust of the office they hold. This would go a long way in reducing the sticky fingered nature of Thai political office.

    Immunity from prosecution, historically hails from the necessity to protect the representatives from the reprisals of the sovereign. Especially, in a country as undemocratic as Thailand, without a true independent and objective justice, I believe it is a true requirement.

    Now, this being said, immunity always goes together with a possibility to have such immunity revoked by your peers. This happens pretty easily in true democracies, when the crime is obvious; Much less easy to enforce in a banana republic like Thailand.

  6. For those harboring any illusions about "democracy" in Thailand, this is what awaits us, foreigners willing to take sides:

    Richard Barrow @RichardBarrow 3m

    Foreigners warned they could be deported from #Thailand if they take part in political protests (Via @sweatyinbkk) pic.twitter.com/ncttMOjwn7

    Nice example of "democracy". Although, they would be closer to the true Athenian ideal, where civic rights were reserved to citizens and denied to foreigners and slaves.

    I guess we are no better than slaves to this retarded country. bah.gif

  7. Ironic that an anti-democratic mob protest is being called a "lesson in democracy". Crazy stuff.

    Once again providing evidence that Thais, educated or not, don't quite understand this new system called democracy that is at odds in almost every important way with their real, and seemingly preferred, system of Kleptocracies.

    Calling what they have democracy is truly fascinating, but don't tell them that. They live in their own world.

    So true! They are locked in their own mind and their own little stupid concepts of what they imperfectly learned. And they quote philosophers to support their cause, while forgetting that the same philosophers also defend the necessity of a State to protect against absolutism.

    Let us not forget about that these guys defend "absolute monarchy" and talk of people's power in the same sentence.

    • Like 1
  8. I am not interested in doing it my self, but, handling wise at higher speed with it raised, how does it go?

    Probably quite unstable in bends at speed. I guess however that driving at high speed was not the goal of the transformation. True 4WD would require something similar. However, as it is, it would probably never enter many parkings.

    As to the color and decoration... Well... Better pass. cheesy.gif

  9. So I guess we see where all the VIOLENCE comes from and it is not the anti-government protesters!

    Who was responsible for attacking an innocent taxi driver? or the terrifying assault on a bus? or hauling an old guy of the back of a scooter?

    Throwing petrol bombs at police - who was that? There can only be one person to blame if there's any carnage and that is ST not TS.....

    Good luck to Yingluck I say...... just my opinion.

    How about the latest shooting on the police? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2qCxYuqpfs

    Looks pretty much like the vocational students back at rioting...

  10. Anyone who has followed the protests, and I'm sure the Thais have done so, will know that Suthep refers to the Cambodian intruders they have caught on several occasions.

    Now let's talk about how your mate Thaksin regards foreigners . Thai rak Thai, Pheu Thai smile.png

    Not my mate, sorry to disappoint. Could not care less about Thais. Just concerned about foreigners in Thailand.

    I have said on many occasions that from my experience and knowledge, Thais were easily prone to xenophobia and racism.

    The current xenophobic talks just confirm it. As to Suthep, so far, he is designating a class of the population at large as suspicious. That means that if any of us are spotted near to them, we are at risk.

    And no wonder why: it was foreign journalists who called the rioters for what they were: "thugs".

  11. Nothing we say matters at all. That must really choke the punters. We are arguing in an echo chamber.

    I pray for Thai people. I encourage them to raise their voice.

    I am not taking sides because I have no right to take sides. This is not my country.

    Thais will resolve this. Thais will overcome this. Thais will find a way.

    None of us will have anything to do with it. We are not Thai, and no amount of money will change that.

    Get over yourselves. We are not important here at all.

    Spot on.

    And nobody of us gives a damn of their hysterical and histrionic politic games.

    Just leave us alone and destroy your own country as you please.

  12. Can I inquire of you two guys why you think he is so bad? Why you think what he is standing for is so bad? Do you think that ANY current politician is right for this country as they have really NO IDEA of what they are doing... look around instead of through your beer glasses. Comments like you raise are those of failed persons who can only criticize what they themselves are incapable of doing for themselves? too hard to decipher? Write to me I will explain. Maybe what he did was bad. BUT what he is standing for now is very honorable. I don't support either side as it is not my country, but you people seem critical enough to be Prosecutor, Judge and Jury and is it your place to do so? Do you not come from democratic countries? Unfortunately DEMOCRACY is a word used but not practiced here or in much of Asia at all. It seems you cannot see that.

    Why can't you see that Suthep is supported by a lot of good people from every walk of life and the whole of the southern poor in South Thailand. The democrats are just supporting them. Good luck to you Suthep. You are a brave and good man.

    There you have it. Supported by the whole of the south. Big claim but let's leave it there. I think we have the reason why Suthep defiantly reject the option of an election. Knowing fair well the south isn't enough to bring them into power. Well, at least not constitutionally.

    How can foreigners still call this man a "brave and good man" seeing how he puts up the Thais against foreigners and plays on their xenophobia? He is a dangerous agitator and what many members of TV do not see is how easily this can turn into an "African" situation, where thais will come after them to plunder and kill the foreign scapegoats.

    Richard Barrow @RichardBarrow

    RT @Aim_NT: Suthep said foreigners have been sent to spy among the protesters. They might cause chaos, light fire, and frame the protesters

    • Like 2
  13. Christmas tree in front of Central World. Ok, just to boast off a bit, it was taken with a phone, the Lumia 1020. I will provide below the pic taken with my canon D40 for comparison.

    To be honest, I did not manage to upload the full resolution image for the Nokia, so this might be a bit unfair to the phone.post-156158-0-89781400-1386388659_thumb.post-156158-0-54285800-1386388707_thumb.

    The most annoying part: no Thaivisa app anymore! bah.gif

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