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Posts posted by anon210

  1. Hi..I'm supposed to be in bangkok this Saturday morning. .. some friends tell me to leave immediately when landed and go elsewhere...but I'd like to visit the city for 3 days....my hotel is in suhkumvit whereabouts.. what's the situation now? Thanks....

    Sent from my i-mobile i-style 8 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    So far, this evening all is quiet. Log back in tomorrow in the morning, we will be able to give you more info. However, in general, the protests or riots have been circumscribed to limited areas.

  2. this is what they call thainess... i can't understand them.

    Not that you would really want to.

    Doesn't a story like this just make you fell all warm and fuzzy.

    but somebody will come and say: "if you dont like it, why you dont go home?"

    That is the very epitome of "Thainess": "we do it all wrong, shut up or get off and let us continue being retarded".

    Wait until the military do their coup, then this will get even worst.

    The sad part is when foreigners start repeating this rubbish.

  3. Actually, as one poster said earlier, they are all but taking a neutral stance. The Army might not launch a coup for now, but they did try their very best to make life impossible for the Prime minister.

    From sending the army to evacuate students (and obviously not at the request of the Prime minister and minister of defence who has sole authority to command them), to sending army medics to assist rioters incapacitated by tear gas, to asking the chief of police not to use tear gas against rioters...

    The thai army clearly chose its camp, and short of undertaking a coup, it is doing all it can to destabilize Yingluck and let it be known she is not supported or assisted in any manner.

    The coup may come later, if a rioter/protester is "unfortunately" killed by a "stray shot" the origin of which will never be accurately ascertained, of course.

    Nice exercise in manipulation of the brainless thai masses by the army, remains to see who is convinced among the so-called "educated" supporters of Suthep.

  4. In my opinion that happens for two reasons.

    First, learning Thai in Thailand is not particularly necessary. It's not like going to South America without speaking Spanish. That would be a problem and you wouldn't be able to do anything. Speaking the local language there is a must. However here it's different as more and more Thais speak English.

    Second, a lot of foreigners start to learn to speak/read/write at some point but often they get discouraged by the locals' behavior towards them. As a foreigner you are never going to be able to fully integrate into the society. You won't ever be fully accepted. No matter what you do, here you are just a foreigner. That attitude understandably makes people feel that they don't want to put in effort as they are never going to be rewarded.

    Exactly my point. A Thai friend of mine used to laugh at me whenever I made any attempt to speak any Thai. That and the general stupidity of the people who think they can talk in my back in Thai and think I will not understand just took away any desire of learning the language. Furthermore, I am an expat, and I will be leaving Thailand one day. So, no reason for continuing. Tonal languages, I just cannot make it.

    Finally, I have much more interest, both culturally and in my work, for learning Japanese, considering I already have a good basis.

    Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  5. Mr Prapas reportedly ordered the transfer of Lamphun station chief Silarat Divajee to Sila Art station as a result of the mishap. (MCOT online news)

    Seems he has found someone to blame so he wont have to resign after all.

    What a shame.

    What clowns. And this governor offered to tender his resignation if... there was another derailment! Which there will surely be. If I was in such a shameful position, I would resign immediately as my incompetence and that of my subordinates becomes so obvious.

  6. Actually, the Thai army has not been neutral at all. And that much is clear of several small signs that were sent out: army evacuating the besieged students; army medics assisting rioters affected by tear gas; army general calling the police to stop using tear gas.

    All of these actions are clear actions of rebellion against a legitimately elected government.

    The army is clearly behind the rioters, but so far is weary of acting itself to throw down the government. So, what they have been doing, is trying to cut little by little every little branch of support there was for the government.

    The government itself is playing pretty well for now the game of reconciliation and national hypocrisy that the army is trying to play against it.

    The failure of Suthep to garnish sufficient support for his general strike proposal is also a sign that the majority of the population would not stand for a further coup. Let us hope that the generals do not lose this of sight in their upcoming manipulations.

  7. I was surprised to learn from the biography The Ideal Man just how bitter Jim Thompson had become about Thailand by the time of his disappearance in 1967, having concluded that he was unwelcome. In fact jealous business rivals are among the leading suspects in that disappearance (aka death). This is brushed out of his contemporary image and the happy house tours.

    I think every foreigner becomes bitter after spending too much time in TH. It is not a place for us to stay. Sooner or later, our being foreign turns against us. Their sick nationalism and xenophobia, indoctrinated since birth makes it impossible to stay here for long.

    • Like 1
  8. I want to say some replys to things that I read have being said for that I write here before. I reading that many say I not thai guy . that is wrong to say because

    I am thai person . I come from village in korat my age 24  I married with 1 baby boy 4 age years. now I in pattaya work in hotel checking customer in and out

    at recepton desk. in march I go back home when high season ending . now because my english not so good for writing what to say I ask my frend to help me

    because he have much better English.and he ask meto write best I can and I saying sorry for mistake spelling and not say the way for understanding better

    by some people here thai visa.


    many of you have said very  things which is correct about Thailand and thai people. I agreeable that good and bad existing not just Thailand but most countries 

    where you come from before Thailand. I get sad in heart when hereing about not good things happen to forenerrs by thai people. is same when I hereing

    that foreners do wrong things to thai people to. nowhere is perfect place with perfect people. I wanting to be good person not lie cheat and make problem

    for any one thai or forener.


     in last 4 days because of problems about goviment in Bangkok is when I see on here thai visa people have writen saying we not having same intelict same as

    you and we not capable for ourselves and other things that are insult to thai people and Thailand, that is reason  today I make this forum about farang/s.ok I

    reading that some of you are not liking that word been called and I not thinking it problem saying and I try not say again here when I writing.


    I not know  about  red bull thing that I read some person make reply to me, and I not know about troll ? mean  I not have my book with engilsh meanings here

    at work maybe is just being fun that is doing , I not sure if is correct because I not making fun or joke.


    we thai people will be able to progressing Thailand in future time after there is better education for us, we wanting to learn from mistake past happening/s and

    problem/s. we able then to move on and foreners who having Thailand there home here can be a part of Thailand same way as all thai people. these things I

    hope can be done and happening in future. thank you for trying  understanding what I say , because is good for make frend/s not good make enemes with  foreners

    or thai.

    Well, I read about respecting Thai culture and that Thailand is for Thais, etc. Respect is earned, not granted. You seem to love seeing foreigners inferior to yourself. You make fun of them, you scam them, you discriminate against them even in commerce, your xenophobia is legendary, and all you want is our money without giving us any rights. You have monks who are thieves and crooks, but you never protest against them. You have a whole gang of people following an agitator and not blinking an eye when the "pacific" demonstrations turned to violence? You talk Thai at table when foreigners are sitting with you? Sorry, but that begets no respect whatsoever from me. Especially when you guys are unable to understand the very concept of criticism. Your laws allow no freedom of expression and your police is corrupt.

    And you wonder why we find Thailand a retarded country, and the Thais a bunch of nationalistic racist greedy bigots?

    Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  9. Does the graffiti read 'Fialed State' or is it Fialed Spelling'?


    Please be gentle and understanding.

    This "graffiti" has been written by an nice, peaceful, gentle and educated member of the Bangkok middle class, expressing his balanced opinion about the present political situation.

    He did the best he could to pass his message to the world Posted Image

    Educated you said?

    I think the mob rioting right now look more like motosai taxi thugs. Middle class does not dirty its hands, it pays low-so people to riot. :lol:

    Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. You deserve to be shot if you are trying to take over a police headquarters acting like a bunch of primates. This is called self-defense and the police have every right to exercise self-defense and defend their ground.

    How can any rationale and intelligent human being condone such actions. Who cares what happened in 2010. That does not make it right now. Bunch of pathetic cheerleaders that apparent enjoy watching the suffering of others from the safety of their own homes. Lowest of low.

    There is something called "proportional response". As long as firearms are not being used, the police is right to respond with crowd control agents and water canons to violent rioters.

    Using rubber bullets is already going one step further. Using live ammo, is not warranted unless the demonstrators are armed themselves.

  11. If Jutaporn and others, as reported, have violated the conditions of bail, put the cuffs on them, bring them in for intense questioning, and go from there. Jutaporn appears to be the type that under proper questioning, a day or two without sleep and his choice of food and he would be telling all.

    So, if I understand, you are advocating the use of sleep deprivation, which is a method of torture...

    I thought foreigners were more advanced than the rabble attacking police and rioting in BKK.

  12. You mentioned having a dash cam fitted at one point and later remarked about wanting one with a rear view as well.

    Could you talk about this a bit more about this please including what impact the installation had if any on your warranty and your overall satisfaction with the one you bought.

    I've been lazy about getting one but I definitely think they're essential in Thailand and especially so for falangs.


    Hello, I have a dash cam bought on Ebay, which is a bit unsatisfactory, because it shows very well the cabin, but not perfectly behind. Planning on changing it most likely in a near future.

    It was all well and nice, until I witnessed an horrible accident. I had to edit the footage to clean out the portion of the screen with me. Knowing how are the thais, you have all the chances that your face will make the 8 PM news if you give them a video with the inside of the cabin.

    The dash cams do not invalidate your warranty in any manner, providing you hook them on the cigarette lighter and not directly to the battery.

    Overall, the dash cam shows in a satisfactory manner the road, but it is impossible to see any plate number. Let alone see anything clear behind (insufficient resolution).

    So, I am planning to change, and I keep on observing the dash cam news to see what could be the replacement.

    A dash cam is also a "hidden traitor"... In that if you drive badly, or make a mistake, it will reveal it without fail (my dash cam registers also the speed).

  13. I know that this will not go down to well on here ,but to be honest its what most of us are thinking ,as long as the baht goes down and our own currency goes up and nobody has a go at us,we dont give a flying fart who runs the country.

    many of you may shout and argue ,but in the end thats what we privatly think.wink.png

    I would suggest only those without Thai families are thinking that. But of course it is a consideration

    Actually, I for one, don't give a damn of their internal power struggles. As long as we are given a break, thai stories need not concern us.

    Fortunately, for now, their legendary xenophobia has not started to find a foreign scapegoat to this (would be difficult as all the agitators are pure thais!).

    The country can go to hell, worst case scenario, we just get relocated. People who have thai families should have known better than stay in this country.

  14. 690-4.jpg

    Check out the guy in a red shirt....more peaceloving tree hugger protestors giving a slap to a government supporter

    Looks to me like he is actually being protected.

    Now if it were the other way round.........

    Should be a video, actually, but yes, that looks like protection indeed. Similar to what took place with the taxi. The question is who tried to lynch him in that crowd of "peaceful" demonstrators?

  15. YOU ANTI THAKSIN supporters have to admit now that the agressors are the demonstrators YOU cant blame the red shirts for this since its clear they were the ones attacked and if it turns out they shot the kid dead then it was obviosuly in self defense while being attacked by a MOB. there is also a video just posted of these so called peaceful protesters attacking a taxi and the driver

    figured I would post the video to show who the aggressors are


    Come on Yingluck stop pussyfooting with these scumbags and enforce the law

    Yes, it appears to be the yellows, but to their discharge, there are also guys who are trying to stop the agitators from damaging the taxi. Anybody in charge of maintaining order knows how sometimes things get out of hand. I believe the real issue of Yellows is their disorganization. If they had trained and recruited some security, they would not have an issue holding their troops under control. Sadly, this costed the life of someone tonight (and for reminder, we do not know who is the victim, nor who shot him - yellow or red).

    Now could the foreign posters here on TV act a bit more dispassionately? I see and read a lot of agitated comments, almost as though they were directly concerned or involved with either side.

    I guess that as foreigners, we are lucky (for once!) to be non-citizens and not involved in their local "civil war", useless to replicate it among us. Thais do enough damage by themselves, without needing our help.

    • Like 2
  16. Personally I wouldn't buy anything from an expat.

    Especially if the car was rented under any form to an expat. There is an expat in my company who trashes his rental cars. Does not care in the least of its state, drives as though he is Thai or Chinese... in short lets the car suffer.

    After less than a year, his car is losing all its plastics, and in general is aging badly. Of late, he blasted his two back lights by reversing into a wall. :D

    Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  17. I thought all the yellow shirts were the smart educated people, how can they spend all day loitering the streets, shouldn't thy have jobs to go to?

    They are a richer segment of society and many of them own businesses so they don't necessarily have to go to work. They are more likely to be a employer than an employee, at least of those that are demonstrating.

    Some employers will let their employees go to the protests if they want to.

    Or "gently" encourage them to do so. biggrin.png

  18. No one seems to accept a balance of power between conservatives and liberals anywhere. US gridlock, British incontinence in regards to social policy, Dutch struggles with Rotterdam, these are all just symptoms. One side says PROGRESS NOW, the other says PROGRESS NEVER. No one wants to com,promise and because of that nothing changes.

    This is deeply disturbing and deeply sad. This is how civil wars start...

    This is not a football match. This is people's lives, people's children. Too many foriegners are flippant about all this. Yes, there are comic aspects, yes this is Asia, where corruption is an art form...but does that make human beings involved in this inconsequential and trivial, so that posters say "my team should win"?

    What arrogant stupidity. NO, this is not as rugby match. And we are guests, not vital VIP's who contribute greatly to the land in which we are living.

    This is not a small game. This is a young democracy struggling to find balance. I propose that we encourage stability, instead of jumping at the chance to criticise one side or the other with lop-sided arguments that stir the pot.

    Are our own home nations so perfect that we can pretend to know, much less occupy, the high moral ground?

    NO. We are guests. Please remember that.

    Thais, including my Thai wife and coming child, deserve that much respect and love to hope for their future instead of picking sides like punters at a snooker tournament.

    There is dynamite all over the Bangkok streets today. How DARE you throw matches around just because you can turn tail and run home when there is an explosion.

    Sometimes...I am ashamed to be a farang here.

    There again, another apologist of the "guest theory". Sorry, we can go home indeed, but we came here for work and if the thais want our money, they better learn to provide a stable environment. Otherwise, they can end as Sierra Leone.

    No respect to be had if it is not deserved.

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