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Posts posted by DILLIGAD

  1. Plus imagine relying on emergency services/Police/general labourers still working until 80!!!
    That’s been designed by pen-pushers who are not in touch with reality.

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  2. Their use of the word benefit for something that we are entitled to because we have paid for it is a tactic. It is an attempt to move the "line". Do we accept the notion that it is a benefit when we have paid for it?

    I don’t!

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  3. Someone I know imported a 1953 MG/TD to Thailand, It took him 2 years to get all of the paper work completed and the final permission for import. He did not bring the car to Thailand until he had permission otherwise it would have set in an impound lot for the 2 years.
    He said he would go get the paper work fill it out go back the next week and be told sorry we need this as well, get the paper work fill out go back and repeat. He refused to pay tea money although he never said if any was requested.
    If you decide you want to give it a go good luck.

    How long ago was that?

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  4. Too bad England does not have some colony island where they could send all the criminals. Same as they did with Australia.

    There would be no-one left! 555


    I’d nominate ‘The Falklands’ if they like what England has to offer!



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  5. Most of them have no idea & are infact far less educated then other people in the village

    Most of the time they become Poo yai baan is because no one wants the job

    I disagree. There is potential for huge ‘kick backs/corruption’ to be had, so only the ones who can pay to be there, will be elected.

    I do, however accept that different areas might have different situations. The above, is what I have experienced first hand in quite a few Isaan villages.



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  6. Doesn't matter what the prison conditions are when most crimes go unsolved in the first place.

    Unreported/not investigated and then unsolved.
    We have ‘exported ‘ call centers from UK. I just wish we could do the same with prison services. A few months/years in a Thai jail might make them reconsider their life of crime AND save UK taxpayers a fortune.

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  7. Google is your friend if you know how to use it and stay away from the loony websites. And as for Brixton most of the racists from their dull, dreary provincial towns doing their their rants on this thread, probably haven't been there for decades if it all. The place has and is changing. Just visit Brixton Market to see the difference. The average house price in Brixton is now over 900,000 pounds and apartments over 400,000. Whatever the problems demand to live in London higher than the grey places the racists often hail from. Bottom line? These guys can't afford London. That's the real beef. PS I recall a friend who bought a house in Brixton in the 90s when it was jokingly referred to as 'The Front Line'. Didn't pay too much for it and now worth over a million pounds.

    Agree. I was an Assistant Bank Manager in the High Rd (504).



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  8. I was reading the tachometer from the photos. Ridiculous feature for a cvt driven scooter controlled by a CDI.
    The bike won't hit near the redline i can assure you.
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    Agree. About as useful as a gear indicator or a sign saying what colour the bike is!

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  9. Brixton has long been considered the home of London's West Indian community, ever since the first Jamaican immigrants settled there after arriving on the Empire Windrush in 1948. Many new arrivals ended up in the area because they were temporarily housed in nearby Clapham South, and the closest employment centre was in Brixton.
    Evryding Airi Maan?

    Exactly. Maybe the guys talking about the 19th century when it was a favored place for Music Hall stars???
    I’ve only been around since ‘57!!!

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  10. It makes me feel sad reading your post, but like you, now in my 60s have to say this is now fact, I have seen better times and consider myself as had the best of it.
    If my memory serves me well, superal, I can remember about 30 years ago the government offered West Indians, mainly Jamaicans, an all expenses fares paid including a few thousand pounds package to return to the West Indies, including those that were second generation in Britain. Most declined the offer knowing full well which side their bread was buttered and also Jamaica and other West Indian countries refused to take them, complaining that they don`t want Britain`s criminals and poor, considering that many first generation and second generation Jamaicans in Britain were heavily into drug gangs and drug dealing, that I very much doubt has changed today now with the third generations.   
    I can remember when towns such as Brixton and Southall were white upper middle class areas before the flood gates opened and those towns were transformed into slum ghettos. It`s been similar in all the major cities in Britain. The East End of London was always regarded as the poor working class area of London, with many Irish and Jewish communities, but those communities behaved themselves and eventually moved on to become good, law abiding loyal British citizens. Visit there today and you will see it`s the pits, a crime ridden area of cultural enrichment.
    It`s tragic that children were safer playing in the streets during the London blitz than they are today. The government and the police are trying to play this down, but their fooling nobody.
    Sooner or later this will lead to civil unrest in Britain, not if, but when and hopefully it will be sooner than later.

    When can you remember Brixton being a white upper middle class area??
    Just curious as I worked there for many (happy) years.

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