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Posts posted by DILLIGAD

  1. Breaking those rear mirrors will be an expensive affair now, with indicators mounted on them - who came up with that idea !!!?


    I think the arm is not adjustable so the mirror inside must move I guess (like cars), another complex and expensive mechanism...

    I’d rather someone bash a mirror, than the bike/rider.

    I actually think it’s a great idea to place the indicators in such a prominent position(for safety reasons).



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  2. I had that covered by 'where they grew up'.
    Well, it won't happen. Any analysis that correlates violent crime with race or immigration will be suppressed. And if the correlation is proven, the utopian left will only call it evidence that more welfare is needed.

    Sad but true IMO

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  3. Not really sure about the Tories responsibility - firstly because they haven't had responsibility for managing London for a few years years and secondly because tackling knife crime isn't really a question of throwing money at the problem.If I understand Mayor Guiliani's NY policy correctly it was more about intolerance of even petty crime.
    I don't blame Sadiq Khan who I think is doing a generally good job but he needs to get a handle (sorry about that) on this knife crime outbreak pretty pronto.I note he isn't getting much flack from the Guardian,Independent etc whereas you can be sure that if Boris was still in charge the lefty press would be screaming blue murder.

    ‘outbreak’ suggests that this is something fairly new. I don’t think so!

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  4. I just don't get those so-called 'Adventure Bikes' - Africa Twin, Triumph XCX, etc
    Way too heavy for off road.
    One bike trying to do 2 jobs never works.
    And those garbage cans they hang off the sides of them makes it even less road friendly.

    I call them ‘Ammo boxes’

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  5. How peoples tastes differ.
    While the bike in the pic is probably a good performer, I would need to be blind to own one.

    I agree and that was what I was trying to say to my ‘ol mate Jenny2017 who sees the bike/scooter thing, as very ‘black&white’.
    You now have ‘proper’ ADV bikes with DCT & low engine/fuel tanks like a scooter so we need to move with the times.

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  6. Sorry to interrupt ;-) but a big bike looks more like the green one below (one of my bikes when in Europe)...
    Here, the topic is about scooters, big scooters... not the same bikes and definitively not the same uses.
    Most important is the happiness we get from riding, whatever our bikes.

    Nice bike. The thread title is about Honda Forza 300’s

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  7. At least you admitted you have a problem. I wish you a speedy recovery and hopefully you can one day accept all two-wheelers into your heart as "real bikes" :)

    Check out the Honda nc750x or DCT Africa Twin, both are a bit out of your model but great in their own way IMO.

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  8. My apologies, I was only trying to understand why Forzas are so popular, won't comment anymore, sorry.

    Jenny2017, you know me quite well and I must say they are a good comfortable ride with enough starting/stopping power for Thai touring weekends etc. A few local SSK guys have them (ex-Bikers) and they are all pleased with them.
    Didn’t think I’d ever ‘stick-up’ for big-scooters, but the easy riding is actually quite enjoyable.

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  9. Hi all, I was driving my 2006 Honda air blade scooter today, I was just powering up a bit to over take and shortly after I lost all power despite the engine being able to start and rev up just no power at all, also I smelt some kind of slight burning smell possibly rubber, I have been told online by a friend likely to be the drive belt? Just wondering a few things if you wouldn’t mind sparing a moment, how long would it take roughly to fix, plus an idea on a price I should expect? I plan on taking it to my local grease mechanic, honest enough guy just as it’s not drivable and currently sat outside 711 be good to know if it’s a leave your bike over night job and roughly how much is should be, thanks all


    Same happened to me last week on a mates pcx. Same symptoms too.

    Luckily found a good roadside garage with plenty of parts/supplies. New oil/plug/belt. 3/4 hour, job done = 800b.(inc 4K tow/push to shop).



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  10. Just returned from the local office in Bankalapuk today after doing a 90 day report.
    I was advised that when I come to make my next extension, due February 2019, that in line with "Thai Niyom" I would be required to submit a photo dressed in traditional Thai costume. Western dress is not acceptable.
    Immigration Pol LT Col Sordik Watchalotaporn imformed me that, similar to all rules related to immigration, this policy is to be applied nationwide.
    I was futher advised to wear traditional clothing everytime I visit any government office.
    I am due to Tax the car at the DLT on Monday, but that will have to be in the afternoon, after my wife sources my clothing.
    Be warned, they are serious in regard to this matter. Fines up to B1000 will be levied.

    Happy April 1st!

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