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  1. Trump going all John Adams on these scumbags. I love it.
  2. PM got her marching orders on the trip to Beijing. She knows who's buttering her bread. Anyone idiotic enough to believe this?
  3. What a surprise!! I was expecting Buriram and Kalasin.
  4. I read the headline too fast. I thought it said they were grifting. Makes more sense with these guys.
  5. I read it too fast. I thought it said a 365 year delay! Probably more accurate.
  6. The pittance that the police make from these rodents to ply their trade is hardly worth the irreperable damage they are doing to the image of Thailand for tourists. No one wants to see their streets or neighborhood overrun by these slimeballs, yet there they are. Typical Thai short sightedness. Make a few baht today with no thought about the future consequences.
  7. Undercooked chicken or bacon and overcooked beef...you bet I will send it back. Especially, in upscale places where you're paying real money.
  8. Soi 11 has been blissfully free of these rodents for the last few weeks.
  9. The Chinese started the whole thing 40 years ago when they force fed a couple of million ethnic Han Chinese into the Uighur homeland of Xingiang, effectively making the Uighurs a minority in their own country. Uighurs are Turkic people who have inhabited the Western steppes for centuries before the Chinese occupation. Get your facts straight.
  10. My condo in Jomtien was the epicenter for low class yahoos of every stripe on a short term rental until the crackdown a few years ago. Its a lot better now, but some jerks still manage to get in occasionally, especially in high season.
  11. Gourmet Market in BKK carries Q brand frozen shrimp that are quite tasty and reasonably priced. Instant shrimp cocktail...just defrost. Deveined, cooked and ready to go.
  12. You want heat? Either way, I never expect a cooldown until mid June.
  13. Whoever it is, I like the writing style; he's got some witty metaphors and, as Spock said in Star Trek 4, some coloful adjectives.
  14. Does the Pattaya bus go to Jomtien?
  15. Jomtien blows. Take it from someone who has lived there for 17 years. Boring, bar infested nothing. Beach water ain't clean, either. No mall, one supermarket. Most things you need you have to go in to pattaya for. If you don't drive, that means public transportation. That means hot sweaty overcrowded.Baht busses that take thirty to forty five minutes to get into pattaya. I try and spend as much time as possible away from there.
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