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Everything posted by LALes

  1. Old, Thai doc has an office on Pattaya Klang near 3rd Rd. Laser zapped a facial schmutz on my cheek for 3,000 bt. last week. 10 minutes in and out. No problem. North side of the street, beach side of 3rd Rd. If interested, I'll get his card out when I get home.
  2. A few months ago, I had bad sciatica. Doc treating me at BNH recommended a cortisone shot. Cost was 32,000 baht!! I called Samitivej on 49...they didn't offer a cortisone shot so I called Samitivej on Sri Nakhalin. They quoted me 40-50,000! So, I had it done at BNH. They wheeled me in on a gurney-very serious surgery style. The doc divided the shot in half-one part near the L4 vertebra and the other half near the L5. (The doc thought I had a bulging disc). She said the shot would kick in in about 3 days but it took 2 weeks before I felt relief. That was over 4 months ago. So far, so good. No pain.
  3. We who live near Beach Rd. love those speed bumps. Keeps all the loud racers from disturbing the peace. Actually, we could use a few more of them.
  4. If they really wanted to address the problem, its not rocket science. Stop the unlimited, unregulated visas and stop building hotels. You think these money grubbers are going to listen to reason?
  5. I was prescribed Lyrica for nerve pain due to Neuropathy. I took it for a few days but I didn't like the side effects. Made me dizzy and disoriented. Started taking Tramadol instead. No side effects.
  6. Went in to my dentist on Pattaya Klang the other day hoping to get in same day. Nope. Had to take an appointment for Sunday.
  7. I got it down to a science. I go into Pattaya 2 or 3 times a week and buy a small bag's worth of stuff each time. No problem . If I have a big item or items, I take a Bolt back.
  8. I like going into Pattaya a few times a week. I'd go crazy if I had to stay in Jomtien all the time. Ugh.
  9. If you don't drive or have a motorbike, then you are left with Bolt or the baht bus. I do a couple of trips into Pattaya every week and stock up at Central and Villa. Usually by baht bus but in this heat, I spring for a Bolt.
  10. Every soi in Bangkok needs shade trees, too.
  11. Have to ask my Brit friends about "throttler". That's a good one.
  12. You thought chicks writing checks was bad, this whole app payment nightmare is even worse.
  13. When I bought my condo 17 years ago, There was not a chinese, russian or indian in sight. This is the brave new world. I wouldn't buy anything in Thailand now without first living in the building for 6 months.
  14. One of the best things about being over 50 (if there are any benefits) is the retirement visa. Get it soon and get it in Thailand. So much better and easier than doing it in your home country.
  15. Big day in Jomtien is the 19th. Head for the hills!!
  16. "Leaping growth in the next 5 years". Maybe I'll be able to finally get my money back if I sell my condo then. What a joke. 17 years in and no increase in property values.
  17. They can't deport these A-holes fast enough.
  18. I went to Chulalangkorn Hospital in BKK for one in 2017 when I went to Brazil. No one asked to see it when I came back to Thailand.
  19. Which would you rather have as tourists in your country? Brits, Russians or Chinese?
  20. I thought the Russians took over all the beaches in Spain. Is that true?
  21. Once this project gets going, look for the Kra Canal discussions to be revived for the umpteenth time. China's main goal is to circumvent US containment on the South China Sea. Phase One of the plan is the rail line. Phase Two is the canal that eliminates the need for traffic thru Singapore and a direct outlet to the Indian Ocean. They will never give up on this plan.
  22. This PM is the biggest carnival barker I've ever seen.
  23. Thailand knows who butters their bread. Preferential treatment for Russians. Westerners or Thais? You're on your own.
  24. Bracing for? You mean the crap they've been dealing with lately doesn't register? Unbelievable. Who writes this idiocy?
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