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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Will the planes be with or without engines it will be cheaper but less effective worth checking general ????
  2. Ome! Omg! the kid is at the corral with a cannon all perfectly the new normal ????Rip
  3. Your not the only one feeling sick first job everyday check is Kiev still there has anyone shot Putin in the face why have I got banned from posting on F/B again why has NATO not said enough is enough whatever the threat ????
  4. As long as no darts or bridge involved no farangs to arrest = no sensational headline = no interest is my theory ????
  5. At least their internet has not been blocked as they see the reason in full technicolor of exactly why things are getting very uncomfortable for them ????
  6. Maybe the Russians will be forced to unload their stash to continue the "Special military operation" "aka" genocide who knows what volatility awaits????
  7. She will produce evidence and documents in due course, She means as soon as the typeface has been replicated by Ivan the printer ????
  8. If you want depressing listen to the sky news bit when they broadcast the Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman who before being cut off spent 15 minuets asking and answering her own questions and concluded to bio labs run by the Americans as the evil behind this special operation . And my personal conclusion from what she said is when they find their "cannon fodder is spent" it will be miraculously found and let loose a bit like a Salisbury door handle on a bigger scale before a more civilized nukeing starts blaming it all on Ukraine hence Putin's stay out of my game or else????
  9. Is there a national punch a teacher in the face day here if not there should be ????
  10. Ptt will offer points for your kidney at the pump ????
  11. Agree next suggestion will be to fly them to Belarus seems like they launch a lot of stuff from there no questions asked ????
  12. Heard Bidens bottom from here as the Mig hot potato dance starts ????
  13. Looks like she got punched in the mouth for her comments already????
  14. Is there a special place to put points when I get a license is the most answered question ????
  15. Mother there is no one to turn to as each organization is more corrupt than the other the only justice you will get is that someone has paid for it probably in cash ????
  16. Most will be wondering how long the sentences will be for the current crop of generals masquerading as politicians could be up to 2,000 years for their contribution to the country ????
  17. Best not to dwell just get straight to the compensation by the look of it ????Rip
  18. "Alarm"!! getting run down on a crossing is also a natural cause here ????
  19. Get the national anti corruption force involved they will get to the bottom of it for the right price ????
  20. National anti corruption commission your trouser pockets are bulging as usual in this ridiculous charade of believe the unbelievable ????
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