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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Feed the ones with big teeth some generals there are millions of them ????
  2. Two years without being able to do a good tourist crackdown has made them hungry to find one ????
  3. It will be argued she should have expected to be wiped out crossing the road on a crossing ????
  4. How odd the thief's face is not pixelated also arrest him for mask infringement ????
  5. What an ungrateful lot after the PM has worked tirelessly to make Thailand what it is today ????
  6. If there is anything to pay it will be peanuts don't stress must have done the same route 100 times if I came with two bags it would the only time I paid extra ????
  7. The full protection of a concrete filled barrel in the Mekong he means ????
  8. I live in the first bungalow of a cul de sac and cycle no more my risk of drowning has increased but falling is zero ????
  9. Having a near run down experience in an inner soi mooban of CM apart from Russian roulette cycling is just about the most dangerous thing you can do here in the land of danger ????Rip
  10. You will given a warm welcome fleeing persecution and a hideous unelected government but unfortunately you have found another one good luck ????
  11. No sweat Dr Google Professor Anutin has done a great job now back in your box ????
  12. I was thrown by the audacity and contempt and losing my number but revenge will be sweet at some stage for sure ????
  13. Yesterday I turned on my Virgin PAYG mobile with £25 credit and 20 years with the same number and spent all day trying to get the wretched thing to connect to a network. Only after hours of trying I contacted customer service and was told PAYG has ended buy a £6 a month sim and ship it here at your own expense as I have no choice spent the next 2 hours setting up DD and sent the new sim to my sons address to forward here. It's shocking how they can disconnect you without any contact. and the next time I'm in the UK they will definitely end up paying one way or another off topic I know but if you are with Virgin you ain't no more ????
  14. The old cyber vaccine scam where hospitals take your 3400bt and you never see a pfizer for example ????
  15. Yabba Dabba doo I've smashed up the statue sold the door run up a bill now I'm off to the zoo ????
  16. We have talked the virus to death is what he is saying ????
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