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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. My sniping skills are sadly only used here these days but on the bright side lots of uniformed targets for a satisfying snipers dream????
  2. Their domestic target audience must be 2-5 year old surely but spare a thought for the red square pidgeon. Some further explanation could involve how does a bird survive the bio weapon and how dose it know where to go unless its a homing bird of course which could prove another problem to explain right now ????
  3. That will defiantly get you some two piece tanks and some sub engines if we are very lucky ????
  4. Lavrov will be along in a second to claim the rocket was fired by Sandu the Moldovan president personally after taking delivery from Poland via Rumania and he has the documents to prove it ????
  5. Looking where your going is the missing gene here add to it a pickup and its curtains ???? Rip
  6. Looks like the whole country is getting shot up over the last few days is there a lunar event ????
  7. Trying or buying to get the right result by the sound of it ????
  8. I hear the sound of the gallows being built and I've taken up knitting for this one ????
  9. Agree with her the Russians have far less to spend for sure I feel their pain! now time for a beer ????
  10. Stick your petrol where the sun don't shine ????
  11. He could have gone on to say the Baht is preforming better than gold no matter what the crisis enjoy your stranded skint guests keep up the neutrality and if Vlad survives a never ending supply of turret-less tanks could be yours????
  12. The only thing that will serge is tea towel and bed sheet sales in the local economy I'm guessing ????
  13. On the very bright side you have gained thousands of bankrupted guests indefinitely ????
  14. Could make a lot more if he wants to work in Russia right now then come back a hero and buy off the charges????
  15. Anyone else see the Lavrov press conference where right at the end he mentioned the "WAR" so far no journalist has picked up on this and should under Russian law get him 15 years when he gets back ????
  16. In all my days I have never heard such a cluster of explanations as Lavrov just gave what complete and utter lying piece of detritus he really is hope I live long enough to see him hung glory to Ukraine ????
  17. Will the planes be with or without engines it will be cheaper but less effective worth checking general ????
  18. Ome! Omg! the kid is at the corral with a cannon all perfectly the new normal ????Rip
  19. Your not the only one feeling sick first job everyday check is Kiev still there has anyone shot Putin in the face why have I got banned from posting on F/B again why has NATO not said enough is enough whatever the threat ????
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