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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Prawit will be having an early turnout in the mobile toilet today making room for an impending coup is what my crystal ball is telling me right now.. Bangkok Bakhmut is a real possibility from tonight ????
  2. Its a good job the thousands of Russians currently here and hiding are all good ones and nothing could possibly go wrong what a relief ????
  3. Man the shipping containers the main event is about to start and of course there will be a general waiting in the wings to steady the ship to political oblivion as the cycle of corruption starts again ????
  4. Get your pea back in your recently silent whistle and name some names otherwise your just stating the blindingly obvious ????
  5. 13 is a very unlucky number in this case ????
  6. Two taxis for Prayut one for the money no thanks and goodbye ????
  7. The last line of defense was Prayut ordering it gone but the people have now ordered him gone so god only knows ????
  8. If Pita is impeded the country will collapse in anarchy according to my Mrs who again is ready to throw a brick or her knickers on Thursday ????
  9. And just a thought they are building high speed elevated train lines all over the place they may need some calculations as to how far a 250kph train travels airborne ????
  10. Just seen the video of the collapse its a mega disaster there will be scores dead the road fell like balsa wood OMG ????
  11. But he ordered it gone how could that go wrong said one poet who didn't know it ????
  12. Note to self ask the Mrs for the bank cards and pin numbers I'm off out ????
  13. There looks to be a Cambodian angle to this story transfers from his account to a Cambodian account and his phone pinging there also (uncorroborated) the plot thickens ????
  14. He's a sausage dog by spooky coincidence but alarmed as to why you mentioned "penis" please see a doctor ????
  15. Great news someone will be along to burn it down in January ????
  16. I think I would be more of a believer if it was 318,349 that was missing ????
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