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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Never mind a shirtless man "name withheld" turned up to play the recorder then all was calm ????
  2. The old mystery routine that's not a mystery at all just trousered by another magpie ????
  3. Expect to see the trucks maintenance history drivers record and load weight details no time soon ????Rip
  4. Land of you won but not really maybe hopefully possibly not.. an investors dream no hope ????
  5. One street light has been arrested after jumping into the road in front of a drunken warp speeder ????
  6. She will go nicely with a bowl of rice just need to win a big oven now????
  7. Prawit's friend turned up and scoffed the lot after failing to find his watches in part two of this story ????
  8. sammieuk1

    Moving to Korat

    I ended doing a 10 stretch in Chiang Mai for a similar reason I advise don't do it could only break free when they all died but each to their own ????
  9. 13k in change is still 13k and not in a wall and bolted down makes it possible a pickup and strap and your in business ????
  10. Its possible soon we will see water machines being ripped out with pickups instead of cash machines ????
  11. BJ another commander to bag in the spin rinse repeat cycle the RTP is riveted in ????
  12. I very recently had my Kbank app stop working nothing would rectify it took the phone to the bank the teller calls internet support 30 mins later an Avast app had somehow installed itself not by me found deleted it then it Kbank app is working fine maybe a possibility ????
  13. Rollie Rolex will have another dead friend to explain everything after the funeral ????
  14. There is not a single inch of this land that's not got at least one foot in a swamp I read today yet another senior police officer caught out in a 140m suspect scam ????
  15. Boris is now a columnist at the Daily Mail under the ghost name of Richard Head? looks like he may have started early ????
  16. Sounds like someone even more devious crooked and corrupt than the arresting force ????
  17. For those still quoting the 52% majority you were sold a dog by a liar As there are no massive free trade deals immigration is an all time high the NHS is on its knees inflation is through the roof along with mortgages SME's are strangled with red tape the pound is still a shadow manufacturing has collapsed ex pats in Europe face fees and restrictions and even expulsions and trade in the block at an all time low all the Brexit leaders should be swinging off tower bridge for treason ????
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