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Posts posted by sangtip2

  1. On 2/27/2018 at 8:26 AM, halloween said:

    Throwing in a strawman argument won't help. Police would be far less likely to shoot ANYONE if they didn't expect every second offender to be armed. One party having a gun in a confrontation makes a shooting much more likely, both parties having guns moves it closer to inevitable.

    Police shoot even when the "Suspect" is running.   Don't try to say cops are afraid - they shoot first and ask questions later.

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  2. This year   ---   next year  --   5 years    someone will have to do something about North Korea .     You say Trump is crazy   I say you are crazy .   Do what you got to do now while the US still has a big advantage .     The USA can probably shoot down 2 or 3     N. Korean  missals    wait another 2 years and maybe you are going to have to shoot down  20 .   Much harder to do.  

  3. I mailed, from the USA,  some vitamins and food items to myself here because my checked baggage was going to be overweight.    I had to go to customs and pick up my package.  The customs people were nice and in the end I didn't have to pay anything but I was told that vitamins and or  food needed the "Proper" paperwork.    The  food was Sugar free syrup  which I can not fine here.    I would have been better off to mail other heavy items to myself and put the vitamins / syrup in my checked bag.   

  4. OK    bring a photo.  I just did a visa for my wife to go to the US and the photo they had to have was digital and you could use their sizing / cropping tool on line to do it.  Can I walk in with a "Hard Copy" photo and expect it to be what they want.   For the visa application they were very specific about the photo.  I wish they would give you a number to call to ask these questions.

  5. 22 minutes ago, halloween said:

    IMHO not having any corrupt Thai politician / cop  / government official left would be a great idea. To do that you would have to make sure that no Shinawatra is ever elected again.

    Yeah   --  if Thaksin  was so bad why do people still support him.   I would bet that more people  would vote for him tomorrow than the government in power now.    Thaksin is the one who started the 30 Bt.  medical insurance plan which gave  all Thai people free medical .      The government in power now wants to cut those benefits.   You tell me who was / is doing more for the people.  Like I said,  if you get rid of all corrupt officials there will be no government at all.   "You can't get rich in politics unless you're a crook"   Quote by Harry Truman ..      How many poor politicians can you name from any country --  world over.  They are all corrupt to some extent but  Thaksin did help the poor people / all Thai people  --  that is where he got his votes.    

  6. 3 hours ago, halloween said:

    That's an interesting concept. Do you believe that after removing Boonsong for creating fraudulent G2G deals, she was right in not stopping those deals? The court calls it negligence, but given the involvement of Apichart, favoured rice trader of Thaksin and Yingluk despite a history of failed companies and huge government debts, it smells a lot like corruption to me.

    If you intend to jail every corrupt Thai politician / cop  / government official  there would be none left.

     Yingluck's prosecution is nothing more than a political witch hunt.    The government which was not elected  has to make sure that no Shinawatra is ever elected again.

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