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Posts posted by rethaier

  1. An extension based on Marriage requires 400K in an account in his name only. If you base it on 40K income that income has to be his income and I don't think money coming into a business will qualify unless he is being paid a salary and paying taxes. That of course means he must have a work permit. These two amounts can be combined between income and money in the bank. I.e. 200K in the bank would mean he must show an income of 280K per year.

  2. Thanks KB for the link. But still not a definitive answer.

    Is there any member out there who can confirm that a Loas border pass issued for a Thai is good for 3 days and two nights?

    If that is true then we might be good to go.

    Just want to get a new double entry tourist visa in Vientiane and spend an extra day having a look around the city. Three days should suffice.

    Also has anyone got any recent reports on a clean cheap hotel with wifi.

    Why don't you just check the Laos immigration webpage?

  3. Greed and corruption, Thai mantra. They only have themselves to blame.

    ALL countries carrying our fishing, need to observe international laws regarding fishing areas, size of catch, type of catch.

    That Thailand flouts the law in so many ways, does not gain much sympathy from other fishing nations.

    I get especially annoyed when I see them taking small fish, crabs, and squid. There does not appear to be any sense of conservation.

    Conservation? You do realize that you are in Thailand don't you ?

    My point exactly.

  4. Greed and corruption, Thai mantra. They only have themselves to blame.

    ALL countries carrying our fishing, need to observe international laws regarding fishing areas, size of catch, type of catch.

    That Thailand flouts the law in so many ways, does not gain much sympathy from other fishing nations.

    I get especially annoyed when I see them taking small fish, crabs, and squid. There does not appear to be any sense of conservation.

  5. OP, I've travelled many times with NCA in the past and I never had any misfortunes.

    I'm sorry to hear what happened to you and your wife, but you should file a complaint with NCA.

    I do think they take matters seriously and may be they can control or change their sandwich supplier, so no other person suffers the same.

    Sorry for the editing OP, but I just thought of it.

    Did you notice the other 30 or 40 passengers on the bus using the toilet as you and your wife?

    If not, could it be something you ate earlier, before you go on the bus?

    If the meals were prepacked it is possible that only a couple were bad.

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