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Posts posted by Loiner

  1. 53 minutes ago, baboon said:

    You do realise you won't get anywhere with these people using facts...?

    Just make something up and demand it to be taken as the truth.

    Have you been having any success with that? The left and Remainer tactic is to take somebodyelse's made up propaganda, usually lefty bible Garuniad or some EU affiliated organisation, then try to pass that off as the truth. Let me tell you - that isn't working either.

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  2. 10 hours ago, placeholder said:

    The decline of the NHS began under the Tories. As did the huge tax breaks for the wealthy.

    The NHS has been moaning about lack of funding for as long as I can remember. It has had increasing waiting lists since the 1950's. (That's even before the Carry On series!)
    The sacred cow of the left has always been in decline but continues to devour ever increasing quantities of our taxes. It's high time the NHS was not given any more of our cash and its' army of managers forced to make it efficient. Alternatively sell it off. No more free cosmetic surgeries, sex changes, prolonged end of life, and no freeloaders. 

  3. 5 hours ago, bannork said:

    I'd like to ask the two candidates how they will deal with the inevitable long delays at ports when mandatory biometric checks come into force later this year for all non-EU citizens entering the EU. 

    Everyone will have to get out of their vehicles to be checked. It should make the current six hours wait at Dover seem like the blink of an eye 

    Of course the Tories haven't helped the situation with a cutback on booths' construction.



    No good you asking them on ANN they won't hear you. We can't be squandering tax money when times are hard.

    If those people don't like being screwed around by the French and forced to queue for hours, they shouldn't go by ferry to France. Best they don't go to France to spend at all. 

    Although it should never have happened, this is not a major problem for the whole of the UK. Most don't go by ferry anyway. They are probably all Southern Remainers who are still kicking up a fuss for the anti-Brexit anti-Boris MSM.

    • Like 2
  4. 12 hours ago, placeholder said:

    So your defense of the Conservatives is that their performance was bad but Labour's would have been worse?

    Unequivocally yes, Labour's performance would have been worse than whatever you think the Conservatives have done. Blair & Brown's previous tenure in government proved that. 
    My post was pointing out that Labour had/has no solutions to the anti-Boris twisted spin lifted from the Garuniad and some socialist (up the workers) website. Labour never will have. Have you got any proposals to how you would have avoided the current situation?

    • Confused 2
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  5. 27 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

    The delays were because of technical issues on the French side and nothing to do with Brexit 


    French police blame ‘unexpected technical incident’ in Channel Tunnel for Dover delays



    Nothing very technical about the French border guards not turning in for work. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Nothing to do with a majority of Johnson’s own party (pun intended) voting to get rid of him then?!

    No, because its' not the party majority. It wasn't put to the party membership or the voters, only other MPs. Don't you understand that this was an opportunity for some to get a crack at the top job? It's no surprise there will be a certain amount of jostling for position.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    After 12 years of the Tories in power, the nation is in a shocking mess.


    This is the reality that changing the PM will not fix.

    Things started going bad in 1997 with Blair and New Liebour. The rot they left was slowed down by the Tories who had to impose years of austerity to get us back on an even keel. God knows how bad the mess would be without them. 
    The reality is that a change of PM won’t help the current situation and a change of government would only put us back in the mire of socialism. 

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