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Posts posted by uncletom

  1. Can someone please clue me in on the following.

    I have a rich friend who wants to buy a nice size house and have me and my family stay in it.

    He would only come over a couple times a year and would stay in one of the rooms. Since he is

    one of my great friends, this is fantastic.

    One of his questions is 1rst. Can a house title be put into my son or daughters name since they

    were born here? I believe the answer is yes. But... What is, or is there an age limit cap on the

    youngsters age? Say, is 5 years old too young? I have read comments from people saying that it

    should not be done and is taboo or should be. I really don't worry like the next Joe. If it can be

    put into my sons name then it is a go and so be it. How can the foreigners name be applied to

    the title? Like mine and my childs only? We are talking relatively painless is wanted, so to speak

    with out any company reg or set ups. A good lawyer perhaps is the only thing desired paying

    their small fee for paper work.

    I also recall something about Americans being able to buy a house out right with limitations on the size of the property. Is this still on the up or has it expired ?

    Next. All of this money will be brought from the states by hand, which will be a fair bit of money. By law, what does the lender have to report,and does it ever get reported back to the states or is it swept under the rug?

    I have more questions that need expanding on, but this will come in my next thread. But for now

    to have the dope on the run down would be a nice start.


  2. What really gets me is that this person is nabbed just outside the embassy. He more than likely didn't have a hope in ###### of getting out from anywhere. Just because we live here doesn't mean that the man isn't looking over our back constantly,and making ###### sure of what is going on. They seem to be very very good at what they do,and there seems to be a zillion of t hem on the 3000 bt a month plan. I am not saying the guy didn't deserve to get nabbed, all is just amazing that he did so fast..... THE WALLS HAVE EARS AND EYES.


  3. Yes it is open. I went there a few months ago and they even didn't ask for showing the funds,but since then I have a friend who has went and now it has the same policy as Mae Sai. Show the money... As for runs it is one of the best. Beatiful , nice little boat ride and easy to do, plus immigration is pretty nice. The only catch I can see is that it takes a little bit more time to get there than going to Mae Sai ( maybe 20 -30 min more or less ) "but it is a quality run " . I give it a thumbs up!!!!1

  4. It looks to me that everyone is certainly interested and concerned about this new thing (TM CARD) that has been sprung upon us..It seems to be one thing after the other nowadays with the GOVERNMENTS implementations of Thaskinnomic laws. First, one thing is put into place then it is carried out to the end ( it ends when the gov is pleased with the end result) ,and to me it looks like there is a end to the means for everything implemented.. How far the means is on this one ,we will have to wait and see. Everything on the TM card is tapped into their immigration computer under our own little personal section titled " our passport #,country and name , thai address"..If nothing happens as of right now about the income ( not filling it out ) it could be such as that, they maybe don't have the new computer program installed yet and can't record all the info, but they still needed to get the ball rolling on the new year to say it is going. They have all the time on their hands, and this new thing will probably be used to kill more birds with one stone...AFter the new election, things will get ripping. It looks like this countries name should eventually be changed to Thailanpore. THERE IS A ENDS TO THEIR MEANS< JUST WAIT!


  5. Has any one heard about the new TM card that is now being used ?

    A friend of mine has just done a run to Mae Sai and has told me that they now have a new TM card. This one has two seperate pages. The only real new thing he said that it has, is that it has an income table box that has to be checked. Meaning that you will check the box for income that basically fits you..

    Who has heard or seen and knows what the scoop is. ( IF ANYONE) The scoop that I would want to hear is how this one will affect all ( everyone) for a later time and date. Income checks,suprise home visits , sudden meetings ,ect ect ect.. There seems to be always something in the works nowadays,but why it is ,is another story.. This is being put into place for some later plan, but how and what for ,again who knows. So who does know ?


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