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Posts posted by pizzachang

  1. Those who offered the food should be criminally prosecuted.

    How can they offer food that is not prepared under hygienic conditions?


    My feelings are with the family and friends of the young deceased girl and all those fighting for their life in hospital

    You seem to imply this does not happen anywhere else in the world?


    To better quantify the impact of foodborne diseases on health in the United States, we compiled and analyzed information from multiple surveillance systems and other sources. We estimate that foodborne diseases cause approximately 76 million illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations, and 5,000 deaths in the United States each year. Known pathogens account for an estimated 14 million illnesses, 60,000 hospitalizations, and 1,800 deaths. Three pathogens, Salmonella, Listeria, and Toxoplasma, are responsible for 1,500 deaths each year, more than 75% of those caused by known pathogens, while unknown agents account for the remaining 62 million illnesses, 265,000 hospitalizations, and 3,200 deaths. Overall, foodborne diseases appear to cause more illnesses but fewer deaths than previously estimated.

    Yep it happens often in the USA....even though there are inspections, rules, regulations and LAWS. Seems lots of posters think that Thailand is special or especially dangerous. For the poster that offered the "cat test".....better watch Nat Geo and Discovery channel, cats will scavenge some raunchy meat!

  2. Well done to the current government, it is not before time.

    UK USA or Europe to name but a few have no leniency for those who over stay.

    Most of the moaning and complaining come from those who in reality can not afford to be here and add very little to the economy.

    The rules for those with even modest means are very fair and simple.

    Those generally on overstay are the undesirables,and on the run, let them go back to their own countries.

    I have been here for six plus years all legally with few complaints

    Very welcome news

    You should probably look more carefully at the situation at the US/Mexico border. Legal entry and overstay can be dealt with but that requires secure borders in the first place.

  3. Can only see gloom and doom for the economy I would think that overstays. Must be in the 1,000s if not millions and who will foot the bill to deport all these people I would assume that if they cannot afford a visa then they would not have the money to leave the kingdom I would assume the biggest offenders would be those from neighbouring countries Burma,Cambodia,Malaysia all these people would be doing the jobs Thais won't touch

    It would seem logical that the vast majority of overstay offenders come from neighboring countries. I'd like to see the Immigration Ministry produce some statistics showing the percentages of offenders broken down by country. I accidentally had an overstay when I first started living in Thailand and was pretty upset that I had made that kind of mistake on the dates. Never happened again.

  4. The occasional checkpoint is much preferable to constant, nitpicking, sub-minor, traffic stops - the kind they routinely use in the USA. In Thailand, just have your required documents and you'll have no problem. If things changed at these checkpoints - such as body searches and USA style harassment, then it is time to be concerned.

    • Like 2
  5. If you want a 'sad' picture, just think about the past actions of "Christian" missionaries that demanded their 'tropical converts' dress in clothes meant for Victorian era Scotland! You can see the remnants in many countries - I think of mumus in Hawaii.coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

  6. Keep the positive reports coming they're nice for a change.

    Most of the complainers are just envious and jealous because their countries don't trust them and make them bring piles of BS to prove what they say is true. They also make them jump through hoops at an increased cost to renew their passports and then have to "beg" for the required letter to immigration to get there current extension stamps transferred.. US passport renewal is easy and costs the same as if yo did it in the US. Make an appointment, get pictures, go in fill out the form, pay $110, and go back 7-10 days later and pickup the new passport (email sent to advise of arrival, no appointment necessary to pickup). You can even have the new one Ems-ed to you. The old passport remains a valid travel document until the new one is picked up!

    Obviously I'm an American and I'm certainly not saying that I agree with a lot of the US policies, but I think that they got this one right.

    Agree with you on this! Just got my new passport and cost is the same. Got my income affidavit - Why would you need to "lie" about social security income. How could you live in Thailand without income? Some of the whiners are bit much.

    • Like 1
  7. That is the standard in more places than you think. Not everyone does it, in fact I have paid less as a farang on occasion.

    sliding scale pricing is pretty common for tourists all over. I have seen it many times in the US. My wife(Thai) just make it a habit to never give repeat business to shops that charge extra. Sooner or later, word will get around.

  8. This is so funny and they are not dealing with the true problems with driving here. What I find incredible is there is no test for the eyes per sae . What I mean is if you do or do not need to wear glasses when driving

    No test for that just color, depth and color peripheral vision No test for how well you can see without glasses. I would assume if they tested for this accidents in the kingdom would drop.

    How the hell can you drive if you need glasses but don t wear them. This is just plain stupidity nothing else.

    Get rid of the peripheral vision test and test for true vision .And I know someone will argue well there are Thais that cannot read. Ok I accept that Set up a method for them to have eye tests as well with common symbols . And force Thais to use child restraint seats. This will reduce injuries it it is done.

    This message is for the Minister of Transportation here in Thailand . If anyone can translate this and forward it on to this minister maybe they will understand it better

    If they'll only do it like we did in England!!! Then it would not be Thailand any longer; and while they're at it change everything else to just like we did it back home.....and then where will you move to escape the expense and stupidity that you left behind? Had to get that rant off me chest!

  9. Why jealous on her and not on her boyfriend?

    right. and a 49 y/o pervert and a teacher hitting on a 19 y/o? total scum.

    If that's the case you better jail 99% of farang with TGF, not to mention the expats in The Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, etc.

    Isn't 19 years old considered an adult in nearly every country in the world? Let's give female humans freedom of choice and not just try and reserve that for males.

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  10. O dinary N ational E ducation T est. For a little while, I thought they were mispronouncing UNIT test. My wife's kids always want to do well on this test - because good scores make it easier to go to good schools. Merit-based rather than race, money or influence based achievement.

  11. I believe the shit may well hit the fan over this incident and the inevitable others which will follow.

    I hope she's already notified the Russian Embassy about this as I believe she was singled out for being a Russian. If she wasn't a russian it wouldn't have happened.

    Note to Mariia when you read this - please contact your Embassy to make an official complaint about this incident.

    So you are saying that they refused her entry because she was Russian and not because she was in violation of numerous laws?

    Note to Maria when you read this - please follow the rules.

    I wonder how many non Russians have been deported at the airports since this crackdown started...

    Edit : I will be watching with interest to see if any Thai's are deported on arrival from Russian airports for minor issues this coming week.

    Why would a Thai want to go to a Russian airport - other than a sports team event?

  12. A quality pizza costs some baht. I try and use my pizza oven every week or so and here's what I've found. Cheese-200B at Rim Ping - this chunk is acceptable quality and I can make 4, 14 inch with this "Dacheeso" brand 1/2 kilo chunk. If it were a bit more salty, it would be perfect. Sausage - I spend about 100B for ground pork, add lots of Italian spices& salt, fresh black pepper - let "age" in the frig for 24 hours/fry and drain. Pepperoni - hit or miss on quality and if I add this it add 80 to 150 B. Black olives - 1 can,pitted is 78 to 100 B. Bell peppers, onions, dried oregano, fresh basil - all add maybe 50 B. Sauce - I'm still trying different brands but surprising to me is the Heinz at 60B isn't bad at all. The dough for me is either the Aussie hard wheat at 50B or the "pizza flour" at Yok for 30B - The hard winter wheat is better texture. So, for about 600 Baht I get 4 high quality pizzas. I enjoy pizza enough to go to all the trouble of building an oven and actually it cooks about anything. I want to try the "Toon Pizza" recommended in this forum but haven't yet.

    Thai food is my mainstay, though...aroi.

  13. Having to key in 3 digits is a bit of a nuisance...since few people actually have 689 channels - maybe no one.  I sure hope True figures out a way to allow customers to eliminate all useless channels, i.e. channels that a subscriber did not purchase or channels that a paying customer choses not to EVER watch.

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  14. I don't think he has pizza, but Chez Marco on Loi Kroh, not far from the Old City, has fantastic Italian food, as does Beccofino's in the Nimmanheiman area, on the other side of town. Actually, I don't really consider pizza to be Italian food -- isn't that more of an American invention, kind of like chicken tikkia masala isn't really Indian food, but is actually something dreamed up in the U.K.

    Actually, pizza did originate in Italy, and the pizza in Italy is fantastic!


    Yes it did! My Italian friend told me that pizza is basically a salty taste - not too much so but not pineapple!!

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  15. This may have been covered in the past but if anyone has good advice, I'd appreciate it.

    My next 90 day report is May 31. My non - 0 extension expires June 29. My passport expires in October. In what order should I address these events? I've done the extensions before but not with a 'soon to expire passport.'

    Thanks in advance.

  16. My experience with building in a hot climate (not in Thailand) is that hot air rises. When a house is built, insect proof vents are put at the eves letting air from the outside enter the attic at attic floor level. Then at the top (ridge) of the roof there are more vents. There is no power. As the air in the attic heats it rises and leaves at the ridge, pulling fresh air in from the bottom (eves.)

    The floor of the attic is what's insulated to keep any hotter air in the attic from heating the house.

    This is what I did and my house is much cooler all year - too cold for my wife in Dec. & Jan! R36 is great.

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