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Posts posted by pizzachang

  1. We used fiberglass roll, 12 inches thick and definitely got lower temperatures inside the house, Without a vent fan, however, heat will build up between the tiles and insulation. The spinning turban convection types need careful attention to the bearings - they wear out because of dust, etc. and start squeaking at 3 am.  A electric fan, switched on in the afternoons or a thermostatically controlled one should vent a lot of heat build up. 

  2. 18 hours ago, overherebc said:

    Never been a fan of thai food myself and never understood the reasoning behind eating food that has so much chilli in it. 

    It always strikes me as strange that food should bring on a sweating session, red face and a need to drink litres of water to kill/cool off the burn. More like a competition than enjoyment. Locally I sometimes have TomYam Kung and ask them to bring the chilli in another side dish. Usually they bring 15 or so chillies in the dish for one bowl of soup.

    Someone at the table will be happy to have them and add to their own bowl then sit there gasping, sweating and saying Aroi Aroi.

    No way can that be good for your stomach lining or intestines over a lifetime.

    The active ingredient in all hot peppers is capsaicin....it has been thoroughly tested over many years and studies; it has never been indicated as a trigger for cancers, especially of the digestive system. In fact, it has positive health benefits and "sweating" is one of them.  Sweating is one of the human body's ways of cooling and ridding the body of toxins and salts.  On a scale of 1 to 10, refined sugar is much more toxic over a "lifetime" than chiles.  

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  3. On 4/27/2017 at 11:46 PM, Naam said:

    because there are no different distances between evaporator and condenser to bridge? my shortest pipe length is 3.5 the longest 17meters.


    next! :coffee1:

    Connecting fittings is just one more way that an installation tech can make a mistake.  It is statistically more reliable than solder but  not a guarantee against leakage.  There are many variables in a/c installations and reliable techs are usually working for a reputable company.

    I'd guess (having worked in industrial refrigeration [ammonia] for many years) that, "so many problems in Thailand" results from a limited number of common mistakes.

  4. 13 hours ago, silent said:

    From what I read a few years ago that makes a lot of sense, it's the quality of the solder used in the gas lines 


    They should only be using silver solder - really brazing. Regular cleaning is the one thing a homeowner can do that extends the life of a/c equipment. Anytime the pump motor has to work harder, the cause is either a leak, physical damage to some electrical component or contamination of parts that work best when clean.  Water scale, aluminum corrosion, copper corrosion are all long-term sources of problems.

  5. On 3/25/2017 at 11:01 AM, impulse said:


    Call me cynical, but I'd wait a few years before hopping on that opportunity with my retirement savings, just to make sure they don't pull a Zimbabwe and change those rules when the leadership changes.

    I've enjoyed reading the comments on this topic. I wonder if forum members could relate anecdotal experiences of similar experiences in the USA or other countries?  I had a friend cheated out of a 160 acre homestead in Alaska. Lived there for many, many years, so I am well-acquainted with what 'can' happen.  I think most of us (expat types) chose Thailand for reasons other than investment and realize the corruption is everywhere in the world.  After you pay the attorneys in the USA, to defend you from corruption, are you really better off?  The bottom line is much the same as it's always been...if you have enough money, you can do what you need to do and you will have to defend your 'money' at some point in your life. 

  6. Lots of talk about "owning land".  You had better pay the property tax in the USA (except for a few enlightened states) or you quickly find out how "land ownership" is a nebulous thing.  This "tax-year" in my former home state ""land value" went up - an arbitrary decision by assessors that had little to do with free market land values.  You only own something that can't be taken away from you. That is a very short list, in this world.

  7. On 3/3/2017 at 8:05 PM, realenglish1 said:

    If the are from another planet then they can be aliens

    Maybe from Alpha Centari I hear the working conditions on that planet are a lot worse than the warehouse they were found in

    At the risk of inflaming your sense of indignation, I suggest you look up the Oxford Dictionary definition of the word alien. There are no people from other planets and alien is the correct word.  It just means foreign, if you don't care to look it up.

  8. On 2/22/2017 at 6:52 AM, impulse said:

      Go to Lazada.com, do a search on "rivet" and click on the "home and living" category.


    Here's just one of dozens of the styles that come up:




    They even have Stanley brand, though they're probably all made on China:





    Hmm, I didn't see a hand riveter...the kind operated by a hammer, which is the kind Amazon won't ship to Thailand. The plier-type riveters are available at almost any hardware shop. 


  9. 13 hours ago, possum1931 said:

    The only experience I have had with Amazon is their refusal to ship to Thailand.

    I've had the same experience but usually they indicate whether or not the item ships to Thailand - before you click the "submit" button!

    What I find odd is the items that can't be shipped. Scissors (most) ship but not scissors sharpeners.  Another is, I can't seem to find any brand of small snap/rivet setters that will ship.  I haven't been able to find one in Thailand. 

  10. Dante99 - I posted this same sentiment a few weeks ago.  I seriously doubt that businesses that rent accommodations to foreigners would comply in person, especially if they had become used to just e-mailing scans of daily TM30's  There is obviously some change imminent on this TM30 issue. But it is a fact that foreigners would notice a Very Large Difference in crowds at Immigration, if in-person reporting were suddenly required.  We can only hope that whatever changes do happen, will be more efficient.

  11. I'll be dropping them if they do this.  After being "true" for 8 years, their programming has steadily deteriorated, so this is the last straw. 


    Anyone want to sell me the 1000 channel box, that includes Fox News, HBO, yadda yadda?  And a router that will power the whole thing?  From what I've experienced so far, the advertisements "load" on my current router could never make this a good experience.  My idea of watching tv and videos DOES NOT include watching a spinning circle.

    You can contact me thru Thai Visa. 

  12. Unbelievable that anyone with a basic education would view this 11 year old, private conversation as anything other than the desperate attempt to discredit the only viable candidate.  If this is truly all the Democrats have to show that Trump is somehow unfit, then Republicans (not RINO'S) have nothing to worry about.  Trump is not running for Pope of the Catholic Church.  Not only does this "secret" recording show him as much like 80%  of men I've heard talking in private, it also shows the hypocrisy and desperation of the liberals.  VP Biden's (photo & video evidence) groping of women, and so much more actual ACTIONS of other politicians show me that I'm accurate in the assessment of this paltry attempt to use spoken words to compare the ACTIONS of Hillary Clinton to them in a meaningful way...not possible and not even in the same universe.

  13. I noticed that the "form" was not included in the actual 90 day notification "interview".  The officer threw the filled out form in a cardboard box and clipped the required documents for the notification together as usual.  So, this could indicate that a different bunch is getting the forms.  I might add that the lady officer did not even glance at the form.

  14. IMHO, I think the "worst" mass shooting in US history is actually the massacre at "Wounded Knee"......many unarmed women and children were murdered. They were a minority group of native Americans. What is reprehensible is the opportunistic politicians who are using the incident to push an agenda of disarmament and more central government. The fact that the shooter had 2 separate investigations by the FBI; one even a contact with a known terrorist advocate - the other an overt "threat" of violence and support of known groups, hostile to the USA, is more important than any other current information.

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