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Posts posted by OmegaRacer

  1. I don't believe in luck. We attract people and situations by the way we think. Thoughts make up our believes, our believes influence our actions, our actions form our habits. 

    I met my wife after just 2 months in Thailand, married her 3 years later, still happily together after 11 years.

    This only to show that good relationships are possible, even in Thailand. 


    This may sound a bit "far out" for some but I'll tell you this: the better you know yourself, the better you will know and understand those around you. Then you can consciously choose how long and how deep you want to get involved in other people's lives (dramas).


    Good "luck"

  2. Hi

    The tricycles are already sold (usually in white) in many places (Chatuchak, plant&flower shops along the roads...).


    Have you tried to go to Srinigarind Night Market (behind the big shopping mall). There are lots of vintage style shops, including furniture in this style. Maybe worth a look and a try to hook up with people who are in the biz.

  3. 8 hours ago, whoareyou said:

    This is the downside of moving away from expat areas.
    Many claim to be happier in thai neighborhoods, untill your thrust into the above scenario. Can't approach them directly because most have a screw loose

    I live in a Thai Mu Ban. It's very quiet with normal people. The only problem comes from a house of 2 female farang teachers who shout their heads off at every occasion. Even worse when they get drunk and have parties until well after midnight. Hopefully, their backpacking time is soon finished.

  4. The 'thug mentality' is a prevalent feature in most cops all over the world. You must have a certain predisposition of character to wanting to be a cop in the first place: the need to have power over others, by any means necessary. The "serve and protect" label is just an embellishment for their thuggish behaviour.
    Better to stay away from them as much as possible, just like you would do with lawyers and politicians.

  5. Whatever you do, look for something you love doing. Please don't become a teacher just because you feel bored. The kids deserve better than this and there are far too many "teachers" ruining kids' lifes (Thai&Foreign).

    Choose something you love, become an expert in that field, share your knowledge and you'll see that you'll be as fulfilled as you can be. You don't seem to need the money, so no need to get stressed about it.

    Good luck 

  6. 41k is pretty high for a 125cc. You have to consider that those km are not long distance travels, but heavy city use of stop-go, which are not as good for the engine and other parts of the bike. Even worse if it's a plastic bucket scooter like a Fino or similar.
    Another thing to consider is maintenance. Generally, Thais are not big on taking care of their everyday workhorses. (In case the bike in question is Thai owned). I've seen bikes with less than 20k (Honda Wave) where pieces were falling off left and right, nothing seemed to be working right.


    Spend maybe 5 or 10k more and get one with half the milage. Inspect it thoroughly and you won't regret it.

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