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Posts posted by howerde

  1. 1 minute ago, FruitPudding said:


    That's pretty nuts,  if the tests came back OK 

    Yes  there is nothing you can do or complain to, when i queried the 88% increase in premium and new exclusions they just said you have gone up an age bracket.

  2. 56 minutes ago, alien365 said:

    Out of interest, is doing all these tests going to ultimately increase your health insurance premiums and make insurance more difficult to obtain when older? If you do every test under the sun they'll eventually find something.

    If a Thai insurer then i am sure they will and they will add exclusions to your policy (it happened to me) even though the tests did not find anything, it would seem if you have a health check then in Thai eyes you must be worried about something

  3. 4 minutes ago, Batty said:

    Thanks mate. So, technically, shouldn't the 10th be ok? Reporting was due on 30th and I applied online on the 10th. That should fall into the very last day of the 7 day window, you would think? 


    I'm wondering why they rejected it then. 


    I guess I'll find out tomorrow!

    When i have had a rejection, the email states what was wrong ie a missing field or not matching info, this is at CW Bangkok

  4. here is a snap shot of which countries most immigrants to ul came from

    In the YE June 2023, the top five non-EU nationalities for immigration flows into the UK were: Indian (253,000), Nigerian (141,000), Chinese (89,000), Pakistani (55,000) and Ukrainian (35,000).

    Taken from here  https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/internationalmigration/bulletins/longterminternationalmigrationprovisional/yearendingjune2023#:~:text=1.-,Main points,) and British (84%2C000).

  5. 6 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    This. The Sydney Consulate may just be choosing to list the equivalent amount in AUS$.

    Yes  and/or they are getting confused with an OA visa where the money is kept in your home country, The MFA (ministry of foreign affairs) are responsible for embassies/ consulates, and their info updated 2022 shows



    I would hate for the OP to pay 600 aud, which is not refundable if rejected

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  6. 1 minute ago, steevjee said:

    Yes correct, I just checked, also it states that health insurance must be acquired from a Thai Insurance Co for at least the 1st year



    You need the insurance every year, and you are supposed to report to immigration every year for a check on the insurance bank account etc

  7. 10 hours ago, HauptmannUK said:

    The 1000km is a non-mandatory courtesy check. Takes about 15 mins to do a visual check plus a free wash if you want one. Oil/filter are not changed. It is not required for warranty.

    My Toyota 1000km check was mandatory to keep the warranty in force and they did change the oil as well, the labour charge was free but had  pay for the oil, this was 18 months ago

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  8. 1 hour ago, lvsyeo said:

    Hello, I'll be taking a driving licence in bkk or cm on a tourist visa 30 days. May I know how and where to get a TM30 for residence certificate on a tourist visa without any rental contract ?
    Can anyone tell me which hotel or guesthouses can help issue TM30 if i just book a day or 2?

    Any advice is deeply appreciated.


    You will not get a certificate of residence at Bangkok immigration without a 90 day report (tm47), a TM30 should be done by your landlord or hotel. by its self it is not enough for a residents certificate

  9. 1 minute ago, mokwit said:

    I think you only have to reregister if you want to continue filing online?. Previously filed TM30's don't show up apparently, but are you sure you need to do a new TM30? If you have filed using a paper form dating back from 1979 I would guess that filing still stands.

    My  landlord stated she had an email from immigration saying she had to re register on the new site/

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