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Posts posted by herwin1234

  1. 7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    If he didn't have the money and he knew he didn't have it, I am surprised he didn't get an agent to do it for him.

    Immigration have their rules, which you have to respect at the end of the day, whether you agree with them or not.

    If there weren't a visa amnesty he wouldn't be being offered any new visa at all.

    actually the immigration officers are nice to him and giving him an extra three months on a covid visa so he could figure out to go to a visa agency and solve his problems. (i bet the immigration officers even advised him to use a visa agency.)

    INSTEAD this jerk goes to a newspaper to complain. 

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, law ling said:

    The use of the word "forced" is a little unsettling.

    The word "FORCED" is used we all know the reason why, while the more apropiate word would be "mandatory".


    Not sure but it seems absolutely normal that in case of a pandemic, mandatory vaccination (especially for foreigners bc facts are, Thailand is mostly covid free but foreign western countries are plagued by covid) is a tool to control the pandemic, and that foreigners should pay for their own vaccin, who could possible argue that that is wrong?

  3. 7 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Gosh these dirty foreigners again.

    Kind of.


    Thailand has succesfully controled a pandemic and minimized economuc damage, all because its leaders made swift decisions based on science, and its citizens being smartand positive, and listening to profesional advice; wear a mask, wash hands, distancing.


    So yeah, its a freakin slap in the face when these foreigners "again" think they are in Disney World and cando whatever they want to do without regards for other people and health safety.


    Its dumb and selfish behaviour, in another country, the least expats could do is join the Thai netizens and condemn this behaviour.

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  4. 13 hours ago, kotsak said:

    Sorry but as long stupidity is not diagnosed there won't be an improvement in the number of accidents.


    unfortunately insulting Thailand and Thai people with racial slurs is allowed on Thaivisa and very common. A reply which would questions who is more stupid, the writer of this remark, or Thai people, would not be allowed though and Thaivisa would ban me, again, for it.


    For all cynical farang who suffer from a superior complex and think they are smart and other non western ppl are stupid, you should be denied a visa to live here. As tye old saying goes, if you dont like it here, go back to your own covid infested own country. nobody forces you to live here and to live in any other country is not a right, but a privilige granted by the original citizens.

    • Confused 1
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  5. 33 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

    Since covid hit, the motivation to live and stay here in Thailand has never been higher for me and Mrs P.  It seems to be one of the safest places to hang out that I can think of and with all the advantages of a tropical holiday destination,.  Win all round. We too had plans to travel around Asia and the Pacific in retirement, but if we have to be 'stuck' anywhere, this is the place to be. 

    isnt it true. its safe and no covid deniers lol.

    • Haha 2
  6. 2 hours ago, LALes said:

    took a few walks from Sukhomvit to Rama IV Road recently through the old Tobacco Monopoly.  They completely razed all the old buildings

    and I was fearing the advent of more super luxury condos on the way.  This is welcome news, indeed.

    its amazing news and a great and brave move from all Thai officials involved to turn that piece of land into a beautiful green park. 

    The Thais are right on track to go green and more environmental....

    • Like 1
  7. On 1/29/2021 at 8:01 AM, Suua said:

    They need to be put in their place.....I look forward to them getting a kicking, as is most of the planet.

    And will gladly lend a hand.

    why? whats a tiny island far away from your own home country up to you? 

    Why they need to be "put in their place". The world doesnt belong to the usa...

    Why not put other countries "in their place", like certain countries which brutally kill and dismember their critics, totalitarian countries ruled by kings, countries where half of the population (women) doesnt have any rights nor freedom.

    I hope nobody thinks this anti China drums of war has anythong to do with "human rights" or "democracy" but all with the usa unable to keep up with the economic succes of China. Cant handle the competition, so lets wreck their economy and put them on the leash of the usa. 


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  8. What a tragedy to the family of that girl.


    Life sentence, what a waiste, in two decades he might be on the streets again, making another brutal killing and wrecking an innocent family.


    I just dont understand, you are a judge, you can clean society with a death sentence and prevent another tragedy to innocent people. Instead.....mercy for the brutal killer. 


    What a senseless tragedy for the family.

  9. 3 hours ago, UbonEagle said:

    Hmm i thought Mexico was a veritable basket case.

    And yes thailand has done well for a multitude of factors including climate, pop density, health system, lockdowns etc, notwithstanding this 2nd blow up.

    Im mean even NZ and Oz, that have been lauded for their response, clearly had the massive advantages of island states, low pop density, 1st world systems...thus i think its impossible to compare them to a landlocked euro country for example. 

    Currently the Netherlands are in lockdown. Cities are rocked (and not in a nice way) first with violent  protests and now inner city riots by ignorant ppl.  Measurements against covid have been halfbaked and not carried fully by its citizens. Many western countries have similar experiences.

    Lets not involve "the climate" or "landlocked" to downplay why some countries do excellent , and many other countries are in chaos. the usa 4000 daily deaths!!!! 

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