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Posts posted by F430murci

  1. Yep, ignore everything else and all facts cited and refer to a single piece of information to misrepresent a broad proposition. The fact is 100,000 plus people are shot and injured by guns each year. Way too many nutcases out there shooting people.

    Ironic coming from the guy who just wrote, "don't let facts get in the way". rolleyes.gif

    Here's another FACT for you, guns don't kill people, people kill people. When someone is killed by a car, the driver is blamed, When someone is killed by a knife, the person doing the stabbing is to blame. But when someone is killed by a gun, all of a sudden it is the gun which is at fault.

    Over 500 children kill them selves each year through accidental discharge of firearms. Over one a day. I guess you just think children, not guns, kill these poor innocent 2 and 5 year olds. Not guns. No way. Is all these deaths opf innocent children, not to mention the ones just injured, worth you having your guns and for what, so you can feel tough. Sounds like a shrink may be more in line if it is a needing to feel tough or fear issue.

    And if you do own a gun and think your kid won't get to it, listen to this: A recent study published in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine found that 39 percent of kids knew where their parents' guns were stored, while 22 percent said that they had handled the weapons despite adults' warnings to stay away. What's more, age was not a factor in whether children had played with the guns: Five-year-olds were just as likely to report doing so as 14-year-olds.

    Here are just a few heartbreaking cases:

    • Four-year-old Dylan Jackson shot himself to death after finding a loaded gun at a friend's home during a birthday party.

    • A 3-year-old Southeast Washington boy shot himself in the foot and grazed his hand while playing with his father's gun -- which he found lying on the floor.

    • A 2-year-old Tampa boy shot himself in the chest with a loaded 9 mm he found in his parent's couch while playing.

    • Last February, a 13-year-old boy shot himself with a semiautomatic handgun in the home of his guardian, a Maryland police officer.

    • The 10-year-old son of a New York City police officer died after shooting himself in the face with his father's loaded revolver. The boy found the weapon on a shelf in the basement while looking for a ball his mom had hidden.

    Read more: http://www.momlogic.com/2009/09/gun_accidents_kill_500_kids_each_year.php#ixzz2FG2yOHIU


  2. Truth is, anyone living in US buying body armor and assault weapons has got a screw loose. Normal professional family men and housewife soccer moms don't want assault weapons or guns anywhere in there house, around their children, or even in their neighborhood. Why, because you never know when someone might snap and go postal. Then you and your children could be in danger from direct fire or stray bullets.

    The father that just got shot by his young son from leaving a gun in the truck that his son could reach should get thrown in jail. Screw his injuries, the poor child is now traumatized and lost some of his childhood innocence all because dear old dad just had to have a gun in his truck.

    Haha, some dudes leaving a gun show today accidentally discharged a weapon shooting dude in backseat through the hand and bullet traveled through seat and shot dude in front seat in the butt.

    Yep, so glad gun dealers are selling guns to morons like these who cannot make it out of the parking lot with shooting themselves.

  3. On top of the guns, what the hell does anyone need full body armor for other than robbing a bank or planning a full stand off with police. Well, I suppose at this rate we will have to send our children to elementary school in full body armor.

    I mean seriously, what good would a rent a cop at a school do with his little 9mm or 380 against a guy in body armor with an assault rifle. I could seriously take a gun from most rent a cops at close range just from a few years of martial arts and due to the fact these poor guys getting paid $ 10.00 an hour are not exactly well trained, especially to deal with body armor and assault weapons.

  4. Gun rights advocates simply manipulate and ignore statistics, common sense and reality all in the name of their precious right to have an assault weapon or arsenal. For what. To feel maucho, shoot up a tree, impress their sons or neighbors or scare others.

    Cool. I have an AK. Went shot up a tree. It was real fun. Can nit wait to shoot up a fence post tomorrow. Thisus such much fun that no human should be deprived of so much fun no matter at what costs to society or danger posed by such weapons.

    Fact is, there are 20 sets of parents out their not spending Christmas with their 6 and 7 year old sons and daughters because guns and assault weapons are so easily accessible.

    Fact us there are 7 families and/or children nit spending Christmas with their moms, sisters and aunts because guns and assault weapons are so easily accessible.

    • Like 2
  5. Oh yeah. Just a few nut cases as Kohesti says:

    Those stats don't address my comment - which I stand by as correct. To back my claim, here is a chart from Mother Jones, a very anti-gun, liberal website.

    300 million guns, approx 31,000 gun-related deaths (2009), and even in that same year the number of deaths total less than 40. So yeah, I'm right, a few nut cases.


    Yep, ignore everything else and all facts cited and refer to a single piece of information to misrepresent a broad proposition. The fact is 100,000 plus people are shot and injured by guns each year. Way too many nutcases out there shooting people.

    • Like 1
  6. Oh yeah. Just a few nut cases as Kohesti says:

    The CDC collects two sets of relevant data. The first is data for deaths by guns, which is included in an annual report about deaths of all types during calendar year 2009. The numbers for gun deaths is broken down into several categories:

    Suicide: 18,735 deaths

    Homicide: 11,493 deaths

    Unintentional: 554 deaths

    Legal interventions: 333 deaths

    Undetermined: 232 deaths

    Total: 31,347 deaths

    The second data set tracks non-fatal injuries by guns. According to the CDC, there were 73,505 non-fatal firearm injuries in 2010. (We will ignore an additional 13,851 non-fatal injuries from BB or pellet guns.)

    If you add together the gun deaths and the non-fatal gun injuries, you get 104,852 people shot every year.


  7. Here is your quote: "To be safe, we should round them up, test them, identify the potentially dangerous ones and lock them up."

    That, sir, is the closest to fascism I heard in a long, long time! And that's why I will not read it!

    It already starts with an inhumane premiss.

    And advocating the gov't taking guns away from law-abiding citizens because of a few nut cases is even worse. Over 300 million guns in the USA and only a handful of nutjobs shooting people. The problem is the person pulling the trigger, not the gun. We arrest drunk drivers, we don't outlaw automobiles. Look, I'm sure you consider yourself a humane, caring, enlightened, better person than anyone who would ever be so evil as to own a gun, but you and others like you do nothing to solve the problem by focusing on the inanimate object (gun) and ignoring the people behind the tragedy.

    "Few nut jobs." If 10,000 plus killed by guns in US, how many injured by guns each and every year. Lots of nut jobs. Perhaps most people owning guns or advocating ownership rights are the one's with the screw lose.

    Maybe just nut jobs with guns should be banned from seeing anything but G rated movies since seeing violent movies made the gun owners want to go out and shoot someone. Only Snow White and Bambi for you.

    Uhm, it is the nut jobs you refer to that love guns want and love the shoot up violent movies.

    Don't they have violent movies in countries where gun deaths are low. Maybe it is because they keep assault weapons out of the hands of nut jobs as opposed to censoring what they watch or music they listen to.

    I cannot believe someone would advocate government censorship of the content of our entertainment just so, heaven forbid, we don't make it difficult for just anyone to get their hands on assault rifle. That is some of the most backward nut job logic ever.

    • Like 2
  8. I forgot to add. I have never seen an AK-47 in the US. A very few with special permits do have them, but they are rare, expensive, and hard to get a permit for. They are banned in many states in the US.

    What civilians can actually have and some don't even know it, is an AKM-47. It is the semi-automatic, non-assault rifle version of the fully automatic, machine gun style AK-47.

    Haha, you are apparently also confused.

    Assault weapon is correct term for AR and AK.

    AK was technically produced up to 1951. AKM is just modern variant produced on mass scale after 1950s. The AKM is also select fire or fully automatic and was weapon used in Vietnam War. The AK 74 came out in the 70s.

    There is a ton of AK variants on the streets with different factory receivers, especially because Romania mass produced them so cheaply. Mexican cartels buy the Romania versions and the Chinese AK 56.

    So your correct in that most of the versions you see now are AKM because it replaced the AK in 1950s. Who wants a 60 year old machine gun when you can get newer better version? You are incorrect that AKM is not full auto.

    You generally see AK variants such as MAK90 or WASR 10.

    What you apparently don't get is that fully auto is not even desirable except for suppression fire purposes. For killing, semi mode is much more efficient, effective and accurate than either full auto or even burst mode.

    Splitting hairs between assault rifle and assault weapon is also disingenuous.

    Semi auto AKs and ARs are just as deadly than full auto counter parts as full auto is generally pretty useless and inaccurate unless suppression fire is needed.

    How often does the need for suppression fire arise on the streets of the US.

  9. These aren't my thoughts but best sum up the differences in the mindset between many Americans and the rest of the world.

    Yet another one who claims to speak for 6.7 billion people across the planet. Well, Americans care what "the rest of the world" thinks as much as "the rest of the world" cares what Americans think.

    Some of us do care.

    Yes, there some people that are so self absorbed, want what they and will do anything to keep it that way regarless of harm it may pose to others. Guns, drugs and environmental issues comes to mind.

    • Like 1
  10. Not ALL Americans! You've voiced a stereotype about Americans that is simply not true. In fact, polls have shown the majority of Americans think there is something that can and should be done about gun violence. Of course majority opinion doesn't trump powerful money forces that can force politicos to lose their jobs if they don't tow the line.

    Jingers, I'm not one to stereotype (unless it is against larged gutted speedo wearing visitors Pattaya).

    But until your congress acts decisively on this matter, I think I've got a point.

    I already made it clear you're right about the politicians. That is not the same thing as public opinion surveys. Politicians have other compelling pressures beyond opinion polls. They need money for elections; congressmen run every TWO years, which pretty much means they are running all the time.

    I see what you are saying - and I am more than happy to be proven wrong.

    But my point remains though, if people are genuinely serious then a strong grass roots movement needs to happen to get funding to protect those politicans who vote to restrict ownership.

    Assault rifles will be gone again soon. The problem is that there are 300,000,000 guns in US. No way to get rid of them. Even the biggest opponents recognize this and no one sure what to do or if anything would actually help. The problem is no practical solution. Been hearing this all day from those that want guns gone. I want them gone because they serve no valid purrpose and inly serve to make insecure weenies feel important and tough and give users a cheap rush. Heroine is safer to public all those dompaine reward circuit junkies.

  11. Perhaps if the media denied the perpetrator their week in the limelight, and concentrated more on the victims. We might see less of these incidents. I wonder if more Americans know the names of the guilty than know any of the victims names?

    News channels are only mentioning victims' names. Not mentioning scum bag name and only pictured showed of the dirt bag was from 2005.

  12. The US is a violent country. It's history is full of violence within the country and it seems constantly involved in violent conflict around the globe. Some of the most popular video games for kids re-enact warfare and violence. It's not a surprise then that the violence turns inward in horrible ways.

    Where did you get that brilliant deduction? Guess you burried your head in the sands when it comes to Sudan, Libia, Syria, Afhganastan, Southern Thailand, Brazil, just to name a few. Better look into your own back door before saying the US is the most violent. Our wonderful press today paint a doomsday picture for everyone. If you think American movies are violent better check out novies made in China, Japan. and South Korea. Ands some Euorpean movies aren't exactly tame either.

    US has some random weirdness for sure, but I have not l have not locked a door in years at either of residences. One in a large city and the other a popular beach area similar to Phucket. Thiskind of thing shocks because it dies nit matter where you are, something weird can happen. I am not worried at all about me. If anything happened to my children I would freak.

    • Like 1
  13. Bushmaster, not pistols caused most of deaths. Medical examiner just gave statement. He examined 7 bodies of first graders. All had Bushmaster wounds were all shot between 3 and 11 times.

    I had read an article earlier that stated the only firearms Lanza took into the school with him were pistols, that the police found the bushamster in his vehicle.

    I wonder when we will get the real truth of this, if at all?

    Watch news! As a fed agent you should understand preliminary reports on something like this gets pretty fouled up. They also said at first his mother was a teacher and he shot her in the class room. They said it was his sister he shot at home. I think they are being very up front and answering all questions during press releases I saw today. Maybe net rumors and stories are not best sources sometimes.

    Why imply someone hiding something?

    Seems like details are coming out better now and some sad stories. Poor dad of six year old little girl was on TV.

  14. It's all about money and bipartisan politics. NRA and gun sells pump huge money into certain aspects of our economy. Ideologically, certain personality traits that migrate to conservatism results in need to have assault rifles and guns. Fear driven individuals tend to need more structure, stronger religious convictions and fear based people need protection in form of guns. This is huge political support as it is about 30 percent of our country that Republicans absolutely need to keep as their base.

    I personally thing Prozac would be a better alternative for these individuals.

    Isn't hunting one of the largest sports in the USA? Or the largest? Does someone know in terms of dollars?

    • 6.2 million: number of deer killed by hunters in 2008
    • 30 million: number of deer estimated to exist in the United States
    • 15: average number of days each deer hunter spends in the woods
    • 132 million: total number of days all hunters spend in the woods each year
    • 10.1 million: number of deer hunters in the United States

    Isn't that what the right to bear arms at work is about? Going hunting after work?

    Your mates are telling me that it was for the last line of protection from a repressive government.

    So bambi is a tool of opression from your government - I guess not...

    According to Koohesti deer are. Deers take out a 1,000,000 cars and bunch of civilians every year. Not to mention tick-bourne diseases that effect and kill people every year that are the deers fault. Just imagine how bad it would be without all of those assault weapons on the streets.

  15. There isn't much limit to the price they would be willing to pay to feed that ideology.

    It's all about money and bipartisan politics. NRA and gun sells pump huge money into certain aspects of our economy. Ideologically, certain personality traits that migrate to conservatism results in need to have assault rifles and guns. Fear driven individuals tend to need more structure, stronger religious convictions and fear based people need protection in form of guns. This is huge political support as it is about 30 percent of our country that Republicans absolutely need to keep as their base.

    I personally thing Prozac would be a better alternative for these individuals.

    Isn't hunting one of the largest sports in the USA? Or the largest? Does someone know in terms of dollars?

    • 6.2 million: number of deer killed by hunters in 2008
    • 30 million: number of deer estimated to exist in the United States
    • 15: average number of days each deer hunter spends in the woods
    • 132 million: total number of days all hunters spend in the woods each year
    • 10.1 million: number of deer hunters in the United States

    Isn't that what the right to bear arms at work is about? Going hunting after work?

    I'm not sure people outside the USA really know what a deer is anymore as they've hunted them to near extinction in many places. I read in the USA there are something like 1,000,000 car accidents each year involving deer, and about 5,000 fatalities to humans. In recent trips to the Eastern USA, the deer are all over the place on roads outside the cities. Down south they get them off the road fast, but when I was up near Newark, NJ last week, dead ones were a common sight on the side of the road.

    Yep, that's why we need assault rifles. You cam kill 30 of them there deer with one clip. There are too many deer though, but real men can take them out with bows or blackpowder.

  16. There are some really dumb Yanks out there !

    Agreed and most of them have guns!

    Sent from my GT-P6200 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Unfortunately, this is very true. I bet there is a huge IQ gap between the average gun owner and those that see no need to own a gun. I cannot think of any of my doctor, lawyer or CPA buddies that have a pistol or an assault rifle. None, and I am one of those professions and spend a lot of social time with these groups.

    I have a buddy that builds custom Harleys with an auto AK, a contractor buddy with some guns, a buddy that sells windows and siding that is broke, but has high end assault weapons, another guy that is smart and an engineer but took so much acid he cannot work. He actually has a full arsenal in a walkin safe and us stock piled for end of the world. Come to think of it, all of my friends that own like lawn cutting serices or do contesting type work have pistols or multiple guns.

    "You can tell a lot about a man by the company he keeps"

    Ye haw. My 7 year old handles his bushmaster better than Ted Nuggest after a night of Jack Daniels. Cute, was that supposed to hurt my feelings? You, Internet bully you.

  17. A question from an outsider. Simple curiosity - no more. Different States have different laws so is it possible to buy guns in a State with lax laws and then simply take them over the border into a State with strict laws without any legal comeback?

    A good question. For example Florida now has ONE MILLION concealed weapon licenses. I think they wouldn't apply outside Florida. It's probably a patchwork for different situations. There are federal laws and state laws for most any issue in the U.S. Just a comment -- sure the gun owners know a lot more!

    Not sure about any differences, but there is nothing to stop it. No border checks. Go to gun show in Texas or Wisconsin. Take it to Florida or anywhere. You can buy used from private individuals anywhere as long as not fully auto which is registered and get you into big trouble.

  18. There are some really dumb Yanks out there !

    Agreed and most of them have guns!

    Sent from my GT-P6200 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Unfortunately, this is very true. I bet there is a huge IQ gap between the average gun owner and those that see no need to own a gun. I cannot think of any of my doctor, lawyer or CPA buddies that have a pistol or an assault rifle. None, and I am one of those professions and spend a lot of social time with these groups.

    I have a buddy that builds custom Harleys with an auto AK, a contractor buddy with some guns, a buddy that sells windows and siding that is broke, but has high end assault weapons, another guy that is smart and an engineer but took so much acid he cannot work. He actually has a full arsenal in a walkin safe and us stock piled for end of the world. Come to think of it, all of my friends that own like lawn cutting serices or do contesting type work have pistols or multiple guns.

  19. Not only is it strange that this woman appeared to think that she needed to keep a Sig, Glock, Bushmaster and apparently various other rifles in her house but they were obviously accessible, plus the ammunition, to her son.

    The only good news in this appalling tragedy is that the toerag seemed to have left the Bushmaster in the car, god knows how many more people he would have killed if he had that as well as the 2 pistols.

    My personal opinion is that civilians should never have direct, unlimited access to weaponry, especially automatic, semi-automatic or military grade items. But then heaven forbid that might get in the way of selling such items to Mexican narco gangs or terrorists such as the IRA. Can't get in the way of the blessed Second Amendment fan club, clinging to their guns and religion, the odd school massacre is but a small price to pay for the ability to defy/bring down an overbearing central government.

    I love the USA but this pathetic obsession with gun ownership comes at a terrible price. Do nothing and we will see another school massacre, and another, and another....Simple isn't it?

    One of the Medical examiners just gave statement. He autopsies 7. All were first graders. All shot by .223 between 3 and 11 times. He said none of the wounds he examined were pistol wounds.

  20. As much as the Gun nuts wring their hands and wail and gnash their teeth over things like this, the truth is that they consider the odd Austin, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Colorado or Connectitut to be an acceptable price to pay to keep their toys.

    It is nigh on impossible to reason with people that think this way.

    There isn't much limit to the price they would be willing to pay to feed that ideology.

    It's all about money and bipartisan politics. NRA and gun sells pump huge money into certain aspects of our economy. Ideologically, certain personality traits that migrate to conservatism results in need to have assault rifles and guns. Fear driven individuals tend to need more structure, stronger religious convictions and fear based people need protection in form of guns. This is huge political support as it is about 30 percent of our country that Republicans absolutely need to keep as their base.

    I personally thing Prozac would be a better alternative for these individuals.

    Isn't hunting one of the largest sports in the USA? Or the largest? Does someone know in terms of dollars?

    • 6.2 million: number of deer killed by hunters in 2008
    • 30 million: number of deer estimated to exist in the United States
    • 15: average number of days each deer hunter spends in the woods
    • 132 million: total number of days all hunters spend in the woods each year
    • 10.1 million: number of deer hunters in the United States

    Isn't that what the right to bear arms at work is about? Going hunting after work?

    You gotta watch out for dem dear. Luckily my 7 year is proficient with his Bushmaster so can take those crazy deer out. dam_n deer pert near attacked him in the parking lot of his job at 7-11 other day, but deer knew Bushmater was in car and took off.

    Why the hell did a women kindergarten teacher need a Bushmaster and a full arsenal, especially with an autistic mentally disturbed 20 year-old around? I guess she needed the Sig to back up the Glok in case things got of hand in Danbury when 1 murder in 10 years. Well her self protection necessary for such a dangerous place results in 27 dead.

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