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Posts posted by F430murci

  1. Yes, this news needs to go viral. Can you imagine 157 teachers being targeted in another country (civilized that is)) and no one getting as mad a "h"? And this death toll doesn't include all the police, soldiers, and parents out there that have been chosen as targets. The goverment is doing the "Thai" way, hoping it will go away. Also they are chicken to clean out the mess thinking the trouble will spread to the capital city. An article I read this summer stated that the USA government said outsider were NOT involved. I disagree. This problem did not exist 15 years ago. Someone is agitating and teaching the locals to hate and to make bombs.

    Some interesting POV at the URL below from the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University. To specifically respond to your comment from the research it states "Thailand’s military once prided itself on having stabilised the situation in the deep south. But in 2002 the military was stripped of its long-held responsibility for maintaining the peace there. Responsibility was handed over to the police, an institution with a track record of nepotism and petty corruption. In short order they made a hash of it, destroying a network of internal security informants that had previously enabled the army to address concerns before they got out of control".


    Wow, so it's your position that responsibility for the killing of defenseless teachers remains with Thailand's manner of policing the insurgents? Those that knowingly and intentionally commit violent crimes against innocent and defenseless civilians are 100% responsible for their own actions. Making excuses for terrorism does nothing be perpetuate the violence and place more defenseless civilians in harms way.

    • Like 1
  2. No he's not.

    Please don't cloud the issue.

    Good of you to admit the truth, that she was shot by the military.

    Don't cloud the issue?? Look at the original quote. The issue was already clouded.

    is it ok to shoot the nurse for revenge?

    It would be good of you to show me where I admitted to the "truth".

    And from what I understand that particular "truth" isn't very clear.

    Sent from my HTC phone.

    The "truth" here is molded by perception, influenced by prejudice and shaped by preconceived notions corresponding to an internal belief system that may or may not be predicated upon reality.

    • Like 1
  3. The hypocrisy of the leftist looney's on here is showing itself.

    If someone uses freedom of speech against their beloved followers then they a bad person.

    Yet they then attack the person's livelihood.

    This woman was expressing herself in a very restrained way, but the police-state mentality of redshirts can't have that....

    Cathay Pacific airline's are also a very 'un-redshirt' faction so you can be sure this was about rivalry and politics as well!

    Throwing hot coffee on someone is aggravated assault and assault in battery in US. Hot coffee can cause second degree burns on face and exposed skin.

    The girl stupidly admitted publically that she wanted to commit aggravated assault on a passenger of the airline. This is and should be unacceptable by any employer, particularly airlines. Airlines cannot tolerate the risk of violent behavior during flights on an enclosed aircraft and have a heightened duty to protect it's passengers.

    At first blush, this does seem to be a hasty, harsh reaction or politically motivated decision, but it really is not. One cannot go around publically admitting that they want to commit a violent crime against their employer's customers. Legally, airline now has notice of employee's propensity and is under duty to act.

    • Like 1
  4. He had suffered a broken left leg, and had wounds in his right leg and head. There were bruises all over his body from being beaten severely. The rescue officer rushed to send the man to Somdej Na Sriracha hospital urgently. Before Mr. Prasart went into surgery, he told the police what happened.

    don't see 1 bruise or broken bone for that matter, was this areconstructed picture months later? or did he get a kicking from a bunch of midgets?

    Thought the same thing. Don't see any marks on his neck either from being hung with a nylon rope that broke or being dragged around by the neck by a chain. No defense marks on his arm or hands are visible either. It could also just be the way this was written for English but sounds like he may have also been hiding from the police for a bit. Maybe just wishful thinking in terms of not wanting to believe this tragic story but I give about 50 - 50 odds these guys account is anywhere close to accurate or complete.

    They used a chain to tie around his neck, and dragged him

    who tied a rope around his neck and threw him off a bridge

    they kicked, punched, trampled and beat him

    When the man realized there were police looking for him, he crept out of the grass forest

    What is the motivation for saying this victim contrived or even embellished the entire story. The police found a rope dangling off the bridge. Why would this guy tie rope on overpass and jump onto road with heavy traffic breaking his leg? Why would police or official lie about evidence of being beat up? How many bodies or necks have you examined after a person was hanged, but rope broke? Would you not agree that an accurate examination, assessment and diagnosis of someone's injuries should be made in person than in a small photo posted on the Internet? Seems as if you are implying the victim, the cops and the medical personal all lack veracity and are a part of some conspiracy to create what, an interesting news story. I would certainly hope they have more constructive uses for their time.

  5. I believe thay are targetting teachers in Government schools, emphasis on the Government.

    I may be wrong but thats what I was led to understand.

    To add to the post the Thai government has only provided a few teachers who can communicate in the local language & this lack of action is perceived to be a deliberately endeavor by central government in Bangkok to undermine the traditional culture and language. Because of this, allegedly, teachers are viewed as being representatives of central government policy and are targeted. No knowledge if those teachers being murdered of injured cannot/will not communicate in the local language at the schools.

    The local lanuage in Thailand is Thai isn't it.

    Or do you mean that this is another case of muslim terrorists who claim, as they do in many parts of the planet earth, that a particulat part of a country where they live now has to be different from the rest of that country, only to satisfy their own believes.

    I am not trying to defend the killings by the insurgents/terrorists just posting my understanding of some of the contributing factors to the killings.

    On your other point, the Malay peoples of the Deep South certainly did not have any say on the transfer of territory to Thai sovereignty. Guess it's easy to say get over it ,but that's not going to resolve the current situation.

    The Mexican drug cartels, those that flew the planes in 911, those that blew up Pan Am 101, and those committing senseless, random and indiscriminate acts of violence and killing around the world could perhaps all articulate a rationale basis for their acts of terror. So what? Understanding or listening does nothing to stop it. Never has and never will. Not sure how or why you want to rationalize or defend that which should not be acceptable on any level of a civilized culture.

  6. I asked this in a previous thread already but never got an answer.

    For which reason do these people target teachers?

    Disruption to society and to undermine a fundamental aspect of a successful society. Shutting down schools and impairing children's ability to obtain an education strikes at the heart of having an organized, successful and developing society. What better way to cause a long term impact and long term damage?

  7. Not being able to afford bail sucks in just about any country but expect to even have to pay even more when in a foreign country as you are a much higher flight risk.

    However, I am not sure if this story is completely non-biased as he couldn't have been found innocent but at best he was judged not-guilty which could have been do to numerous things from his actual innocence to the prosecution filing a paper late. Unlike some other countries, obviously both sides have the right to appeal a verdict. One should be familiar, not surprised, by such laws when visiting or living in another country they are not a citizen.

    As for justice being applied differently ... Chuvit Kamolvisit, the leader of Rak Thailand Party, was sentenced to five years (without suspension) last month by an Appeals Court, overriding a lower court's decision acquitting him 6-years ago in the 2003 Sukhumvit Square beer bar demolition case.

    You say this man couldn't be found innocent but at best judged not guilty. So by your reckoning if someone is found not guilty then they must be guilty of something, right?

    Nope - your reckoning is clearly incorrect. As is common knowledge and both legally and realistically correct ... just because somebody is acquitted (found not guilty) it by no means means they didn't commit the crime (innocent), it just means it couldn't be proved legally. Criminal Courts in Thailand (and most places) don't declare people innocence, they simply decide if they are guilty beyond reasonably doubt/certainty. So, it is possible, but unlikely, even a person judged guilty is innocent but certainly many more people judged not-guilty did in fact commit the crime they were accused.

    I thought one was to generally be considered innocent until proven guilty. There is also typically a very short time, like 30 days, to appeal decisions in civilized countries. Can any one name any other country that allows a criminal court system to detain an accused that has been acquitted even if on a technicality.

    • Like 2
  8. I really don't see what is wrong with child labor. It's a resource in many developing countries and to not utilize it would be a waste and in fact america used child labour when it was developing. US needs to get rid the righteous attitude.

    No US just needs to ditch doing business with and giving money to countries condinning child abuse/labour. Economic sanctions not a bad idea either. Thailand can just partner up with other countries possessing high moral values such as China, some Eastern European Countries and a couple of the Middle East Countries.

  9. Having children develop a strong work ethic is not a big problem if they are helping their impoverished families. But porn and sexual slavery is disgusting and parents their teach their daughters to sell themselves to farangs in pattaya should also be imprisoned.!

    Are you saying that you approve of an 11 year old working to support his impoverished family?

    Are you saying you approve of a 11 year old not working and him and his family starving to death.

    Please tell me you are not condonning a 11 year old working in the sex industry to support his or her lazy, moral deficient abusive family. Yes, letting or forcing your 11 year old to work in the sex industry is aggravated child abuse.

    • Like 1
  10. South Africa accepts dual nationality, there should be no issue. I would presume his father already went through the procedure.


    I think one issue at the moment could be if the little one was already registered with the Embassy and holds a passport. It is something many of us do, but can take years to get around to it.

    One thing we can do is it will be no wasted effort to send a short email to the Embassy. The Consul for one, also copy in the Ambassador, the First and Third secratary, hell just phone them, what's the worst they can do...not answer. I am sure they are already all over this like a rash but for the time it will take to make a short post on TV we can start the ball rolling with mails of grave concern for the little one and condolences for Oswald included. The more communications an Embassy receive the greater the political pressure to act.

    Embassy of the Republic of South Africa

    12th A Floor, M Thai Tower, All Seasons Place

    87 Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan


    Tel: +66 (0) 2 659 2900

    Fax: +66 (0) 2 685 3500

    e-mail: [email protected]



    H.E. Ambassador

    Ms. Ruby Marks

    ext 51001

    Political Section:


    Mr. Velelo G. Kwepile

    [email protected]

    ext 51003

    First Secretary

    Mr. Raymond W. Manzini

    [email protected]

    ext 51022

    Third Secretary

    Ms. Jabulisile Msibi

    msibij @dirco.gov.za

    ext. 51021

    Police Service

    Counsellor (South African Police Service Liason & Officer)

    Mr. Gregory A. Gaillard

    [email protected]

    ext. 51012


    [email protected]

    fax:+66 (0) 2 250 1063

    While you are at it, make sure that everyone can see you have copied the main man, their boss.!!

    Contact emails for President Zuma

    Private Office of the President

    Deputy Director General: Private Office of the President

    Ms Lakela Kaunda

    Telephone: (Union Buildings)

    012 300 5217

    Fax: (Union Buildings)

    012 323 3231


    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    Get to it now, it will take the time for 1 cup of coffee. Mine is already sent to the lot!

    Thank you Sir,

    this is all the info I have been looking for.

    GentelmanJim, if there is anything I can do from my side as well please let me know. I have already been in contact with friends of mine back home in SA to see if I can try and gather as much support on this as possible.

    Media blitz is key,. Unfortunately,

    Thailand does nothing and investigates even less unless full on media assault raises concern about tourist dollars so media needs to slant articles at increasing danger or risk to foreigners in Thailand. Getting media just to focus on child custody issue will garner little attention absent danger to foreigners and official corruption angle.

    The good doc brother or those with means need to call in favors to news papers and media in areas when Thailand from where Thailand expects to receive tourism.

    • Like 2
  11. I too took a large chang bottle to the head once after just talking to a thai girl--her "BF" ran up and went crazy--before i knew it..boom..bottle smashed on my head--of course he got away with it as i have gotten in fights before and not stupid enough to take on every thai standing there watching...

    Maybe it the smile society..have to keep cool..smile..jai yen yen..greng jai..all pent up emothions as u do not show anger or talk about problems--just a ton of ticking time bombs walking around ready to explode on a hair trigger-people need express emotions or it seems this is the result-im guessing

    But yes after 3 years here the violence and thefts seem to have greatly increased--bad economy??

    Economy has gone up every year for the past three years in Thailand. Look somewhere else.smile.png

    Has it or was it just white lies. Did any one ever release the real economic numbers after dude admitted figures were white lies.

  12. I found this on CNN......I haven't watched it yet.


    Good job. A couple take aways from the link for those who suggested differently earlier ... It certainly is not piece copied from Thai media and the comment "Last year, 2,888 people were charged with having sex with children under 15 in Thailand." should certainly come as a surpise to those who think the only cases in the legal system are those of farangs re-reported on ThaiVisa.

    Again, good job in tracking this down.

    And then it states this. Sounds like very little being done for a widespread and chronic problem.

    "There is no specific law about having child pornography in possession," he said. "Thailand should issue the new law about child pornography specifically."

    Ronnasit Proeksayajiva is with a small NGO called the Counter Human Trafficking Unit. He works closely with Col. Apichart, often accompanying officers on raids. His assessment is frank -- and bleak.

    "Honestly right now I don't think it is getting better, I think it is getting worse, because I don't know, maybe they believe that Thailand is the best place for them to come to have sex with the children."

    Karl Kraus is alleged to have lured girls into his modest rundown bungalow in Doi Saket near Chiang Mai. Just a few houses away, I met the mother of the four girls Karl Kraus is accused of abusing. She denied his claim that she is trying to extort money from him. Instead she breaks down and weeps as she goes into harrowing detail about the ordeal her daughters endured. The youngest girl Kraus is accused of abusing is just seven years old.

    Kraus' case has received media attention because of his age, but there are many thousands of other cases in Thailand, which largely go unreported. Like Swiss banker Cornel Wietlisbach, who pleaded guilty to abusing young boys in Chiang Mai -- he was facing a four year sentence, but this was halved because he cooperated with the police. In the end, he was granted parole immediately and was deported back to Switzerland after he'd paid a 4,000 baht fine (about $125).

    Such cases do little to discourage pedophiles from coming to Thailand. Col. Apichart says online forums are abuzz with talk about Thailand being a child molesters' paradise.

    "There is a group of the pedophiles online, it is a community, they talk with each other and they like to come to a third world country where the criminal justice system is not strong enough to deal with them."

    From same CNN article quoted by above poster.

    Dunno, parole, $ 125 fine and deportation seems kind a light for a child molester.

  13. Link?

    You just had a poster living in the area who said they were there. Find your own links.

    You stated as FACT that the BBC and CNN covered this story but you refuse to back up this claim. Worse, you want us all to question (outright disbelieve) the media and police about facts reported, such as the pics the guy was busted with but you take as fast a comment an anonymous poster makes who clearly was stating other false things. Do you think you may be a bit biased for some reason with this story and it isn't about innocent and proven guilty (which doesn't apply in expressing opinions outside court). you keep saying it is about?

    Edit: to be clear, not looking for an argument but rather just asking you to consider this.


    Nuff said

    This article demonstrates it's a cultural problem. Thai culture places monetary greed ahead of children's welfare. Big surprise with what is happening in the South African murder case and child custody issue.

    Thai people profit from exploiting their and other's children. Cops, society and people who elect to see no evil all turn the other way. They are almost as disgusting as those abusing the children. Seeing only the good means turning your back on or walking by and ignoring those who suffer and tolerating the bad. Unfortunately, the bad in Thailand can be really bad and flat out reprehensible. Human tracking, sex slaves, child exploitation, child labor, money laundering for terrorism and accepting police corruption as a way of life. Time to stop ignoring the bad and make a change. Have some decency and integrity in other words.

    • Like 2
  14. This is utterly complete nonsense. Keith Richards never had a blood transfusion for heroin and a blood transfusion would NOT do anything to help with withdrawals or get somebody off heroin.

    What has been said many times is he TWICE had 100% total blood change,

    which removed all but residual heroin from his system.

    Snopes says this


    Keith Richards himself later explained how the rumor about his "blood change" treatment began:

    Someone asked me how I cleaned up, so I told them I went to Switzerland and had my blood completely changed. I was just fooling around. I opened my jacket and said, 'How do you like my blood change?' That's all it was, a joke. I was fuc_king sick of answering that question. So I gave them a story.

    What you failed to post was that KR let this rumor circulate for years. He didn't rebut the claim until 2010.

    That does not make the silly method any more viable to treat an opiate addiction simply because he did not directly refute. Probably did not refute because silly anyone would believe blood transfusion is a method to cure opiate withdrawals or addiction.

  15. Tenofovir now sells for Bt810 per 30 tablets, but if it is patented, the price could jump to more than Bt10,000, as the California firm would gain exclusive rights for more than 20 years, he said. Some Aids patients need this medicine every day. The pharma firm should not get the patent because it is not a new formula and is not based on a new innovation, he added.

    They are right. The Californain firm SHOULD NEVER get a patent on it. Just business.

    Pharmaceutical industries are not better than any organized crime organizations. Lives don't really count, just money does.

    They send guys to doctors all over Europe to describe one of their medications, even if it's a deadly one.

    A luxury holiday for the doctor and his family paid by the company etc helps the sick patients a lot. wai.gif

    Your post is an illustration of the absolute ignorance that characterizes this subject.

    The patent request will be rejected. This is merely a legal formality. Gilead attempted to enforce its proposed legal rights in the USA and lost the case. It was a 5 year legal dispute. The US Patent Office & Trademark Office gave its ruling. Once that decision was made, it is to be expected that other countries will follow. The Thai patent litigation was filed sometime ago, but the case was delayed as the key procedure was the US review. Gilead had no choice in the matter. As it is a public company, it was legally compelled to defend its patents. Had it not, all those pension funds, including the sovereign pension funds that pay the benefits many TVFers receive, would have filed class action security suits against the company. The most common security based litigation relates to fiduciary liability where a company and its directors and officers are accused of not taking measures to protect a company's intellectual assets. If you don't like it, then take it up with your local union, religious group, stock broker, mutual fund or national pension fund, because they all invest in companies like Gilead through their own or outside investment funds.

    RE: ignorance comment

    Actually both wrong in certain aspects. The first cites examples that violates Stark II and the second is based on rhetoric perhaps more than reality.

  16. If Keith put it down - anyone could!

    (question: can or could)

    If you're referring to the Rolling Stones' Keith Richards...he had the $$$ for a complete 100% blood transfusion to eliminate the smack from his system. Yep...vampire City. He makes no secret that he did this whenever he was hitting it too heavy. Once he was "clean" he'd start the ride all over again. The process is quick and painless but it ain't cheap by any stretch...

    There's more than a few clinics (Switzerland comes to mind) that specialize in this treatment. I wonder why old Pete hasn't visited them? Hell of a lot less painful than a bunch of monks whipping your ass and giving you a bowl of rice every now and then...

    Funny stuff, blood transfusions neither clean nor reset the mu opiod receptors. Withdrawals and post acute still going to be there for many months. Rapid detox may reset and clean receptors quickly. This is basically narcan if I am not mistaken given under anethestic. Still going to have PAWS regardless of what they say. Opiate abuse creates many new receptors in brain so the time to reach homeostasis has nothing to do with blood transfusions.

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  17. Over a dozen illegal and unregulated Chinese tour bus companies were closed down in the last 6 months in New York. They were servicing both Chinese tourists in NYC as well as the Chinatown runs to casinos in Connecticut and Atlantic City. Unfortunately, the Chinese new York tongs keep setting up new companies faster than the city can ease them out of business. There were two devastating bus accidents on I-95 last year where over 50 people were killed on each Chinese company tour bus with illegal drivers.

    A very good movie showing the NY Chinese gang control is The Day of the Dragon with Mickey Rourke - very good film, not exactly real but very good. The Chinese immigrants legal and illegal in all countries run very effective powerful underground and huge black money business. very few Chinese immigrants proportionately ever assimilate into their new country's system. They just remain in the "Chinese" thing and feed off the system of their adopted country. Now there are so many big Chinese communities like New York and San Francisco that they have their own elected officials, rarely if ever contribute or give back anything to their adopting nation, and rarely if ever spend any money outside their own network.

    Sure there is a growing native Chinese affluent upper middle class who shop on Madison Avenue, Sherbrooke in Montreal, and Place Vendome in Paris as onsies and twosies, but basically the "Chinese tourist" mainstream are the Chinese bus tour groups stumbling and bumbling around in groups of fifty and up following the leader around on day trips in cities around the world to gawk at Gwai-los. Bangkok would be the destination of the lower end of the Chinese economical pecking order as the result of its proximity and cheap accommodations.

    I have only heard one bus crash with 15 on bus killed last year in NY/NJ coming from or leaving casino. Don't know where you got two bus crashed with over 50 killed in each.

    • Like 1
  18. The Chinese may be good at taking in foreign money but their tourists seem willing to give it back ..

    According to the US Department of Commerce, the average amount spent by a foreign tourist on a trip to the United States is US$4,000. The average spend by a tourist from China meanwhile is US$6,200 — and this amount does not even include the money spent by Chinese tourists on transportation, hotels and restaurants ...

    The World Luxury Association says Chinese tourists now spend more on luxury goods abroad than Japanese travelers ...

    Chinese shoppers increase UK spending by 133% ... Jace Tyrrell, Director of New West End Company said: “The rich abundance of heritage and quintessentially British retail brands that London’s West End has to offer is the key driver for international shopper spend in particular Chinese visitors, who spend £1,300 per visit in the West End alone ...

    Chinese shoppers increase UK spending by 133%.

    Funny the way you worded that.

    I am sure you meant to imply that Chinese spending in UK rose 133% from August to September of 2011 and not that Chinese shoppers increased all spending in UK by 133%.

    Yes, Chinese do go to other countries to purchase luxury goods that are either unavailable or very expensive in China due to tariffs. Unfortunately, that all may be changing soon due to reasons outlined above, especially if not get property values issues reined in.

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  19. Relying on China tourist may be a bit short sighted. China's economy is shrinking, property market lagging horribly, exports at lowest points in several years, copper and precious metals are down due to demand an alternative world sources, GDP lowest point in several years and will perhaps get lower due to artificial measure utilized to keep GDP growing in previous years. Yuan may start appreciating hurting export and foreign investment, US 55 index and etc. and China may hit recession as opposed to a soft landing soon.

  20. I don't understand what flashlights and light reflectors have to do with this.

    Anything to reduce the practice of drunk driving is good, but has anyone here actually seen a breathalizer used in Thailand? I haven't. And what are the penalties for drunk DUI?

    I have never seen them used here in Thailand. But then again I have never seen them used in Canada or the United States either. Of course I only lived there 64 years.

    But I have seen road checks in the holiday seasons where they stop every one and if they suspect them they can legally give them a breathalyzer test and if they refuse be taken in. That is providing they are showing signs of intoxication. Generally in the morning or evening paper they will have a little article so many people stopped and failed breathalyzer test. A lot of times they are just given a 24 hour suspension.

    My concern is going the other way will they even bother with them.

    There is a test that the police use and it is a small light and you are suppose to follow the light with your eyes, if drunk your eyes will react in a way that the officer can determine your level of intoxication. In New Mexico if you refuse a breath test or blood test you will be charged with aggravated DWI and automatic suspicion of drivers license.

    That's HGN. See my post above about. I rarely if ever drive drunk, but one night a couple of years ago I had a long tough business trip, got home, went to our favorite open bar/restaurant on the beach and drank about 4 double top shelf margaritas with shots of patron on side. I got stopped on way home and they did HGN and I apparently passed as they let me go home, but I was literally right in front if my highrise doing u turn to pull in. Don't drink and drive since.

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