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Posts posted by F430murci

  1. Time to send in the army and just blow them all away, this is bullshit, killing innocent people in the name of your god, what a load of crap.

    Say that now, then so many complain about incidents like Tak Bai. I agree though. These losers only comprehend one language. Extermination. There is no middle ground or middle of the road solution.

  2. I am assuming the "prescription bottle" from a drug rehab place, did NOT say what it was, otherwise they might have reported that ...but being Thai journalists, maybe not. If you live here and get any kind of medications here, you might have noticed that labeling seems rather minimal, and sometimes totally lacking!

    I am not sure what you mean about "Done" showing up on "mass spec" because obviously no tests have been done yet, and the whole purpose of this thread, is that we all speculate on what happened. I don't know either why you are calling it "Done" as nobody will know what you are talking about, including me, who wondered in some previous post of yours, what you were talking about. I have experience working in the drug rehab world, and also with methadone programs, but as far as I know, at least in my home country, we aren't calling it "Done" so maybe you could use a more standard word so the rest of the "non-heroin addict" readers here, can understand what the hell you are talking about!

    Just a small suggestion ...and I would also suggest that you stop your promotion of benzos as some super safe drug that can be taken in massive doses with no ill effects. There are many negative effects, one of which is a "rage" reaction that can cause a person to become almost totally psychotic, and do very strange, and abnormal behavior, including suicide or homicide, or just smashing the hell out of everything in their vicinity. Just google "benzos and rage" and see what you find. Mixing them with alcohol is also not recommended. I feel you are giving out some irresponsible opinions here, and while I would agree, that benzos are not a very good choice to commit suicide with, that isn't really the subject here. If we were on a euthanasia website your opinions might be better placed.

    Don't be so sensitive. Nothing I say will turn anyone into a benzo additct and I am not suggesting anything about suicide. Hopefully, they will run toxicology. That is the only true way to determine cause of death. Working in treatment is honorable, but a bit far from 8 years of medical school and two year residency. Again, my only point is very, very doubtful death caused by alcohol and Valium unless acute alcohol poisoning. Be nice if cops investigate and get it right, but crime scene and evidence is probably already contaminated as they found their smoking gun in form of 10 blister pack of crappy generic low quality India Valium.

  3. Methadone is distributed both in liquid form and pill form. I don't know what form it is given in Thailand, could be both. Yes, usually, one would visit a methadone maitenance clinic once a day to get your dose. But maybe (likely) there are very few of these clinics in Thailand, unlike other large first world cities/countries ...so maybe they give you take-away product, or MAYBE, being Thailand, things outside the norm, can be BOUGHT rather easily.

    I said this before in this thread, but will say it again, methadone also is well known to cause stomach upset, nausea and vomiting. I would be willing to guess, that if you hadn't taken it for a while (as in you just take this recreationally, based on availability, you are more likey to feel nauseated from it.) So the report that maybe one? of them vomited, while passed out in their chair, would still indicate use of methadone.

    Done would show up on mass spec so no need to speculate about done. I definitely would accept done causing respiratory depression. Seem like cops would have mentioned Done if that was script found. If Thai authorities conclude death caused only by Valium and alcohol, I would say suspect unless there are about 20 other blister packs laying around that were not photographed.

  4. A bottle of whiskey and 20 diazepam isn't recommended, but its unlikely to kill you.

    I think a bit less than that can cause massive problems. it happens.

    Nope. It should also be understood that someone who had developed a tolerance to alcohol or any GABA binding substance can take huge doses of Valuim and appear completely normal. Huge does meaning greater than 100mgs.

    I have personally seen alcoholics weaned off alcohol with BAC above .3. They are given huge doses of Valium as the alcohol exits their system to prohibit seizures secondary to DTs.

    I very recently observed administration of 140 mgs of Valium to one individual being weaned down from a BAC above .3. He was at least still at .15 when he had taken 140 mgs of Valium during initial stabilization or induction period and probably ingested another round of 100 mgs 10 hours later to keep DTs at bay. Valium has a long half life so he had a fair amount in his system, but he was walking around and talking.

    99% of what you hear is someone dying of alcohol poisoning which would have happened regardless as to whether Valium or some other substance was ingested.

    as a question though, presumably when they are being weaned off the booze, surely they aren't taking this volume of Valium and still consuming alcohol are they?

    No. Alcohol is ceased. The point is, alcohol potentiates effects of benzos by increasing affinity for binding to GABA receptor. Someone with a BAC of greater than .30 is going to experience saturation of those receptors rapidly and at a lower dose of the benzo. This means 140 mgs of Valuim is accomplishing about same percentage of saturation as 200 mgs as greater percentage can bind to receptor. Valium at this level is stalized. Alcohol is the danger and dangerous effects of alcohol are not potentiated by Valium so to speak. There is a synergistic effect, but not very pronounced in regard to heart rate or respiratory rate unless extremely high dose of Valium, greater than LD 50, or sufficient alcohol to cause poisoning.

    Is this a safe combo? No. This combo, however, may not be nest choice for trying to commit suicide either.

  5. Valium and booze should not be mixed right?

    A bottle of whiskey and 20 diazepam isn't recommended, but its unlikely to kill you.

    I think a bit less than that can cause massive problems. it happens.

    Nope. It should also be understood that someone who had developed a tolerance to alcohol or any GABA binding substance can take huge doses of Valuim and appear completely normal. Huge does meaning greater than 100mgs.

    I have personally seen alcoholics weaned off alcohol with BAC above .3. They are given huge doses of Valium as the alcohol exits their system to prohibit seizures secondary to DTs.

    I very recently observed administration of 140 mgs of Valium to one individual being weaned down from a BAC above .3. He was at least still at .15 when he had taken 140 mgs of Valium during initial stabilization or induction period and probably ingested another round of 100 mgs 10 hours later to keep DTs at bay. Valium has a long half life so he had a fair amount in his system, but he was walking around and talking.

    99% of what you hear is someone dying of alcohol poisoning which would have happened regardless as to whether Valium or some other substance was ingested.

  6. Lol, irresponsible to speculate about OD absent mass spec or gas chromograhpy, especially if only substances known are diazepam and alcohol. Lol, some never admit to being wrong.

    The LD50 would be a starting point for any medical pathologist or medical doctor, unless perhaps the the intent is to simply classify as an OD without basing diagnosis on any documented proof or medical standard of care.

    The guys would very likely be on the other side of the LD50 dose if they are not neophytes in ingesting alcohol or benzos. Let's not let that scientific stuff get in the way though when we can can speculate not only what they drank and took, but how much they ingested.

    lol, lol, lol....what exactly am i wrong about?

    "let's not get that scientific stuff get in the way"! is speculation on your behalf on the dosage they possibly took and whether they were mixing with a lot of booze or not.

    i usually stay out of these type of threads, but suggesting diazepam may have been a factor since it was found in the room, is not exactly tinfoil hat material.

    anyway, i don't enjoy people acting in a condescending manner, so carry on.

    Too funny. You, not me, suggested they ODed an diazepam and booze. I said should wait until mass spec or gas choreography run and let science not forum room speculation decide it. So how the heck am I now the one speculating.

    I guess you were just trying to save face by flipping that on me, otherwise I am communication with alzeheimers patient. Conversation we had went about like this: Dad, want go for a walk today. No, I am not hungry. I already ate. . .

    i suggested the possibility of them od'ing on diazepam and boooze, WOW! if that's too far beyond your imagination then so be it, i won't waste anymore time trying to convinvce you that it is a possible reason.


    Exactly, and everyone that knows anything at all about Valium will say no way. Forget reading black box warning stuff on PIP or out of PDR.

    Not about being beyond my imagination. I merely suggested that you look up LD50 of Diazepam before spreading speculation that Diazepam and alcohol caused the death.

    The LD50 for naive users would require each to ingest about 720mgs so rather than one empty blister pack, there should be at least 14 empty blister packs if 10mg or 28 emptiy blister packs if 5mg. Not one!

    Alcohol does enhance binding infinity to GABA receptor. Let's attribute 33 percent which is too high, but easy to calculate. That means each would have had to ingest 5 blister packs of 10mg and 10 blister packs of 5mgs.

    Truth is, you would realize these numbers are actually very low if you understood LD50.

    This demonstrates everything that is wrong with Thai investigation methodology. Civilized countries generally begin investigation like this assuming crime and work backwards to rule out crime.

    The Thai police just charge in there, contaminate the crime scene, find a blister pack if Vs and say OD. This is pretty much what you did, but they are supposed to be professionals.

    • Like 1
  7. My condolences to friends and family of these 2 men.

    This was basically the way I lived 15 - 20 years ago. I even worked in Inlingua for 3 years. This could easily have been myself but I got clean.

    I want to say that it is impossible for 2 men like this to overdose on Valium and alcohol - there MUST have been another ingredient in the cocktail.

    Valium is not an antidepressant like a couple of poster said. Addict don't take valium to get high - usually used as a substitute when the drug of choice has run out. Alcoholics also use valium for withdrawal.

    Like another poster said - I've known many to take very large quantities of valium with no ill effects.

    Some just refuse to let things like reality get UN the way of their opinions. You are correct. Something like methadone would typically have to be combined with valium to make it lethal. I asked, but no one answered whether methadone is dispensed by clinics in Bkk for maintenance purposes.

    Congratulations on the sobriety. That is awesome.

  8. It has been attacked by anti-Thaksin groups as not respecting a person's right of exp<b></b>ression and forcing the woman out of a job.

    Mo omne denied her the right to speak...after all, she spoke!! The right of free speech does not preclude repercussions from what one says.

    Haha, yep. People can pretty say and do whatever, but be ready to pay the price if it crosses line into criminal behavior.

    Hate to break it to anyone. Chick got fired because she stupidly admitted she wanted to commit aggravated assault on customer 40,000 feet in the air. She would and she should be gone even if it was directed some old unimportant Joe Blow. I would direct HR to term her immediately if my company.

  9. QUote MEL : so it's now a bottle - same effect.... antidepressant liquid form - still doesn't kill!!

    diazepam (aka valium) is an anxiolytic NOT an antidepressant.... stones and glass houses for you ?

    it was a strip of about 8 tablets.. this is from the scene..


    8? Not 10? No matter, that and alcohol would not take down two large dudes down permanently especially guys that are neither opiate nor benzo naive. Heck, that would not even get them high if they have history of herion use.

    Even though alcohol potentiates binding on GABA receptors, gonna need more than that one blister pack for two large dudes. Perhaps other stuff in room present, but showing a picture of this empty blister pack reflects the level of sophistication of those investigating.

    That picture in Thai daily is despicable. Very insensitive. I doubt any due diligence will be exercised to investigate or run toxicology because they got that blister pack of some weak arse knock of Valium from India.

  10. My apologies if lol seemed to relate to the deaths. I am just laughing at conjecture regarding a very well documented drug with much information on contradictions. Do you know the LD50 of diazepam? Not sure I would jump to conclusion about diazepam OD being cause without such information. Hand full of APAP 500 plus alcohol would be potentially worse than a handful of blue Vs and alcohol.

    fair enough re the lol, the ld50 of diazepam has far less meaning if they're downed with a load of booze though doesn't it?

    that was my point... they could have taken a load of them and drank a lot of alcohol for all we know.

    Lol, irresponsible to speculate about OD absent mass spec or gas chromograhpy, especially if only substances known are diazepam and alcohol. Lol, some never admit to being wrong.

    The LD50 would be a starting point for any medical pathologist or medical doctor, unless perhaps the the intent is to simply classify as an OD without basing diagnosis on any documented proof or medical standard of care.

    The guys would very likely be on the other side of the LD50 dose if they are not neophytes in ingesting alcohol or benzos. Let's not let that scientific stuff get in the way though when we can can speculate not only what they drank and took, but how much they ingested.

    lol, lol, lol....what exactly am i wrong about?

    "let's not get that scientific stuff get in the way"! is speculation on your behalf on the dosage they possibly took and whether they were mixing with a lot of booze or not.

    i usually stay out of these type of threads, but suggesting diazepam may have been a factor since it was found in the room, is not exactly tinfoil hat material.

    anyway, i don't enjoy people acting in a condescending manner, so carry on.

    Too funny. You, not me, suggested they ODed an diazepam and booze. I said should wait until mass spec or gas choreography run and let science not forum room speculation decide it. So how the heck am I now the one speculating.

    I guess you were just trying to save face by flipping that on me, otherwise I am communication with alzeheimers patient. Conversation we had went about like this: Dad, want go for a walk today. No, I am not hungry. I already ate. . .

  11. I hope somebody will ask for an autopsy. That is the only way to go to determine what was the real cause of death. Somebody also will have to reexamine the Crime Scene and find that little element that has been overlooked. Everything else, you are all right, is just idle speculation.

    Now this makes perfect sense. Absent mass spec or gas choreography, even alluding to drug overdose is irresponsible and a deviation from any acceptable standard.

    Sometimes I wonder, how the police in your homecountries manage to solve crimes, when all the the forensic experts have migrated to Thailand?? whistling.gif

    A lot of references to old cases, all the discredit local lawenforcement at any price! The fact that the Canadian sisters died from a drugoverdose (confirmed by Canadian authorities) is ignored, because it doesn't fit the conspiracy theories.

    A more recent case where an expat was killed by a fellow countryman in Phuket, caused the posters here to spew their venom over Thailand and Phuket in particular. What do you expect Thailand to do, when farang travel across the world to kill each other in their (the Thais) country.

    A post here suggesting that at least one of the dead guys was a heavy druguser, is completely ignored, again because it doesn't fit the conspiracy picture.

    Too funny. Yes, we should just believe an anonymous Internet poster on a message board about traveling abroad. Forget actually doing any toxicology studies or objective investigation. Case already solved.

  12. Lol, would have had to be load of Valium. Valium is a very poor choice for ODing. Literally, there have been reports of people taking crazy amounts. I want to say I read a documented report in a treatise about an individual taking upward of 2,000 mgs, going to sleep and then waking up without any issues.

    Valium more commonly dispensed in 5mg or 2.5mg so that would be 400 to 800 pills at those strengths. Valium is essentially liquid alcohol, but higher threshold than alcohol induced poisoning.

    Discussing Valium as cause without knowing amounts dispensed or available is a bit like speculating ibuprofen caused death if empty Motrin bottle found in the room. Tylenol would actually be more likely to cause death when mixed with alcohol than typical amounts of Valium ingested for recreational purposes.

    Clonazepam, however, can be a dangerous benzo.

    was there a need for the Lol?

    all benzos are dangerous and potentially lethal mixed with alcohol, including valium and you certainly don't need to take 2000mgs and mix it with alcohol to get alcohol poisoning and od.

    and let's remember i wrote "they could have"

    My apologies if lol seemed to relate to the deaths. I am just laughing at conjecture regarding a very well documented drug with much information on contradictions. Do you know the LD50 of diazepam? Not sure I would jump to conclusion about diazepam OD being cause without such information. Hand full of APAP 500 plus alcohol would be potentially worse than a handful of blue Vs and alcohol.

    fair enough re the lol, the ld50 of diazepam has far less meaning if they're downed with a load of booze though doesn't it?

    that was my point... they could have taken a load of them and drank a lot of alcohol for all we know.

    Lol, irresponsible to speculate about OD absent mass spec or gas chromograhpy, especially if only substances known are diazepam and alcohol. Lol, some never admit to being wrong.

    The LD50 would be a starting point for any medical pathologist or medical doctor, unless perhaps the the intent is to simply classify as an OD without basing diagnosis on any documented proof or medical standard of care.

    The guys would very likely be on the other side of the LD50 dose if they are not neophytes in ingesting alcohol or benzos. Let's not let that scientific stuff get in the way though when we can can speculate not only what they drank and took, but how much they ingested.

  13. I hope somebody will ask for an autopsy. That is the only way to go to determine what was the real cause of death. Somebody also will have to reexamine the Crime Scene and find that little element that has been overlooked. Everything else, you are all right, is just idle speculation.

    Now this makes perfect sense. Absent mass spec or gas choreography, even alluding to drug overdose is irresponsible and a deviation from any acceptable standard.

  14. they could have both taken a load of the valium, fell asleep and never woke up... if there was alcohol involved then mixing them would be a big factor.

    of course, the suspicions are there and it is suspicious.

    i had a friend die a couple of years back in my home country from taken a few xanax (another benzo) and drinking a few beers, went to bed and never woke up, and he was only 23.

    Lol, would have had to be load of Valium. Valium is a very poor choice for ODing. Literally, there have been reports of people taking crazy amounts. I want to say I read a documented report in a treatise about an individual taking upward of 2,000 mgs, going to sleep and then waking up without any issues.

    Valium more commonly dispensed in 5mg or 2.5mg so that would be 400 to 800 pills at those strengths. Valium is essentially liquid alcohol, but higher threshold than alcohol induced poisoning.

    Discussing Valium as cause without knowing amounts dispensed or available is a bit like speculating ibuprofen caused death if empty Motrin bottle found in the room. Tylenol would actually be more likely to cause death when mixed with alcohol than typical amounts of Valium ingested for recreational purposes.

    Clonazepam, however, can be a dangerous benzo.

    was there a need for the Lol?

    all benzos are dangerous and potentially lethal mixed with alcohol, including valium and you certainly don't need to take 2000mgs and mix it with alcohol to get alcohol poisoning and od.

    and let's remember i wrote "they could have"

    My apologies if lol seemed to relate to the deaths. I am just laughing at conjecture regarding a very well documented drug with much information on contradictions. Do you know the LD50 of diazepam? Not sure I would jump to conclusion about diazepam OD being cause without such information. Hand full of APAP 500 plus alcohol would be potentially worse than a handful of blue Vs and alcohol.

  15. He had suffered a broken left leg, and had wounds in his right leg and head. There were bruises all over his body from being beaten severely. The rescue officer rushed to send the man to Somdej Na Sriracha hospital urgently. Before Mr. Prasart went into surgery, he told the police what happened.

    don't see 1 bruise or broken bone for that matter, was this areconstructed picture months later? or did he get a kicking from a bunch of midgets?

    Thought the same thing. Don't see any marks on his neck either from being hung with a nylon rope that broke or being dragged around by the neck by a chain. No defense marks on his arm or hands are visible either. It could also just be the way this was written for English but sounds like he may have also been hiding from the police for a bit. Maybe just wishful thinking in terms of not wanting to believe this tragic story but I give about 50 - 50 odds these guys account is anywhere close to accurate or complete.

    They used a chain to tie around his neck, and dragged him

    who tied a rope around his neck and threw him off a bridge

    they kicked, punched, trampled and beat him

    When the man realized there were police looking for him, he crept out of the grass forest

    What is the motivation for saying this victim contrived or even embellished the entire story. The police found a rope dangling off the bridge. Why would this guy tie rope on overpass and jump onto road with heavy traffic breaking his leg? Why would police or official lie about evidence of being beat up? How many bodies or necks have you examined after a person was hanged, but rope broke? Would you not agree that an accurate examination, assessment and diagnosis of someone's injuries should be made in person than in a small photo posted on the Internet? Seems as if you are implying the victim, the cops and the medical personal all lack veracity and are a part of some conspiracy to create what, an interesting news story. I would certainly hope they have more constructive uses for their time.

    I didn't imply anything -- that is your own mind playing tricks on you. I did however, make a typo and said "these guys account" when I meant to write "this guys account". The reasons are limitless why you can rarely ever believe one side of a story or why somebody tries to kill or harm themselves or why they choose to run in circles they do and I don't feel like entertaining the numerous reasons why his story may not be accurate or complete but I was being generous towards him when I gave it 50/50 odds.

    As for being dragged around by a chain to your neck and then being hung from a nylon rope by your neck to the point the nylon rope breaks ... well, I don't think you need to be a doctor let alone more than 12-years old to know this should almost certainly leave marks. Obviously the comments are based on one photo but since this is all we have and the photo shows a complete lack of injuries to visible areas where one would believe there should be injuries based on his story ... we would need to be being burying our heads in the sand to not point this obvious discrepancy out. As I stated, I implied nothing but simply stated an opinion that I give it 50% odds this account is accurate or complete.

    Even as for him breaking a leg ... he may have simply broken some part of his foot. This would make a bit clearer as to his running around after the break and his pants appearing perfectly intact in the photo. There is a Thai word for leg (ขา) that simply refers to lower extremities and the translation may not be clear in the story as is common. So, I even give it a 50/50 shot he broke his leg as opposed to a lesser bone somewhere below his waist but he certainly could have broken his leg and somehow was running around on adrenaline and the medics put him in the transport without examining the broken leg.

    Lol, about my mind playing tricks on me. Judging by the above post, you live in Fantasy Land located in Conjecture World. Wow.

  16. they could have both taken a load of the valium, fell asleep and never woke up... if there was alcohol involved then mixing them would be a big factor.

    of course, the suspicions are there and it is suspicious.

    i had a friend die a couple of years back in my home country from taken a few xanax (another benzo) and drinking a few beers, went to bed and never woke up, and he was only 23.

    Lol, would have had to be load of Valium. Valium is a very poor choice for ODing. Literally, there have been reports of people taking crazy amounts. I want to say I read a documented report in a treatise about an individual taking upward of 2,000 mgs, going to sleep and then waking up without any issues.

    Valium more commonly dispensed in 5mg or 2.5mg so that would be 400 to 800 pills at those strengths. Valium is essentially liquid alcohol, but higher threshold than alcohol induced poisoning.

    Discussing Valium as cause without knowing amounts dispensed or available is a bit like speculating ibuprofen caused death if empty Motrin bottle found in the room. Tylenol would actually be more likely to cause death when mixed with alcohol than typical amounts of Valium ingested for recreational purposes.

    Clonazepam, however, can be a dangerous benzo.

  17. I know both guys through one of their colleagues . Charlie was an asshol_e doing all kind of drugs he could get hes hands on. Jonathan on the other hand, he was slightly retarded maybe a mild form .of asbergers., he just always did whatever Charlie was doing without questioning anything. All Jonathan friends always told him to back out of the spiral of drugs but it never happened and now look how it ended sad.png dam_n Jonathan was nothing but a big laughing boy ill miss him,

    But im pretty sure they died from an overdose. So just stop all the conspiracies about Jonathans wife.

    ^ from girlfriend?

    Never hear of two people sitting upright dying from OD together with emesis around, except in Thailand.

    Do drug treatment centers had out methadone in Bkk? Methadone would not make them sick. They would just slip into respiratory depression.

    Doubtful both would expire at the same time, especially when one may have an opiate tolerence suffucient to be receiving methadone for opiate maintenance treatment.

    I think you will find that Methadone does have nausea and vomiting as a side effect. Maybe they got the prescription, without proper testing, i.e. they hadn't been recently, or one of them had never been addicted to opiates, lately or ever ...either way ....still strange they would both die at the same time, but seems like one of the more reasonable explanations?

    Vomiting if reading in pdr or pip distributed with scripts. Big diff between black box warning and reality when it comes to scripts. Methadone will slip you into respiratory depression and it won't happen quickly. Vomiting not likely based just on Done. Done has a very long half-life.

    Lol, at everyone reading generic pdr info on net about scripted drug and thinking they now have an understanding of that drug. Better place to start is learn about black box warnings and the reasons for black box warnings before looking at pdr.

  18. Finally some good news....the oily Abhisit held accountable for the massacre, although I'm sure the chances of him hanging or even seeing the inside of a jail cell are slim indeed...and if the judges grant bail to policemen on death row bail for murdering a man, then the chances might be even slimmer.

    I'd have a bit more time for the anti-Thaksin crowd if they were to campaign for him to be held accountable for ordering the extra-judicial murders of the drug dealers, but yellow shirt supporters seem to be a bit quiet about this...maybe because they supported the action?

    Maybe you should do some reading. k. Abhisit is to be charged for the murder of the taxi driver who run out of the house to see who was shooting and run into a bullet doing so. The bullet fired by army personel who were shooting at a van.

    As for the massacre, really ugly pictures those with soldiers, police, vanderGrift having been wounded or killed by grenade shrapnel. Don't worry, I'll not post them again.

    Lol. Did I just read some one say that a guy is responsible for his own death because he ran into a bullet.

    What is mv for a .223 how how many feet per second does a taxi driver run and was he even at full sprint. Lol, that is rhetorical so no need to respond because just doesn't matter.

    I suppose it is possible that the taxi driver was a super hero looking for a telephone booth within which to change so perhaps he could out run a speeding bullet. One fast enough to run into a bullet should also be fast enough to outrun a speeding bullet.

    I cannot believe criminal defense attorneys in US are not more successful with the he ran into path of bullet defense.

  19. UPDATE:

    US, British teachers found dead near Bangkok

    BANGKOK, Dec 8, 2012 (AFP) - Two English teachers, one American and the other British, have been found dead sitting side-by-side in the living room of an apartment on the outskirts of Bangkok, Thai police said Saturday.

    The men, aged 40 and 35 respectively, were discovered in the early hours of Saturday morning, according to Lieutenant Colonel Chamnong Kongtapan, chief investigator at the local police station in Pathum Thani province.

    Police, who are investigating the cause of death, found an empty medicine bottle in the room from a government-run drug rehabilitation center.

    "The name of the British man was on the bottle but we don't know yet what kind of drug (was) inside," he said, adding there was no sign of injuries on the men's bodies, or that a struggle had taken place.


    -- (c) Copyright AFP 2012-12-08

    "The name of the British man was on the bottle but we don't know yet what kind of drug (was) inside"

    Didn't the initial article say it was Diazapam...??

    Well forget about that. Valium won't do squat. They would literally have to take huge amounts. I have personally seen people take 10 to 14 ten mgs and be walking around. Benzo combined with methadone would a dangerous combination, especially for one lacking a tolerance to opiates.

  20. I know both guys through one of their colleagues . Charlie was an asshol_e doing all kind of drugs he could get hes hands on. Jonathan on the other hand, he was slightly retarded maybe a mild form .of asbergers., he just always did whatever Charlie was doing without questioning anything. All Jonathan friends always told him to back out of the spiral of drugs but it never happened and now look how it ended :( dam_n Jonathan was nothing but a big laughing boy ill miss him,

    But im pretty sure they died from an overdose. So just stop all the conspiracies about Jonathans wife.

    ^ from girlfriend?

    Never hear of two people sitting upright dying from OD together with emesis around, except in Thailand.

    Do drug treatment centers had out methadone in Bkk? Methadone would not make them sick. They would just slip into respiratory depression.

    Doubtful both would expire at the same time, especially when one may have an opiate tolerence suffucient to be receiving methadone for opiate maintenance treatment.

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