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  1. Nobody pays traffic tickets.
  2. If they lie to you blame them. If they lie to you again and you believe it again, blame yourself.
  3. 555. Nice. Now that's what you call a holiday. How does it change the Phuket hitlist?
  4. Same as every year, just bubbles. Nothing will be done ever.
  5. Clown show. You don't need a visa to enter TH if you are a New Zealander. But nice we talked about it.
  6. The 14-17 ban is because they wanted to prevent public servants from day drinking. That was sometime last century.
  7. Fruit wine. Check the label for the small print.
  8. Guess that's it for the foreign buyers condo boom.
  9. Hub of queues. Or queue of hubs. :D
  10. Drivers license worked since last century. What is new?
  11. The braindead are at it again. People will just buy at departure what they are going to buy anyways and money will be spend outside Thailand. Clever move indeed
  12. Why go to Europe, Middle East is closer and peole are the same on the streets
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