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Everything posted by animalmagic

  1. So, you don't like the logic of my arguments and resort to insults? As my years of secondary education were during the 70's, and I never went to University, please advise when and where this leftist education took place.
  2. My source was the Oxford English Dictionary; it has been relied upon for many years BEFORE wiki came into existence. The fact that Mussolini was a socialist is irrelevant to what he created. Does this mean that if an atheist creates a religious work of art, he then becomes a Christian? Or if a straight scientist creates a cure for AIDS he is now gay?
  3. Followed by - Education system is left. Hence you get a bunch of leftists blaming Trump. (Harrisfan 5 hours later) and, Male vote jumped 3%. Lefty males (Also posted by Harrisfan 5 hours later). Fascism is defined as - an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. Make up your mind please.
  4. Plan A America wants Canada to become the 51st state Canada has 10 Provinces and 3 Territories Total population is around 40m, USA is around 345m If Canada became a state, it would get 2 Senate seats and approx. 50 Representative seats Republicans just about keep the Senate (but probably not for long) Republicans lose the House of Representatives and never get it back Republicans will never win the popular vote again If each Canadian Province becomes a state (population of most is same as many US states) It would get 20 Senate seats and approx. 50 Representative seats Republicans lose the Senate and never get it back Republicans lose the House of Representatives and never get it back Republicans will never win the popular vote again Ok, maybe Canada is to become the 51st state but not allowed to vote? Taxation without representation didn’t end well some 250 years ago! Plan B The West coast states, Hawaii and the New England states vote to secede from the Union and join Canada. Reps now have the hillbillies of the Deep South, farmers from the Mid-West dust bowl, and the unemployed workers from the industrialised blue collar zones.
  5. Very interesting, could have landed you in jail for 14 days in Victoria! Deflating tyres could land you 14 days of imprisonment | CarExpert
  6. I think there should be a couple of spaces around the 'a' in that last word.
  7. We are very well-balanced people.........we have a chip on both shoulders!
  8. I think the motorcyclist definitely won the 'who was most surprised award.'
  9. Yesterday, February 19th, 2025—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America suddenly and cravenly betrayed a democratic ally in favour of the empire of Russia by reneging on the freely signed Budapest memorandum of 1994.
  10. The weapon appears to be a DSHK 12.7mm, normally used in a fire support or antiaircraft mode. The weapon was welded to the back of the truck and was ready to use; it had been used in such a manner a short time earlier. It is not something the terrorists would dismount and fire from the hip! The effective range is 2,4 km and it is capable of penetrating 20 mm of armour up to 500 mtr away! It would be the height of stupidity and tantamount to suicide to call for the terrorists to surrender as they had already shown they were willing and able to shoot at any target. The police force I worked in had regulations stating firearms could be used to protect yourself or any other person from death or serious bodily injury; that includes shooting before the bad guy pulls the trigger. We could also use firearms to effect the arrest of any person who had committed a serious and violent crime and use of force was the only means to do so. Both scenarios apply to the four terrorists who were in possession of a very powerful weapon that they had already used to attack a different location and were turning up to a new location for another go. That coroner is talking out of his.....'autopsy'!
  11. Barbaric terrorists attacked Jews, and anyone else the could find and capture, on October 7. Torturing, raping and murdering non combatants before taking hundreds of hostages. The IDF carried out operations as precise as possible to rescue their hostages only to find that the barbaric terrorists used schools, hospitals and their own population to suffer damage and death that could be blamed on the jews. The IDF is not a Jewish army but has Bedouins, Christians and muslems serving in it.
  12. The Palestinians seem to have achieved that before October 7, aided by UNRWA schools!
  13. If it's daily, take a picture and show us; or just blame Google! I don't think you can say there was no accident as it was Google, and you obviously weren't there to see if there was something further down the road.
  14. Utter codswallop! Blaming genetics now, really hit rock bottom and continuing to dig!
  15. You claim it happens every weekday but the picture you use to demonstrate this is from May 2022; almost 3 years ago! Surely a weekday occurrence would have more recent evidence? Secondly that is a picture of the Thai police wearing the correct Hi-Viz vests and using traffic cones to regulate traffic in response to some incident (accident, congestion, other traffic issue) and ensure that traffic moves more smoothly.
  16. There are lots of theories out there; some more plausible than others. My observations are on those facts and events that create uncertainties that question the narrative.
  17. I've actually visited this location and found it hard to believe that an individual in the 'sniper's lair' gave up a position where the target was moving toward him slowly and came to an almost complete stop before turning left onto Elm Street; a relatively easy shot for anyone familiar with firearms. The sniper allegedly gave up this position to run downstairs and shoot from the grassy knoll where the suspect was going downhill, moving to the left and increasing speed. From the first position the target is moving in one plane of movement towards the sniper and making the shot very easy; the target basically moved into the crosshairs. From the grassy knoll the target was moving in three planes of movement making the shot more and more difficult as time progressed with a constant need to readjust and reacquire the target. https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.322e4b4e1d8334d1e689c60f6d709029?rik=7q2kgjzTC3Bghg&riu=http%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F-D9qL74XKxh8%2FUSoNOi5h6HI%2FAAAAAAAAA70%2FrsuB8Ew3NgY%2Fs1600%2FGarrison.jpg&ehk=6tiWeojM4K%2Fpw5sBJAYp65cmjUvPDVhDS9bKHWcCFJI%3D&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0&sres=1&sresct=1
  18. In 2022 Statista estimated losses to online payment fraud alone was expected to reach $20 billion USD for 2021, a 14% year on year growth from the previous year. That only forms part of the total picture as online payment fraud is included in total losses to cybercrime. The World Economic Forum’s 2019 Cybercrime Report puts economic losses from all cybercrime, which includes online payment fraud, in 2020 at 3 trillion USD and projected this to double to 6 trillion USD in 2021!
  19. Just to clarify, you refuse to talk to ladyboys to better understand the situation but are happy to listen to gays to better understand the situation ?
  20. Depends on your budget but the Pullman Hotel is very nice and has direct access to the beach.
  21. From the original post it sounds like she already has a big ass!
  22. Fall in love?
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