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Everything posted by animalmagic

  1. "She will most likely be replaced by a new face with a better appearance and attitude. " As will Trump.
  2. Slaughter an elephant - feed a community, Slaughter a cat - feed a rumour!
  3. When I went to Mumbai they were sleeping on camp beds in some lanes of the highway!
  4. The BBC have tried to contact Hezbollah, but they are not answering their phones
  5. Yet here you are reading and replying to random opinions on social media? Baaa!
  6. Singapore is ranked 5th out of 180 and is not level with Vietnam at 83rd
  7. The OP is titled 'Tariffs and how Trump is a socialist'! It started off with a bias against Trump so you can't really accuse candide of turning it into his own political bias.
  8. It's also a possibility that it's a not an infrequently performed insurance scam
  9. Trump to Judge - 'but your honour, I've paid. I put the cheque in the post and the postman was attacked by a hungry dog who ate the letter, and then the dog was eaten by a Haitian!'
  10. Seriously?! I find it very hard to believe that any person would hand over their wallet to total strangers, no matter how friendly, so that they can view his currency notes. I wonder what his insurance coverage was for 'theft/robbery'? Let's see what the cctv shows.
  11. There are also chaps with flaps?
  12. There was no single valid point in what she said. Yet you seem threatened by the fact that Harris has the ability to identify with many different people and cultures on the basis of lived experiences. Then you try to insult two very large cultural groups by quoting two popular food types as if that is all they eat. I think you missed out accusing her of eating cats and dogs!
  13. For reference - Red Notice: To seek the location and arrest of persons wanted for prosecution or to serve a sentence. Yellow Notice: To help locate missing persons, often minors, or to help identify persons who are unable to identify themselves. Blue Notice: To collect additional information about a person’s identity, location or activities in relation to a criminal investigation. Black Notice: To seek information on unidentified bodies. Green Notice: To provide warning about a person’s criminal activities, where the person is considered to be a possible threat to public safety. Orange Notice: To warn of an event, a person, an object or a process representing a serious and imminent threat to public safety. Purple Notice: To seek or provide information on modus operandi, objects, devices and concealment methods used by criminals. INTERPOL–United Nations Security Council Special Notice: Issued for entities and individuals who are the targets of UN Security Council Sanctions Committees.
  14. 2023-24 Proposed Hunting Seasons.pdf (ohio.gov) Isn't goose hunting legal in Ohio? Seems they may have been in season, but possibly no permit.......LOCK THEM UP!
  15. Having people monitor cctv feeds falls into the law of 'rapidly' diminishing returns. The person needs to be well trained and not have too many screens to watch or they will miss a lot. Distractions and the need to perform other tasks also diminishes their effectiveness. There are many very effective computer based analytics systems that can monitor effectively. So the choice is, Somchai the cheap local security guard or an expensive cctv analytics computer system.
  16. Aiden Clark was killed in August 2023 when the driver of a minivan struck the school bus he was in. The driver, a Haitian immigrant, was sentenced to nine to 13 years in prison for involuntary manslaughter and vehicular homicide.
  17. I have listened to the comments made by the grieving father, and they were polite, cogent and appropriate. In complete contrast to those of politicians trying to make mileage, score points and incite hatred from another person's tragedy.
  18. Would that be the polls that you often say, 'don't mean anything'?
  19. The post I referred to has no hints as to potential foreign or domestic postings. From Tug - 'In my opinion I think what trump tells them to do will determine what happens.Thats not because a majority of the republican congress want to or what they think the best way forward is……it’s out of fear of their own electorate one mean tweet from trump and they are toast.they know and fear it.Its a truly sad position to be in and if trump loses a good many will breath a sigh of relief.'
  20. You ask a poster expressing his opinion to provide proof and links?!
  21. I was a village idiot. Retired now because that's reserved employment!
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