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  1. This may help reinforce what you have been told. I had both eyes done (at the same time......) 3/4 years ago and these are copies of some of the info I was given. Have a look especially on the 1st one about exercise -
  2. Yes but I have to question a couple of the statements or at least their implications - (my bolding in the quotes) Under the FAQs - Not sure if they mean quarterly from financial institutions in Thailand to TRD only but CRS data is, according to what I have read and mentioned on one of their other pages, an annual exercise within countries. I am also not convinced about the statement to do with credit cards https://www.expattaxthailand.com/how-crs-enables-thailands-tax-authorities-to-track-your-finances/ I don't see anything in the OECD CRS info which says that they automatically report every transaction as it specifies - Section 2, A - https://web-archive.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/common-reporting-standard/common-reporting-standard-and-related-commentaries/index.htm#d.en.345314
  3. In addition to above questions - What currency is that? Where is the money held? Who holds it? What safeguards are there (can't believe I said that with a straight face.....) They (well the purported company) bought out AA Insure here in Thailand but then set up a company in India to offer International policies to Thai based expats and tried very hard to push their own Regency packages. I cannot see any reputable company offering nearly double the maximum returns of most "stable" currencies.........
  4. Conflation - and you know it I can equally give you an example of a country where it doesn't happen - so what. You have been going down the whatiffery worst case possibilities for some months now - don't you ever get tired of spouting the same old stuff....... Sorry stupid question on my part. What was I thinking........
  5. In many of your posts unfortunately........(all bank account holders to produce a TIN for one........)
  6. I would be as if the foreign bank account holder does not stay 180 days then he does not need a TIN........... Could it happen, of course. But like clearance certificates for all it seems unlikely in the near future.
  7. UK mail to me here in Pattaya has gone from regular (statements almost monthly for 10 years or so) to completely nonexistent for the last 3/4 months......... Somewhat irritating as I don't know what else may have also gone missing in the interim.........
  8. Well I posted in in the week so here it is again if interested - https://www.pattayamail.com/latestnews/news/dont-panic-because-thai-revenue-has-written-to-100000-tax-residents-urging-registration-465598 Sorry if this is wrong but as mentioned had already posted earlier this week......
  9. Thanks - sounds like a nice bit of escapism for when I am bored
  10. I don't think that's correct - I am non resident but still have to declare it. What you get is 5k plus 1k added to the personal allowance that you can earn in savings interest on top if the rest of your earnings are below the PA. https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/savings/tax-free-savings/ if your interest was greater than that you are supposed to declare it They haven't deducted at source for some (many) years now........
  11. Even further down the article itself tends to poo poo the idea. There has been lots of talk about how to reduce the cost but this just seems to be someone flying kites.......
  12. In your situation I am surprised you sent them any information......... I wish one of my deferred schemes was that incompetent as I have not heard anything from them for over 3 years and it is potentially payable in the next couple of weeks...... When I contacted the administrators by email (as I had done in the past) it was like trying to get a Thai company to respond by email. When I finally bit the bullet to phone them it was like they were doing me a favour answering the phone............
  13. It is not just you but I really don't understand why people are posting foreign bank interest rates in a Thailand specific thread - well it is supposed to be........ UK/Europe/US rates have been far higher than Thailand for more than a few years with over 5% still available from many UK accounts.........
  14. Hope it fits ok............
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