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Everything posted by animalmagic

  1. I presume that when you say 'president elect' that you are referring to Harris? So, you admit that she has as good as won the election then? That's not very loyal!
  2. The Belt and Road Initiative was intended to free China from the 'shackles of encirclement' and the development of high-speed railways for cargo within S.E. Asia should render the Straits of Malacca irrelevant. However, 23 of the 68 countries involved are at risk of economic distress or are now basket cases due to toxic debt owed to China. In fact, some people say that the BRI is simply colonialisation by indebtedness and impoverishment of other sovereign nations.
  3. or just a desperate ploy to try and win back some female voters?
  4. Harry's biggest crime was to detail in his book how he lost his virginity to an older woman in a field behind a pub where she rode him like a young stallion; he gave no thought for the woman herself and her right to privacy. Even worse, he neglected his own children by not considering that one day they would be able to read about Daddy's first experience in his own words. I'm sure these words will be thrown in their faces by kids they socialise with at school and sports, and by the press looking for a reaction. I feel sorry for his kids!
  5. This is so incredible that I actually had to Google it to check if it was a wind up! Sad to report it seems to be true. Ten weekends of imprisonment beggars belief; he should be locked up for every year of the probation and then some. The 13 year old girl will suffer every day and not just the weekends. I am not an advocate for vigilante justice but things like this make me consider it.
  6. I actually thought the spelling of the adjective was intentional and referring to a type of beer; one that is also referred to as 'a pint of wife beater!'
  7. So, you would prefer that journalists sit like a congregation listening to a sermon, only allowed to say amen at the end?
  8. Utter twaddle. A good journalist holds the interviewee accountable and does not let the 'interview' become a platform for the interviewee to tell lies. As I said previously the journalist is expected to call out lies and claims that can be proven to be untrue. This 'interview' was allowing a politician to use the media platform for their own (proven false in many instances) claims while financially benefiting the owner of the platform, and by extension the interviewee who receives sponsorship from the platform owner.
  9. I stand by my assertion that Musk is not a journalist. I will even answer your irrelevant challenge to name two journalists. Should we try Woodward and Bernstein; perhaps you remember them from the last time America had a criminally indicted president? A good journalist is like a policeman. There are facts that he knows and can prove, there are facts that he suspects and will investigate and try to prove, and then there are details that speak to motive and method that he collects along the investigative process to reinforce his case. Opinions and political/religious/social bias are irrelevant.
  10. Fully agree. Why would she agree to an interview by Musk, who is not a journalist, when the interview would benefit him financially and he could spend more to support 45?
  11. Not sure which Immigration office you will be using but I would advise that the Jomtien office responsible for change of Visa types was not the most friendly. Very aggressive and rude to my wife and really pushed me to use a 'fast track' service to get the Retirement extension instead of marriage; being stubborn I refused but should have things sorted very soon. As advised by another poster it is better to stick with the Extension for Marriage if that is what the original Non-O was issued for. The extra paperwork is not difficult as you need to visit your local Amphoe to get a Kor Ror 22 stating you are still married and it shouldn't be issued more than 3 months ago. Pictures of you and your wife in various locations of the house is simple, as is the hand drawn map to your house. The major issue to consider that the bank account used to support the application must be in your name only. This causes problems should you pass away without a watertight will and even then your wife may have problems accessing the money quickly. Happy to explain more of my experience with the process, just send me a private message.
  12. But there is a very nice room available at the police hospital now.
  13. Harris is on the 'Campaign Trail' while 45 is on the 'Complain trail'!
  14. So why post on a highly opinionated 'chat group'?
  15. Perhaps 45 could challenge her with tough questions at a debate..........Of course that would be after he's finished running away from questions from the NABJ.
  16. Try going to a Thai language school. There you should meet foreigners who have at least one thing in common with you.
  17. OMG! You really only have a passing acquaintance with logic. If Mussolini was left wing and invented Fascism he then becomes Fascist and NOT left wing. For example - if a chap, let's call him Mohammed, was a Jew and invented Islam he would then, by your logic, be a Jewish Moslem! Or perhaps easier to understand. A certain orange coloured politician was a Democrat but became a Republican President. Is he now a Democrat Republican?
  18. You are getting your name calling terms a little confused. Fascism is defined as an authoritarian and nationalistic RIGHT wing system for government!
  19. I suppose it's possible. But, I have to ask why would Russia waste any of its disinformation resources or efforts on a website/chatgroup that has no relevance or influence in the rest of the world?
  20. You generate more random numbers than the national lottery!
  21. Every one of your ancestors did!
  22. It's not rational to declare an election rigged without documentation; especially after multiple failed court cases alleging that fact!
  23. My reasons for living where I live are personal, whilst my politics are irrelevant to that choice. Your assumption that I am a leftist is ridiculous in the extreme. Not that it's any of your business but I have never voted for a left wing candidate in my life. An individual should not be defined by which group or person they blindly follow but by their actions as part of society.
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