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Posts posted by SDM0712

  1. Paying a higher price for fuel for something that does not need it is marketing playing with your mind, clever psychological test stuff err. biggrin.png

    Need is relative. My point is that in my experience the bike runs better on pure 95 Petrol than the 91 Gasohol alternative.

    I agree that the 91 Gasohol does meet the minimum standard, but as far as performance goes the 95 pure mix gives a better return.

    I personally can survive on bread, water and vitamins, but will run much better on steak and chips ! laugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

    I am not a mechanic, although possibly " Kwasaki" is with this nick, but there must be some truth in that which I experience, it can't really be my imagination. After all I'm sure that racing superbikes and F1 cars do not run on a gasohol mix. I'm really to lazy to look it up but if anyone tells me that any performance/competition vehicles run on a 91 octane gasohol mix I will admit that I must be dreaming about getting better performance from a 95 octane pure fuel.

    To look up information on the internet does not an expert make, and I am not an expert. I trust what I see, touch, feel and experience.


  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Well, first off, I hope your wife is ok. She should get rabies shots as well. Never trust what the dog owner says.

    I am surprised the owner has agreed to pay the bills, as this is a rare thing in Thailand.

    I would involved the local kanam (sp...the local village chief) and get the dog removed.

    "Agreed to pay bills" is different to "Has paid bills" Good luck.

    It really doesn't matter. If they are British they will have holiday insurance and their medical cover will be up to several million USD, but they must make the insurance company aware as early as possible.


  3. I'm sorry to hear about this, it sounds like the dog is more of a guard dog then a pet and if it's a pitball probably expensive. The owners won't admit it if that is the case but that's why they haven't got rid of it. It's sounds as if you are on one of the big Land and House estates in Chalong. Some of the owners there are quite wealthy professionals but even though you have bank details I would inform your holiday insurance people, just in case. Perhaps you should contact the British Honorary Consul here in Phuket. Martin Carpenter has been here a long time, is a very nice chap and might be able to give some good advice/moral support. SDM

  4. So I am still wondering why she said not to use Gasohol 95.

    To avoid losing face and appear that she didn't really know what she was taking about she probably made up the answer. I see this a lot. From her perspective since most people use 91 on a car of this type it was obvious that 91 would not damage the engine. But since she had no knowledge of anyone using 95 just said don't use it because ...... anything could happen and she wouldn't want to be blamed for the car exploding in a ball of flames or something.

    My MU-7's an oil burner so doesn't really matter, but on my bike (Kawasaki 650) I get better performance and sound from using the old fashioned straight 95 (at 50.3 baht a litre !!)

    I'm no mechanic but with knowledge no doubt gained subconsciously from Grant & Phil's Arches I believe that as long as the minimum octane level is used that no damage can be caused. I'm not sure if any fuel that would go over 95 is available commercially, or even if that could damage the engine with too high a rating.....perhaps (Kerosine ?), aviation fuel?

    Also, is leaded fuel even available anywhere now ? That would of course could damage to the Cat.


  5. Hi

    2 months deposit and monthly rent in advance is usual. I always supply a draft of draft lease to tenants and landlords (in Thai and English if either are Thai) a few days before signing. It's a lot to go through and really you need a chance to read through it first at your leisure before signing.

    You can ask for anything you want, it doesn't mean they have to give but many of my tenants want to see the landlords ID and we usually get it supplied, we always take tenant ID so it seems fair, the utilities are a bit high high, but it's not unusual for a landlord to add a bit for himself and quite usual in a condo or apartment.

    Yes you should always ask for a receipt for any money paid, always for everything and if you are concerned about the deposit insist on an inventory.

    If you are not happy, walk away.

    Do you have reason to actually be concerned ? Does the Landlord wear a sheepskin coat and drive a yellow three wheel robin reliant or a Capri Ghia ? *



    * sorry will only mean anything to the Brits, otherwise I am suitably impressed.

  6. I have found a unit I liked in Thong Lo and will be going back for a second viewing next week.


    The building isn't the newest so I thought about a surveyor. I know in the UK it's common to have a property surveyed by a professional so a realistic value can be put on the property - is that also the same in Thailand? I tried looking on google but couldn't find any website offering that service.


    not sure what you mean by "surveyor" in the context of

    For us from the UK we normally get a surveyor ( not a building engineer, but person qualified to make a comment on condition and value) to inspect the purchase. The lending bank will require a very basic comment on value and structure (like does it look like it's about to fall down), but the buyer may decide to get a more comprehensive survey.

    We would need to get a survey regardless of whether the purchase was a house or flat (apartment).


  7. I can do 1.5% in my Harrow on the Hill Branch!!!! LOL!

    And ..again....translate into English

    As an Englishman I only speak English, perhaps tainted with two years at a Thai language school. I supposes as agent I also speak rubbish!

    I believe I remarked that my company's fees for selling property in our Phuket branch were 5%. I think there was some exclamation and intimation that this was a rather full figure, so I retorted by saying that my branch in Harrow in the Hill (NW London) would only charge 1.5%.

    Although true in fact, it was a joke.


    PS Unless anyone has a property in Harrow and I can arrange for one of my staff to give you a valuation (Not a joke)

  8. Ha ha! Maybe!

    It is frustrating for the tenant though as they can't always contact the Landlord, they need someone to shout at! I don't blame them at all.

    Also quite often we are the bringers of bad news and it doesn't matter that we are only the messenger!

    I think also that most agents I have come across here wouldn't last five minutes Stateside or in Blighty, they would be struck off for their sharp practices. HM Trading Standards would have a field day! The guys in my London office think I'm kidding when I tell them what goes on here.


  9. Oh well- there is me saying some agents are excellent- this evening had the water meter removed( did not think that was possible- but it is!) so water is cut off.

    I check everything- so agent had assured me all bills are paid- it turns out water bills have not been paid by previous tenants for ages- so no water- have enough in the tank for a couple of days , and hopefully will be sorted!

    As agents we don't always know if the previous tenant has kept up with utilities. Depending on your tenancy agreement (ours are based on UK ASTs) the Landlord should have duty to ensure that basic utilities are available. In your situation what I would normally advise one of my tenants in the same boat would be to go to the water department, pay the old bills and reconnection and just knock it off the rent. There is usually little point is persuing the old tenants since they will be long gone so the landlord will have to foot the bills anyway.

    Also we always make sure the Landlord has at least two months deposit when the tenants move in and refunds are not made at the end of the tenancy until the Landlord knows that all utilities are up to date. So really all roads lead to the Landlord (or agent if they were managing the property)


  10. No problem and I appreciate the (relatively) honest reply from an estate agent ! smile.png

    Of course you will advise the "farang" they cannot own the land their house is built on --------I do of course recognise there are various "scam" schemes of doubtful legality used to "ease" the purchase of houses !

    I've built my reputation at home on honestly and professionalism and am doing the same here, no relatively about it. In the long run agents make much more money from being honest in repeat business and recommendation work anyway. We also get loads more lunches. I started 25 years ago in London W1, have worked some big corporate agents in senior positions and that is how I have run things and I insist my staff do the same or it's DCM.

    I advise buyers when asked that the aThai Law is quite clear, unless you invest 40 odd million in government bonds and get a government minister to sign it off, a foreigner cannot own land in his own name. For anything else I suggest they talk to a lawyer !


    No problem and I appreciate the (relatively) honest reply from an estate agent ! smile.png

    Of course you will advise the "farang" they cannot own the land their house is built on --------I do of course recognise there are various "scam" schemes of doubtful legality used to "ease" the purchase of houses !

    I've built my reputation at home on honestly and professionalism and am doing the same here, no relatively about it. In the long run agents make much more money from being honest in repeat business and recommendation work anyway. We also get loads more lunches. I started 25 years ago in London W1, have worked some big corporate agents in senior positions and that is how I have run things and I insist my staff do the same or it's DCM.

    I advise buyers when asked that the Thai Law is quite clear, unless you invest 40 odd million in government bonds and get a government minister to sign it off, a foreigner cannot own land in his own name. For anything else I suggest they talk to a lawyer !


  11. .."............ There's good and bad--no real estate anywhere is free of all issues.......

    I'd like to add here that it is a common misconception that agents are working for all parties for the common good. We are not, we are working for the client to get the best possible deal. In most cases were are paid by the seller/landlord so it it our job to get the highest price and best terms. Occasionally we are retained by buyers to find a property and it then becomes our job to negotiate the lowest price and best terms for the buyer. The situation should never come about that we are being paid by seller and buyer since there would an obvious conflict of interest and unworkable situation.

    The other thing I would like to say is that there is a very common term in UK legal property circles of " buyer beware". It means that it is the buyers responsibility to discover problems with the building or legal situation. As agents we should not lie if asked a question, but we do not have a duty to voluntary make the buyer aware of a problem. You can imagine if this practice is acceptable in the UK where our legal system is as old as time, it is certainly acceptable here.

    To this end if you buy without a lawyer or building report then you have no one to blame but yourself if things go wrong later on. Certainly don't blame the agent.


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  12. themagician

    As a matter of interest have you attempted to sell the second hand property?

    How much overpriced property is being marketed in Phuket ?

    Is there a "hot" market " for this property ?

    Easy to answer !

    We have over 200 second hand properties.

    Overpriced is a relative term but since sellers/agents don't all all appreciate the dynamics of a property market I would say that many are priced accurately for the market of 12/24 months ago maybe longer, but today are overpriced. I am quite honest when I meet sellers, however if they want to wait for the market to turn, which it will, they may very we'll get their price, just not today.

    A hot market ? Yes, for well priced properties, some might consider them cheap. Although we start at around 1.5 and go to 94, I would say the majority of interest for Foreigners are condos sub 2MB and houses 5/10 MB. For Thais it's around 2/3 MB for houses. Hot might be an ambitious term right now, perhaps warm might. be more appropriate !


    PS Sorry just noticed that wasn't meant for me.

  13. Many apologies- sorry if got the wrong message across- do the rounds of the agents and sort out the good ones- last month was organising a rental - and some were totally useless and some excellent.

    Actually none needed, it's a fairly accurate perception !

    I have an agency in an expensive part of NW London and came here to retire. But boredom combined with a total disbelief of just how rubbish agents were here persuaded me to get back in the saddle here. I run the company as if it were in the UK and governed by things like the Property Misdescriptions Act, Trading Standards etc. I know I don't have to, but I just wouldn't be comfortable otherwise.


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  14. My good friend (!!) has just got a new passport and recently moved. Consequently his 5yr driving licence now has details that are out of date.

    Has anyone in the same boat bothered to get a new licence ? Are we obliged to get a new licence ? If anyone did what was required ?


  15. Sometimes they tack on a "move in fee" or "administrative fee" in the states. Still an un-necessary mark-up.

    If it is specified as an " Admin " fee then this is fine. Even a private landlord will have to spend time drawing up contracts, printing them off, maybe (hopefully) doing an inventory.

    But any notice should say what the fee is for.

    I wish we could do it here (!!) my London office charges £150 admin fees and that is pretty standard amongst all London agents. I think Foxtons are up to about £350 all in and that's just what the tenant pays!


  16. As agents we normally charge a booking fee/holding deposit of between 5000/10,000 depending on the value of the rental and only usually if they want to move in more than a week or so later. This is offset against the move in funds (first month's rent and security deposit/bond)

    If the tenant changes their mind in the interim time they lose the deposit, but if the landlord changes his/her mind they get it back.

    If this 1000 is for anything different walk away. It's not the 1000, I would be concerned about it is the possible other "unusual " fees they have in mind.


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