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Posts posted by MGP

  1. Would be great to stop the drama and start a nationwide sms/call-in/app campaign for a serious of questions and implementations before they rush into anything. The TV could start to have experts and contest shows going on instead of soaps and "funny" shows, and the whole country could have a chance to look into a brighter future by proposing better ideas, maybe from foreign experts too and everybody can vote for it.

    But hangon, the main problem is i think not with the ideas, but with the law enforcement, corruption free implementations, the whole system is affected by the blatant corruption and we can talk for ages if nobody willing the right thing to do, its too deep down in the roots.

    The country really need a charismatic leader who is young, admired, smart enough to lead the country out the mess and everybody listen him/her.

    The question is who is that person in the Thai Kingdom who everybody trust, admire, look up and listens without any doubt???

    That would be very nice.

    There is one monk that is collecting fresh ideas from the people:



    I know that some of you will accuse that monk of having shared the stage with Suthep, but don't get it wrong. If you listen to his talks, he is severely criticizing some of Suthep's and othe protest leader's ideas, and asking the people to listen & think carefully and not trust or blindly follow everything that they are asking or promising.


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  2. “The Thai version posted along with the delicious English version was in fact more vulgar, with foreigners referred to with a pronoun normally reserved for animals - bang tua. Pathonpong was fed up.”

    “Farang Bang Tua” is an expression that is not only used by Pathompong Charoenwut. I have heard some of the Isaan workers at the apartment where I live refer to us as “Farang Bang Tua” (western animals) when we complain about problems with the Wifi or the TV signal.

    BTW here is the Facebook of that gentleman: https://www.facebook.com/pathompong.charoenwut

    Yesterday all his pictures were public, but now he has increased the level of privacy.

  3. Chuwit vows not to apply his candidacy elsewhere


    BANGKOK: -- Rak Prathet Thai (Love Thailand) party leader Chuwit Kamolvisit implied Monday that he would not contest the February 2 election after he could not apply his candidacy at the Thai Youth Centre in Din Daeng this morning.

    The outspoken former MP said he went to the Din Daeng’s youth centre to apply for his candidacy but could not get into the premise because the anti-government protesters had blocked all the entrances to prevent candidates from getting in.

    He said that he would not go to the Crime Suppression Division, an alternative site for candidacy registration arranged by the Election Commission, to apply his candidacy and would go straight home because he had already done his job.

    Protesters from the People’s Democratic Reform Committee have also laid siege to the Din Daeng police station after candidates from other parties who failed to register their candidacy at the youth centre went to the station to file complaints against the PDRC.

    Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/chuwit-vows-apply-candidacy-elsewhere/


    -- Thai PBS 2013-12-23

    If I could vote in Thailand, he would my only choice. As he said: He is cleaner than politicians tongue.png

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