The battle is moving on from the #plantbased theater, which had seen clashes over labeling and skirmishes surrounding grocery aisle placement. Lab-grown meat is now in the crosshairs of several U.S. states, including Alabama, Arizona, Florida and Tennessee, with proposed legislation that would outlaw the protein source. Arguments in favor of a ban have cited concerns over safety and the role of ranchers, while others have called the innovation-stifling measures protectionist and want consumers to make the decision about what lands on their dinner plate.
How it's made: Billions of dollars have been poured into startups that are trying to produce cell-cultured meat, including investments from traditional producers like Cargill and Tyson (NYSE:TSN). The cultured products are made using cells that come from a living animal, which grow inside bioreactors with the right dose of hormones and nutrients. U.S.-based company Eat Just won the first federal approval in June to sell cultivated meat to the public, but the backlash has been global, with a recent ban implemented in Italy that cited risks to culinary culture and food heritage.
Sometimes, IMHO, the advancement of technology is NOT a good thing!!!