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Posts posted by IvanLaw

  1. I found this on the Internet. I can't make it work. Can you?

    "Have you locked your keys in the car? Does your car have

    remote keyless entry? This may come in handy someday. Good reason to own a

    cell phone: If you lock your keys in the car and the spare keys are at

    home, call someone at home on their cell phone from your cell phone. Hold

    your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at

    your home press the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone on

    their end. Your car will unlock. Saves someone from having to drive your

    keys to you. Distance is no object. You could be hundreds of miles away,

    and if you can reach someone who has the other "remote" for your car, you

    can unlock the doors (or the trunk)."

    No will not work, regardless of telephone brand.

    Entirely different frequency required.



    2006 SL55AMG in USA, 2005 SLK200 in Bangkok, 2004 S280 in Bangkok keys in ? :o

  2. Last wednesday a very very lucky girl has got hitched with the Donz.

    She loves it so much I will be comming to Thailand for a really big wedding (again)

    I accept all your congratulations in advanced.

    If your lucky photo's might come soon.

    Congratulations to you both &

    My condolences to the bride

    (Only joking, wish you both all the best) :D



  3. Hello There,

    Except for the smoking rooms are there any bars/resto's/lounges airside where one could lightup.

    I know it's unhealthy so please no comments on that issue. I'm too old to start changing my lifestyle !

    Thanks beforehand for any usefull information.




    Sorry I cannot help you


    I can gloat, stopped after 40 + years

    Bl**dy hard going

    Assured first 10 years without is the worst


  4. Thailand should come to grips with the fact the greatest thing they have is the world's greatest whores. That, indeed, is an achievement. And one that the we all should enjoy

    Jo Mama

    Are you by chance Thai?

    If so I do not think your Mama would be pleased

    With you writing about her on a public forum

  5. Notice how every pub has a bell hanging somewhere?

    Ever ring it?

    :o What do you think ?

    ps: those bells are all over Europe as well; never saw them in Samui though.


    The bells in europe are there to warn customers that on the first ring that they must order there last drinks, generally 15 minutes later the bell is rang again to tell the people in the pub that no more drinks will be served and they must drink up and get out!

    :D Don't know which country you're talking about but IF one does ring the bell it means you invite ALL people in the bar for a drink...at your cost.


    UK `Last orders gentleman please`

    Sorry Lao Po but have to agree with other poster

    20 + years in the “Pub Trade” in England

    Bell behind bar was to remind customers :Last Orders & Time

    In the words of my Dad

    Time Gents Please, Had your money now I want your space


  6. i just texted her: i am same same good farang

    she texts back: i no believe. no same same bad farang

    i text back: give me a chance to show you i am same same good farang

    she says: ok but dont mad me if i think you same same bad farang

    i text back: thank you i will show you i am same same good farang

    i will let you know how it goes.

    do you guys really not get it? she has a great rack.

    Did you say you teach?

    The above smacks of middle school mentality.

    Maybe Teach


    Will he learn??

  7. despite the fact that i teach at a prestigous english school, a thai girl i have been courting keeps saying that she thinks i am same same bad farang because i have a tattoo of a the georgia bulldog on my shoulder. i told her that i am not same same bad farang, and that i am same same good farang. I told her that i got the tattoo because i went to the universitry and loved rooting for my favorite team. i told her that not all farangs with tattoos are same same bad farang. She tells me, she thinks tattoos are bad, and that anyone who has one is same same bad farang. She says that she likes everything about me except for the tattoo. This is pretty absurd logic, but she is a great girl who I respect so i really want to get to her like me.

    have you ever been in a situation where a thai girl said you were same same bad farang. how did you convince her you were same same good farang?


    I hope you are not attampting to teach English :o

    Maybe the “same same” refers to Tutorage of English compared to bar patron :D

    I am Dyslexic!! :D



  8. Little said

    Gratification for one

    Information non existent

    Information none

    Entertainment none[/size]

    Stick to the priest and nun jokes Ivan

    Great Reply & you have increased your "Post" count considerably,

    Hope you have also resolved your personal conflicts?



    Leave the sticky priest/nun alone

  9. Who cares, Jews, or any "minority"?

    What's important is that people from any background learn to live/work together in an understanding and productive way.

    I'm disgusted by walls, physical or otherwise, anywhere!

    I am intrigued, Placing your disgust to one side,

    How do you support your house/ synagogue roof??

  10. Censorship not “recent” in Thailand,

    Try and find a copy of the film The King & I

    Whether you accept or not

    Their country, their belief.

    Are you talking about the 1956 film, "The King and I" starring Yul Brynner and Deborah Kerr? {I think you could find that if you looked.} Or the 1999 film, "Anna and the King" starring Chow Yun Fat and Jodie Foster? In either case you might be talking about a ban or prohibition rather than censorship? They're different. This thread is about censorship of films on display. And I can't comment on the censorship of "The Last Emperor", as it was released twenty (20) years ago.

    I was writing about the film The King & I

    Thai Authorities censured the viewing of said film as if was thought to be disrespectful to the King and subsequently band.

    Surly if banned that is a form of Censorship?

    Still banned in Thailand according to my Wife , (also checked with Thai brother in law)



  11. Every government is. Thais are not the most sensitive in SE Asia.

    It sounds faschistic simply because we have a different set of taboos.

    Apparently very recent taboos, btw? :o

    Censorship not “recent” in Thailand,

    Try and find a copy of the film The King & I

    Whether you accept or not

    Their country, their belief.

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