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Posts posted by IvanLaw

  1. :D  Liontamer- Sorry but when we get out of the USA we have no intention of ever returning for any reason. There are worse places than the USA but there is no place that is more hypocritical when comparing rhetoric to reality.  You are welcomed everywhere to fight blantant evil, but in the USA you can't even question it. We just hope to get out of here before they start interring us in GITMO.

    Thanks but I'll take a ONE-WAY ticket.  JOHN

    Just wondering what that is all about? Why did you join a Thai forum if you hate the place so much? :D

    If you read again: :D

    We are going to be relocating to LOS next year on permanent basis

    Sorry but when we get out of the USA we have no intention of ever returning for any reason

    Self-explanatory or have I missed something? :o

    Why did you join a Thai forum if you hate the place so much

    Not sure where this comes from?



  2. Electricity (electrons) flowing through a conductor (ie: wire) are slowed due to impurities in the conductor. This is call resistance. When resistance occurs, heat is generated. The more electrons you force through a given conductor, the more heat you generate. Picture yourself pushing a wheelbarrel around the yard. The more dirt you put in the wheelbarrel, the harder it is to push, and the more heat your body generates. You begin to perspire. That perspiration evaporates and in so doing, cools your body. The heatsink and fan in your computer act in a similar mannor, by circulating cooler air over the CPU and other internal parts, reducing overall temperature. (Sorry, a short-bad explanation for a very complicated subject.)

    In general, the least expensive way to improve performance in your computer is to increase RAM. In your particular case, an increase from 256 to 512mb, should increase performance quite noticeably. In many cases programs will run faster as it will not be necessary for your OS to use the hard drive as a "virtual memory device", which it does as available RAM memory becomes less and less. Remember RAM is much faster than writing/reading-to/from a hard drive. Another hardware performance improvement to consider might be a new hard drive, running at 7200rpm, with an 8mb buffer. They are relatively inexpensive today. (I would guess your 2+ year old hard drive is probably a 4200rpm of about 20-40gb.)

    cheers :D

    What a brilliant analogy. :D


    But the above made something clear to me :o

    I have tried the “Dummies” books but I am still in the dark :D




  3. I had mine in the late-70s and, as one poster noted, there is a lot of swelling.  If I wore a Speedo to the beach, the women would have followed me home.  Unfortunately, the pain stayed with me for weeks.  Interestingly, you need to ejaculate a half-dozen times, or so, to be sure that your system is clear of sperm.  Now, there are several ways to get a semen sample and, when mine arrived at the lab, there was a lot of saliva in it...

    Are you per chance “Double Jointed” :D

    Or just bragging :o

    Sorry Just JOKING :D



  4. i'm led to believe, that you can re-hook it up again, if you decide to have kids again :D

    I tried this, but it was at least twelve years on and didn't work for me. I had product, but not a very high count and the motility was low. The reconnect was in about 1984, so technology may have improved since then.

    Bottom line is I haven't gotten anyone pregnant since the original snip.

    above last line :D

    I will not make remarks about

    "Transfer to Gay Section" :o

    To obvious :D

    Had the “Snip” 30 years ago,

    Please be careful, DO NOT LIFT ENYTHING HEAVY :D

    I went back to work 3 days after op., Heavy work, ended up flat on my back for 10 days waiting for swelling to subside, scrotum so swollen could not walk VERRY PAINFUL, actual op no problem. :D


  5. He!

    Reminds me of an old joke about a man who for years and years begged his wife for a blowjob, to no avail.

    One day hubbie ups and dies.

    After his body has been cremated, wife puts the ashes out of the urn and on to the garden table.

    She then proceeeds to blow the ashes out into the wind, the garden.

    "There you go love. You finally get you Blow job"

    :o  :D

    Overheard at work

    This BL**DY PC goes down on me more than the wife. :D


  6. As a callow youth in the late 60’s I acquired a XK 120 which I managed to wright off 3 days later. :D

    Something I have regretted ever since. :D

    Still brings a tear to the eye just thinking of the beautiful machine I managed to destroy. :o

  7. (Jai Dee @ 2005-06-16 03:11:32)
    (PeaceBlondie @ 2005-06-16 08:57:10)

    I'd start with two of the fastest motorcycles, at least 4 Lotus sports cars, and a really good-looking, long-legged pre-op young Thai katoey; luxury penthouse condos in Chiang Mai, Bangkok, Phuket, Galveston, and a big house on a cliff on the western coast of Ireland.  Go by first-class jet to all the peace rallies, meet with heads of state to avert wars, and always have a year's supply of Viagra in case the supply got cut off.

    No offense PeaceBlondie, but can you please leave that stuff in the Gay Forum so us hetros don't have to read it?

    Well I'm a hetro and I read it - and I'm certainly not offended.

    You keep it up, Peaceblondie, make the red-necks suffer.

    With all that Viagra, I'm sure "keeping it up" will not be a problem :o


    Gota be a medal or something for that reply^

  8. Can some one please explain to me why since becoming vegetarian 4 years ago my weight has steadily increased from 10 St (63.6 Kg) to now 11.5 St (73.2 Kg)

    Same work etc, maybe just old age :D

    Even in the heat of Thailand weight stays the same :D

    But I think I eat more :o



  9. at Koh  Samui

    well i met a  French tourist..he talked to me  with his broken english..(my english is not perfect but  obviously  its better than him)

    after we  talked a  while 

    He : wow ,  you speak english very good..perfect....like  a BAR GIRL ... i spend my time  in BKK  at soi.nana many day

    Me : what ???

    He : in Thailand,  people dont speak english...just bargirl speak..

    Me : well your  world is  too small, and  you 're as smart as i expect...next time  if your mum  speak english with you..don't forget to give  a  com ploment to her as "mom..your  english is so good..have  you ever been  whore before? "

    He :  ???

    it's bambi :D


    Great Reply.

    but please remember being French he has a great handicap from birth :o

    Are there 2 of me !!! :D Not a nice thought

  10. Hmmmm not baiting me are you C. ?

    Not sure what you mean by that but I was replying with good intention and taking the piss in the same way you would a mate.

    If I didn't like you I would have added another laughing smiley but seeing as I do I just put one. :D

    I am honoured to think you feel that way about me Scampy


    Spuds & the soon to be Mrs Spuds

    Congratulations :D

    Gentleman Scamp , Thai Pauly ? :D

    Watch this space :o

  11. I started a topic lately on house design, but members started posting opinions on other matters, and it became less about house design and more about the use of toilet tissue and the impact on the sewer system.So I have posted a new topic inviting people to ask why thais do what they do. So post your Thai quirks and answers here!

    Here are a few whys to kick start the process.

    Why do thais have toilet rolls on the dinning table and a bowl in the toilet?

    To wipe sticky fingers etc, To wash and clean

    Why do they add ice to a cold beer?

    To Retain and Keep cool

    Why do the red buses stop where ever they want to, even when it holds up traffic?

    To let passengers on and off.

    Why do the roads have lines when no one stays in their lane?

    To Employ painters

    Why do thais have such a mai bpen rai attitude?

    Never Mind, One day understanding of culture will be understood. :D

    Sorry couldn't resist :o


    Ivan :D

  12. I must be a world record holder for spam in my inbox. What can i do? If I use a filter I lose valuable emails. Plus why can't someone get an IP address and go round to their home address and arrest them and fine them one million dollars then bung them in jail?

    Spam is terrible, then on yahoo chat I get spim....blah blah blah go to this porn website link etc. I am going crazy, is there a solution?

    I have heard that a lot of people who visit Porn sites end up with "solution" :o

    To be serious, there are lots of different Programs, Blockers etc

    Try a search & if you do not recognise E-Mail address DO NOT OPEN,

    Do not RETURN, just delete

  13. My Employment is related to Food Imports to UK.

    Some from Thailand where I first tried Durian over 6 years ago.

    I requested samples of Durian Prepacked.

    They arrived Friday, By Monday when I returned to work all ###### had broken out.

    Lot of explaining to do, :o

    how do you convince your Boss they it always smells like that!!!! :D:D

    Now he is a convert and also loves the taste.

    Unfortunately we have been unable to sell so I will just have to wait for Holidays to taste again. :D

    Incidentally my wife, who is Thai, cannot stand the smell or taste :D




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