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Everything posted by vivananahuahin

  1. what can you expect from such uneducated people, this is the result of free visa politic, I cannot understand, of this the government is desesperated about the tourism and financial situation.
  2. Who is able to discuss about these rules, not an expert, only between high officials from the concerned governments and about sure dubbele taxation. This is the point.
  3. He will be fired, you cannot contradict the PM words.
  4. The governor will receive the red card, cannot critic the PM.
  5. And after songkran festival so much billions bath spended, it is not responsible to accept this, I delete my holiday trip, to avoid to breath this air, no change as usual.
  6. I will cancel my trip, anyway I don't go anymore, it is not a good news for hotels.
  7. ok songkran in the water again, forget it
  8. I think the Chinese will think twice before a holiday in Thailand, look on Tik Tok the comments, ouiee
  9. Give them a few masks N95 if they go Chiang mai and other north provinces and give them also free hospitalisation in case of respiratory problems.
  10. It is not a responsible answer for a PM an tactless, he cares more about the tourism, he forget that internet exist and these tourists read and look also all the international news, last one was on BBC and in Europe, they are so many places in Thailand where the air is not so polluted then promote these places, again he is a seller like they say in the Times, with all my respect for his job but he makes a very big mistake now'
  11. The ostrich's politic is to refuse to accept danger.
  12. I am very happy for him after a very long hospitalisation, no trace of sarcopenia and if can good see he has also some visceral fat who can be toxic for the body, then exercices Mr Thaksin. In a few months he will tennis again.
  13. I think Macron spoke about this during the meeting with the PM and now this situation for him, he will loose the face so much edges for the FTA and free visa with the Schengen countries, to follow...
  14. I think a mistake, the air pollution is not good and for a sick elderlyman with such respiratory problems it is not wise.Or may be....
  15. very soon believe me the Russian prostitution will be here.
  16. The wrong choice with now the death of this activist, and they go ask a fair trade agreement with Europe, they can forget it, it is a very inappropriate political decision I think, to follow
  17. I will send him a few pictures is it so difficult to use drones taking pictures and send to the owner making these fires and let him pay a real sum, not bla bla bla.
  18. Farang is always in fault, no discussion, never a Thai driver.
  19. I understand that the Chinese or other tourists read also the news and it is not the good way to attract tourists, they will never learn, and no words from the authorities .
  20. it is disinflation not deflation and still not negative, China had also and a devaluation of the currency was the point to bolster exports because growth faltering in Thailand and also kan 0.25% rates cut help a little not 10.000 to help the economy.
  21. again, it is a real pandemic.
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