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Everything posted by vivananahuahin

  1. Do they realise what,'s happening in Ukraine, Mr Macron will not be happy, bye bye F35, wisdom would be to remain neutral, but ......
  2. Is it so difficult, from when was beginning his salary for a first minister, 2014, 2017, 2019??
  3. i need 2x 5cm A4 documentation each year, i am marrieid since more of 10 years.We need accept it with a big smile.
  4. Some bad news, Poetin declares a 1/2 mobilisation to continue the war and russians will not travel anymore for a long time, wakkeup Thailand.
  5. it is a disease in Thailand, need be followed like Covid.
  6. If you check this website www.tradingeconomics.com,all informations will be more transparent, this is the reality and you can take your conclusions.
  7. I am so worry that i am so depressif now, i have received 4+1 booster ,and don' t work i will think to nr 6 to be happy again, maybe!!
  8. Are they passengers coming through Bangkok airports or others airports or real tourists spendind $$ in Thailand, more transparency and honesty are neccesary.
  9. is it so difficult, from when is the first munister payed for this job, 2014 or 2017, or retired general?
  10. it is not my problem, only the thai people can judge him, what i see around me they don't trust this government anymore, it is too much corruption as usual.
  11. reheated coffee no longer has the same flavor!!
  12. interests rate US 2.5%, Thailand 0.5% ,if you are an investor where is the best investment, wisdom, wisdom...
  13. Tourists or passengers?, always a difference between an apple and a pear
  14. it is in contradiction with the boost for tourism from the gouvernment, a u turn will be necessary to avoid some insidious words
  15. We can make a print sreen of what they say and come back 6 months later, if the target is not reached, an excuse will be find like usual. Sometimes it's better shut up.
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