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Everything posted by vivananahuahin

  1. if i should realise what he said is so ridiculous he would never say these innapropriate words. Primum non noncere , he forgots these words, heid coming too old i think.
  2. good for the econmy, it's mean Thailand comes back again in the trend.Miscellaneous facts, not interesting.
  3. Many overstays in the near future, if they go back they can be mobilised in the war with Ukraine.
  4. i am more concern about rising smog doctor buy no words about this!!
  5. Not good for APEC, what wiil think Mr. Macron about this?PM 2.5 mask will be necessary and can be a concern for the security.
  6. i wait also from Air Asia, i have a credit account since april 2020, and never receive an answer, may be with facebook Air Asia account i will try.
  7. it was also a 0 covid politic for more of one year with many consequences, now all the world will be in a recession in 2023 Thailand no and now growing and growing, i hope so but sometimes wisdom and transparency are more of necessary.
  8. these virus have no wings but flight with pax around the world without being see, this is the problem.
  9. i can help also if necessary, but first where are they living and secand this year is also an english translation, has his wife a belgian id card, so many questions first.They can pm me for some informations
  10. not concerning as usual like the pandemic and the recession,
  11. Do they realise what,'s happening in Ukraine, Mr Macron will not be happy, bye bye F35, wisdom would be to remain neutral, but ......
  12. Is it so difficult, from when was beginning his salary for a first minister, 2014, 2017, 2019??
  13. i need 2x 5cm A4 documentation each year, i am marrieid since more of 10 years.We need accept it with a big smile.
  14. Some bad news, Poetin declares a 1/2 mobilisation to continue the war and russians will not travel anymore for a long time, wakkeup Thailand.
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