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Posts posted by BabyJebus

  1. dont. idiots there

    There's a nice gym with knowledgeable people on the by pass(elite fitness) and the royal phuket marina also has qualified english speaking trainers that dont suck.

    Asia fitness < - please dont even think of visiting them.

    • Like 1
  2. There's a difference between having lower price for locals and higher price for tourist and phuket(or thailand's) price

    Everything touristy in thailand cost pretty much the same as in monaco nowadays while being dirty, cheap and unsafe.

    Just like the whores for the old men. 3000-6000 for the night? you'd get a clean educated woman speaking your language fluently back home for that price.

  3. whats the point? it'll be full of trash tomorow morning.

    I know a few spots in phuket town that have daily cleanups for about 5hrs a day. All those places are filthy every single day.

    The park in my hometown of 500 000 people is about 9 times as large as sapham in, it has water as well, animals and people are allowed to eat there.

    0,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 garbage EVER seen and no cleanup crew and no staff telling people to clean, no notice that its illegal to spew trash and no police officers.. Sometimes there's a stray plastic bag coming from the street thats it.

    You can't change filthy people. It's not HISO to take your plastic cup of coke. The hiso way is using the motorbike plastic holder to tie it on a tree.

    • Like 1
  4. Thank you all for the quick reply....I'll probly do the Singapore run, seems like a fun place.

    Free city tour, free movies in 2 wings, electric foot massage, butterfly garden etc etc. Very fun airport to waste time in. last week i got to watch the new mission impossible and In time

  5. Only the thai govt is to blame. Anyone who isnt part of the lower tier of the human brain scale knows that humans need to be babysat for their own safety. Knowing they wont get into trouble for not wearing a helmet means that 85%+ of the tourists won't wear one. If they had heard that policiemen do their jobs it would drop to around 15%

    What happened to individual responsibility? If they didn't wear helmets then they only have themselves to blame.

    individual responsibility makes a country like thailand

    the oposite would be singapore. Look how nice singapore is.

  6. It was probably too hard for the family to get a canadian passport.

    I mean it takes a lot of work. Like

    1) Thai birth certificate translated into english, a big 2hour commitment

    2) A plane ticket for the child. Again 30mins and a bit of money

    3) A lawyer that signs a paper that stipulates that the kid is really himself

    4) A 2week wait period to get the passport.

    5) A letter from the mom that the child can travel to canada.

    its 2012, if there's no APP for it it cant be done

    Can someone please explain to me, why should a Thai child living with her Thai mother in Thailand go to Canada to a "family" she doesn't even know??w00t.gif

    Education and better love and life experience.

    Exactly why im bringing my child back home.

    People sitting around and letting the child do whatever all day is not wht i consider being a parent. A child with a good thai family (thats if the family is GOOD) can have a decent life in thailand

    but in canada all he needs is a subpar family to have much more than what he'd get in thailand. Most people would wish their child to grow up with more than a single event per year (all thai events are EXACTLY the same thing. 1000 stands with about 30 different things spread out, same bad music on cheap speakers that are moslty used by an unimportant person trying to HISO level up by speaking 70% of the time about lame stuff, broken down railroad for kids with a few other broken down toys/trampoline, a beauty dance show)

    The only child i have seen getting better lives than a ghetto kid in canada are those of extremely wealthy families and even then most of them are missing a lot on the beauty of nature, the millions of free different art/physical developement acitivites offered by the city. All the different festivals and holidays(how do you let a child grow up without Halloween and snow?)

    I could go on for 50 pages. and lol. sending a canadian child to a free thai public school. Yeah, thats nice man. Im sure the father would be thrilled.

    My child has spent only 20% of his life with his canadian side of the family. Most of it when he was very young and doesnt remember.

    He still has 500% more respect for them and everytime he leaves thailand he forgets the thai side he sees everyday after a week. Right now he has not seen his canadian side for 8months and he still talks about them everyday. Tells you a lot.

  7. It was probably too hard for the family to get a canadian passport.

    I mean it takes a lot of work. Like

    1) Thai birth certificate translated into english, a big 2hour commitment

    2) A plane ticket for the child. Again 30mins and a bit of money

    3) A lawyer that signs a paper that stipulates that the kid is really himself

    4) A 2week wait period to get the passport.

    5) A letter from the mom that the child can travel to canada.

    its 2012, if there's no APP for it it cant be done

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