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Posts posted by Kerryd

  1. 7 hours ago, DKA1961 said:

    From my experience, Chinese men in foreign countries never behave normally.

    You can say the same about almost any men from any country when they are in a foreign country.

    Except maybe Aussies. They're dicks at home and abroad !

    But seriously. Arabs in Thailand. Yanks anywhere. Brits anywhere. French/German/Swede/Bosnian.

    They go to a different country and it's like they think the rules don't apply to them anymore. Or if they do something they can just escape back to home and disappear. Or that their country will bail them out.

    Expect a LOT more stories about the Chinese in the years to come. They've been slowly digging their way into the country the same way they've done to Cambodia, Myanmar and a number of other countries from SE Asia to the coast of Africa.

  2. 1 hour ago, Cabradelmar said:

    My first thought was the girl was involved in the scam to get money from her parents... Might still turn out to be the case. We'll see.

    My thoughts as well.

    Especially as she was apparently found wandering around a shopping mall. Not trying to hide in hotel somewhere but just going about her business like normal.

    Probably not expecting anyone to recognize her in a foreign country.

    Gee, I wonder if this was the plot of a recent movie or soap opera.

    • Like 1
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  3. 4 hours ago, mstevens said:


    Looks awfully like an Outlaws vest he's wearing, Barry. And if he is a member of the Outlaws gang, those guys are seriously bad news.

    Stories like this one are literally a dime a dozen. Women "romance scam" men just as often as men "romance scam" women it seems.

    Nice that someone helped out but the problem is - tomorrow there's likely to be a hundred more hands stretched out looking for free money.

    As for the "investor".

    Not an Outlaws patch.
    Their patch has a "rounded skull" with red eyes and an (engine) piston pointed out each side.

    Not a Rebels or HA or Bandidos or Mongols patch either. Or an Immortals or Necromancer patch.

    Lol - I just did a Google search for "Pattaya Motorcycle Club patches" and a photo of my bike (and MC banner) shows up - from a 6 year old article about the Hells Angels.
    (I'm NOT a member or affiliate of that MC !)

    Could be a member of a 100 different clubs just in Pattaya. No (visible) "1%" patch on the front.

    A LOT of motorcycle riders here have tats galore and aren't in "outlaw" MCs. 2 friends of mine (both rather big boys that ride rather large bikes) have lots of (visible) tats. One's an Aussie and one's a Swede. Neither is in a "1%" club.

    And keep in mind - in Thailand - Thais (a very large number of them actually) think that the "1%" patch just means their club is in the "Top 1%" of all clubs in Thailand.

    I had 5 friends all patch into the Bandidos some years ago. I tried to explain to them what the "1%" patch really meant but they didn't want to believe it.

    (Just had lunch with one of them a couple days ago. He knows - now - what the 1% patch means - especially to foreign members of the MC but says he himself is not "mafia".)


  4. They will examine the body to determine the cause of death in the event HE WAS ALREADY DEAD before he took the tumble.

    OR to determine if he was intoxicated, stoned or even drugged (and maybe pushed).

    Just because a body hits the ground from a high distance, that doesn't mean the "sudden stop" was the cause of death.

    For all ANY OF US know - he may have had a heart attack while standing on the balcony of his hotel room.

  5. I did my Extension at Jomtien in late May (just over 2 weeks ago).
    Everything was normal except the IO did NOT give me a paper with the rules about keeping the money in the bank for 3 months and a date  to return (90 days later) to verify I hadn't touched the money. 

    This was unusual as for the past few years (ever since the rule came into effect) the IO would give me that paper with the report date on it after he's gone over my paperwork and collected the fee.

    I normally set my 90 Day reports up so that I have to go back in 90 days anyways so it wasn't a big deal.

    But now I'm wondering. It seems strange they wouldn't want to check that anymore. I think I will update my bank book and take it with me next time "just in case" things have changed - again.

    Keeping in mind they've gone and messed with the 90 Day report system and instead of handing the IO my passport and being finished in 2 minutes now it can take 40-60 minutes as they seem to want a TM.47 each time for some reason along with a mess of photocopies (the girl wanted 2 passport pages photocopied and the guy wanted 4).
    Meaning it's taking longer to process everyone and collect their passports and instead of a 20 minute wait, I was told to come back in an hour.

    (And it's not a new thing. When I did my last 90 Day back in Feb I was told I first had to do a TM.30 Address notification - and THEN do a TM.47 "To Notify" form and instead of maybe 20 minutes like normal - I spent 5 HOURS there before it was finished !)

    I remember the first time I did a 90 day and you had to fill out the form and that was it. You were in the computer and from then on all you needed was your passport and the 90 day slip.

  6. Just recently they were whining that they were getting TOO many tourists !

    Then they decided to add an additional 300 baht to every plane ticket to generate another 12 billion. (Which was originally supposed to be a tax to cover "unpaid" hospital bills that foreigners supposedly ducked out on. However, based on THEIR numbers it would have only taken a 10 baht per ticket surcharge to recoup that money so they jacked it up to 300 baht - but won't use the additional 11.6 billion to offer any kind of health care for those tourists of course.)

    And just recently they said they were going to crack down on foreigners opening bank accounts after they caught a couple (Chinese) scammers that had billions in different bank accounts related to different phone/boiler room scams.

    And now they want to legalize gambling - so the poor can get poorer and the criminals will think they've died and gone to money-laundering heaven !

    Gee, I wonder which nation has been pressuring Thailand to change their stance on gambling ? Which nation has been drawing Thailand deeper and deeper into debt by financing expensive projects like highways and high-speed trainlines.

    Which nation did a criminal former PM sneak off too when his attempt to bribe a judge backfired and he had to get out of the country in a hurry.
    The same former PM who returned, got the VIP treatment from the current gov't (that he supposedly pulls the strings on) and now that gov't suddenly wants to allow gambling ?

    Because it sure didn't before when that same person was the actual PM. I wonder what has changed.

    • Agree 2
  7. Remember the case of Victor Bout ?
    Another case of Americans arresting foreign nationals in other foreign countries.

    American ATF agents posing as Columbian rebels set up a meeting with Bout in Thailand back in 2008. When he showed up he was arrested and put in jail. Thailand claimed it was for entering the country "illegally" (wrong visa or something) but that was the excuse to hold him until the US could extradite him.
    Even though he hadn't actually committed any crimes in Thailand - or the USA. It was basically entrapment. 
    (Thailand initially denied the American's extradition request. American agents with help from Thai police tried to smuggle Bout to the airport and put him on a plane to the USA but were caught. Bout was eventually extradited despite lots of pressure from Russia to release him.)

    (Bout was swapped to Russia in a Dec 2022 prisoner exchange where the drug-smuggling basketball player everyone felt so sorry for because she was a "woman of colour" and "LGBTQ" and "forced to play basketball in Russia because the WNBA doesn't pay enough".)

    It's funny how some countries can make laws and then arrest foreign nationals - in other foreign countries - for breaking those laws.


  8. I did my last Cert in early April.

    At Jomtien you have to use the Application form they use, which is different from the one on the Immigration website.
    I copied and scanned the form they use:

    I had a photocopy (front/rear) of my Thai driving license and the "Notification of Address" slip. 
    Pretty sure I only gave them 1 passport photo.

    And of course, signed photocopies of your face page and most recent visa/extension page.

    (The girls at the counter will tell you if you need additional photocopies of anything and the photocopier guy charges 3 baht per copy so bring some small coins.)

    • Like 1
  9. The date is confusing.

    But right next to the "Issue Date" is the "Expiry Date" and that is the one that is important. And it's in Thai and English so it shouldn't be hard to read.

    It seems the "Issue Date" is the date of issue of your last (valid) 5 year license.

    My 2nd license (first 5 year) expired in Apr 2018 but for various reasons, I wasn't able to get to the DLT to renew it until Jan 2019.

    That one expired in Apr 2024. I renewed it at the beginning of April and my new license says "Issue Date: Jan 2019" (and "Expiry Date: Apr 2029").

    I thought they'd made a mistake and only given me a license that expired in 3 weeks but then I saw it expired in 2029 so I took off my socks and started counting and realized the license was good for 5 more years (and 3 weeks) so I put my socks back on and was on my way.

    Not sure why they don't change the Issue Date to the day the new license was issued.


  10. The annual "oh gahd I hope I didn't mess this up" trip to Immigration went better than expected (sort of). Every time you go, you have to be ready for changes. Not just in the building but in the procedures as well.

    I'd gone to the bank in the morning (between rainfalls) to get my bank letter and update my bankbook. I noticed that the 22nd was a holiday and thought "it's a lousy day, maybe Immigration won't be too busy" so I took all my paperwork with me. I'd already done the TM.7, had signed photocopies of everything and the bank even gave me a photocopy of the bank book (front page) and updated balance page without asking.

    Off to Immigration. The longest wait was in the "Information" line. The lady checked my paperwork and gave me a queue ticket.
    Looking at the board, there should have been 2 people ahead of me. No one was sitting in front of the 2 IOs though and after about 5 minutes they called for the next number. For whatever reason - that person never showed up. After about 2 minutes they called my number.

    Handed over my paperwork, IO checked it all, good to go. Gave him the 1,900 baht, had my photo taken and I was away. Maybe 3-4 minutes from the time I handed over my paperwork until I was heading out the door.

    I wanted to get out of there and home before it rained again and when I got home it dawned on me - they hadn't given me the "come back in 90 days to check your bank book" for they used to give me in years past.

    I thought about asking when I went back to get my passport 2 days later (after the holiday) but thought - if they didn't give me the paper with the date on it, then it's probably better not to ask.

    So everything else seemed to be the same as far as the paperwork and photocopies they wanted.

    But the "90 Day Bank Book check" is no longer required ?

    (It wasn't a big deal for me in the past as I have to do my next 90 Day report at the same time anyways so I just updated the bank book, made a couple photocopies and handed that in at the same time.)

    Now if they could just go back to the "2 minutes in and out" for the 90 Day reports, that would be awesome !

    • Like 1
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  11. Just did my Extension and 90 day report.

    For some odd reason, they've taken a step backwards with the 90 Day reports.

    Used to be (once you did your initial 90 day and were "in the system") you'd get a queue number, hand your passport to the IO who'd scan the barcode on the Notification slip, print a new one, staple it into your passport and hand it back. Barely 2 minutes start to end.

    During the Covid worries they started doing them in batches. Hand your passport to the clerk and get a number. Maybe 20-30 minutes later they'd come back with a stack of passports and you'd be on your way.

    But then last Feb I went to do my normal report and - STOP ! You have to do an updated TM.30 (Notification of Residence) meaning more passport photocopies, photos and an hour wait then - you have to do a TM.47 as well (even more photocopies).

    What used to take 2 minutes took me 5 HOURS.

    Fast forward to this week. Did my Extension, picked up my Passport and went to do my 90 day (I've got the dates synch'd with my Extension).

    Not so fast !

    Have to do another TM.47 !
    Then the girl opens my passport to the page with my new Extension stamp and tells me to bring a photocopy of that.

    Come back and the guy says no - you need all the copies on the list - Facepage, last entry stamp page, current Extension stamp page, Residence Notification page.

    Got those, signed them all, came back and it was the girl again and all she wanted was the Face and Extension pages. Fine, save the other copies for the next time.

    Then, after all that, I'm told to come back in 40 minutes !!

    You'd think with the exanded office and thinning the "herd" out (and being early afternoon on a rainy day) that things would be faster but no - it's getting slower !!

    I really hope they change things back before I have to go again !

    • Sad 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, AreYouGerman said:

    "Chen managed digital wallets with transactions amounting to approximately 70 billion baht."


    That doesn't sound like a fraud but more like circumventing Chinese ban on certain things. Oh yeah, okay, 'money laundering'.

    I guess you skipped over the 2nd line of the original post where it said:


    allegedly laundered large sums of money for call centre scam groups.

    Unless you think that call center scam groups are "legitimate businesses" ?

    • Agree 1
  13. You should ask an actual lawyer however I doubt too many of them have any experience with trying to probate a Will in a foreign country.

    The easiest method is to simply have 2 Wills. One "back home" to cover your assets there and one in Thailand to cover your assets here.

    Much simpler, especially if you have just one beneficiary.

    If you are trying to split assets in 2 different countries amongst heirs in 2 different countries with each being Willed stuff in the other country - then YOU deserve the headaches of trying to sort that out.

    Simple fact. Unless you are leaving a fortune to someone in a different country, it may not be worth their time and effort to go to that other country to try and claim those assets.

    Friend of mine (American) kicked the bucket back in America years ago. Left some of his Thai assets to his sister but it wasn't worth the cost of flying here, trying to probate the Will (which requires a 45 day waiting period after notification of death to allow family and creditors to lay claims against the estate) and then claiming the small amount of money and whatever momentos he may have left in Thailand.
    Basically she'd have spent $10,000 to claim $7,000 in cash and (whatever was left in his rented house).

    My dad had 2 Wills, one in Canada and one in Thailand. I was the sole heir in each.

    Due to working (in Afghanistan) I couldn't make it back to probate the Thai Will until almost 3 months after his death. Because it was well past the 45 day waiting period, I was able to go to court (with my Lawyer and translator) and have the Will probated in about 30 minutes.

    I was able to go to Canada a couple months later (with his Canadian Will and certified True Copies of the Death Certificate) and start the process back there. 
    But there is a waiting period there as well and the Will actually ended up being "probated" in my absence  about 6 weeks later. I was able to do some stuff (like cancel his pension payments and arrange for the overpayments to be returned, do his final taxes, ect, etc).

    On my next trip to Canada I was able to do all the little things (close his bank account, empty his safe deposit box, transfer his house and so on).

    Which is something you also have to consider. In some cases people will appoint an Executor (makes you wonder how they picked that title) whose job it is to carry out the last wishes of the deceased.
    Often the Executor is either the heir or the lawyer. As the Executor, that person has the authority to distribute the assets in the Will according to the instructions in the Will. He/she can arrange to transfer assets, close accounts, make payments and so on.
    (It's like having a Power of Attorney over the assets.)

    And as the Executor, if they incur expenses in the performance of their duties, they can be re-imbursed by assets in the Estate. (So if I had to pay a lawyer to do the Probate, I could withdraw money from the deceased's bank account to pay the bill. Same if he owed taxes or had outstanding bills/credit card balances and so on).

    If you had a single Will, you could run into a lot of issues as the laws in different countries, especially with regards to the transfer of assets and taxes, could be quite different.

    For example, in some countries you could Will 75% of your estate to your brother or uncle and split the remaining 25% between your wife and 4 daughters.
    However, in other countries that would not even be remotely allowed (despite the efforts of some groups to try and change that).

    The area where you would run into problems is if you had a Will "back home" for your assets there and then made a new Will here that included those same assets but had different beneficiaries.

    (i.e. your Will "back home" left everything to your son and sister including your country estate and priceless artwork. But then you make a new Will in Thailand and leave all that to your "wife you met in the bar last week" and cut your family out of everything. You can bet the "new Will" would be contested by your relatives - in a court back home. And your teerak would have a hard time trying to use a Thai court to enforce the terms of the Thai Will in a foreign country.)

    If you really want her to inherit (whatever) back home then you should arrange for it to be transferred to her before you kick the bucket - or take steps to have the marriage recognized "back home" and make a NEW Will back there and destroy your old one.

    I was lucky in the sense that I didn't have to worry about stuff like that as I was the Executor and sole beneficiary. Still had to do the work to have the Wills probated and dispose of the assets, but there wasn't an issue with (distant) relatives or "other" people trying to claim any part of his estate in either country.


    • Thanks 1
  14. 2 hours ago, AreYouGerman said:

    Why does the 'cop' have a print out copy of the money and the money? This makes no sense?


    They got the money from the buyer of the drugs. Ok. So, then they printed a copy of the money? And present the money? What? 🤣


    In that way, it looks like the cops bought the drugs from him because then they found the 2,000 at his location and had a printed copy of it to proof it was used to buy the drugs. Well, and then they charged him with selling the drugs without work permission 🤣.


    Whatever, I guess.


    They copied the money before the UC used it so they had proof the money the suspect had was the same the UC used.

    But it says they charged him with "possession of illegal drugs for personal use." - not with trafficking/selling drugs.

    And they don't say what he was doing for the "working without a work permit" charge. 

    Won't matter except for when he's sentenced. For that small amount, they'll probably just deport him after a couple weeks and blacklist him.

    When he gets back to Canada the Police won't even look at him or, at worst, will guide him to the closest taxi stand with directions to the nearest Welfare office so he can get a wad of cash and free place to stay.

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