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Posts posted by Bigstef

  1. To quote the article

    "Thai police found that the alleged mastermind, Abudureheman Abudusataer otherwise known as Ishan, has flown out of the country to Dhaka, Bangladesh, one day before the Erawan shrine bombing.

    This came as Yusufu Mareili, the lead suspect currently in custody, revealed that Abudureheman had fled Thailand on August 16 just 2 days prior to the Erawan shrine bombing and flown to Bangladesh."

    So was it 1 day or 2 days before the bombing. Not here to slag off anyone in particular but how can anyone file a report, have it approved by an editor and then have it publish with such blatant errors, or am I missing something here?

    Probably translation error again...............i agree with one post before........what the hell if the pm is not likeable the point is to stop this crazy mtf who manage to kill innocent peoples.........

    They stopped one in BKK, one in Cambodgia, one is gone to Bangladesh they thought they we're Turk now what's next Lao ???


    I just spoke to the Canadian embassy and again they confirmed that they do not issue the letter.

    However, I was asked to open up my old passport to the page opposite to the data page and there was an official stamp confirming that the old passport number has been replaced with the new passport number. She said that has never been refused by Phuket immigration before.

    I will assume she is right and find out for sure next Tuesday. Report to follow.

    Thanks for the info it will be useful for me as well not to long.......

  3. Apparently, my case is definitely an anomaly, and does not reflect the normal policy. The clerk who handled my visa was very young and apparently did not know what he was doing, but he successfully mislead me into believing that I had a retirement visa that did not require border runs every 90 days (he specifically stated it). In fact, upon my first 90-day reporting (which I did on the 90th day), I was told that I had to leave the country, which I was compelled to do, and off-course was fined on my return for supposedly being late. Anyway, its water under the bridge and I can't do anything about it now. I wonder how many other people that clerk mislead before he learned the correct procedures ... maybe he was on temporary assignment.

    Questions for the experts on TV....I did my OA visa in Montreal in october 2013 come to Thailnad beginning november 2013............make the 90 days report every time till i go back Canada in may 2014

    I go back to Thailand october 2014..10 days before my visa ends.........and the immigration officer give me till october this year ??? I did my 90 days report every times am i lucky or there something wrong in my case?

    • Like 1
  4. I married three years ago I'm Australian and my husband is Thai.

    Whilst I didn't have to show financial records my husband did. And the threshold was the same - 40,000 per month. They also seemed to be a lot more interested in where we lived, his employer etc than friends (male) who married Thai females.

    The main thing is in Thailand the husband of foreign or Thai nationality must show ability to support spouse for you to qualify for spouse visa.

    We had issue that my husband receives most of his income as cash and as such doesn't bank it all - we had issues getting approved.

    Thanks for your post, while visiting me.... my sister met a Thai men 2 years ago and now they are talking of getting married next year, and come live LOS

  5. Spent the night in banglamung jail cell with a naked russian who had made weapons with wire and the policeman saw it and didnt give a shit. The policeman kept asking for my passport which was at home and he was generally being a my wife paid a bribe the next day and i was off to court and had to pay another bribe to get my passport back. All for drink driving .54 thank u. I still see the same police man who threatned to deport me and he seems a little embarassed when he looks at me.

    You should be ashame of yourself..........don't you ever consider your vehicule as an weapon when your DUI ????

    Wake up blink.png

  6. Never had a relationship with a Thai Chinese, but I did with a Chinese girl. The Chinese are Very racist and hate their girls seeing Farangs.

    Her father offered me a load of money to just go away. I refused saying I loved his daughter not his money. The next day she was sent away to stay with an uncle at the other side of the country!

    If a Chinese girl gets involved with a Farang she is referred to as a "Banana", Yellow on the outside and white on the inside.

    I used to work very closely with the Chinese community and saw this many times.


    I had the same experience in another life, the lady was nice bu family a pain in tha a.. wai2.gif

  7. "Australia exports very little now its all made in China---Jessi"

    Jessi, Please................... blink.png


    "The economy of Australia is one of the largest capitalist economies in the world, with a GDP of US$1 trillion as of 2013

    In 2010, Australia registered a $16.8 billion trade surplus, with goods and services exported to more than 200 countries.


    Means nothing. We in Canada have almost balanced our budget but in these funny money times no credit is given. Our currency is in the same boat as the land of OZ. I have a hard time believing the SET is the 3rd best stock market in Asia or maybe the world for that matter. The US stock market is vacuuming up money from around the world. Do you think Russian Oligarths will accept a 50% haircut in the ruble not bloody likely. Its the same for all the rich world wide who live in countries with currencies in free fall. Even though the American unemployment rate has fallen to 5.8% which is considered full employment Yellan and company still in a "steady as she goes" mode. This will only drive the dollar higher and soak up yet more fallen currencies. This will soon impact the USA and the world the as cheap imports flood the country and their expensive exports will go no where.

    Too bad we depend of exportation the big company are pressing Harper to let dollar go down.......

  8. I agree with most of you guys.......Money if you have it in LOS you're always gonna be ok, i know one thing i love my born country Canada, one of the best in the world for living and to raise children, but with bills and taxes and all the sh... Thailand is my number one choice for the no worries be happy things..................

    In Europe an North America there to much law.......now i just cant wait to see Suthep go back South he p..s me off 5555555555

    Chang time..cheers guys thumbsup.gif

  9. If I had a business that was interrupted due to the protesters and consequently failing, I think I'd be pretty angry with the anti-government protesters as well.

    The fact the he was wearing political clothing does not indicate any political opponents were behind this. It could have been any reason for the killing. That's what the anti-government protesters don't understand. When you block the streets and drive away customers, then you make more enemies than just the government and their supporters. And the mafias don't like to see their income streams disrupted.

    I agree with you 100%.......politic is one thing money is the thing..........wai2.gif

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