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Greenwich Boy

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Everything posted by Greenwich Boy

  1. I got my insurance with AXA Thailand. Spoke to the agent direct, told him I was applying for a STV and I got a policy schedule stating the cover that met embassy requirements. Not a recommendation as such but it got what was needed. PM me if you would like his contact details
  2. Yep. I did my O levels in the mid 80's. Definitely did English Language and English Literature.
  3. When covid extensions stop I will leave, no complaints from me. As far as a correct visa goes immigration have checked my paperwork, accepted my fee and stamped my passport. My extension of stay is just as 'correct' as yours or anyone else
  4. So you would kick out those on covid ext who inject much needed cash in to a struggling economy even if they in no way affect you?
  5. Quick report. Got my first covid extension on a STV. I used an agent because I hate the bureaucracy and inconsitency at immigration (just a personal view) In CM you can not get around the 60 days from application rule but I did avoid the under consideration stamp and a second visit. Only forms required were the tm7 and 'covid form' along with the usual copies. No onward flight, financials, embassy letter or any of that nonsense. To clarify, I got this yesterday so last day under the 'old rules'
  6. That 11k figure is the one quoted on the CNA website. Wondered where it came from. Thank you.
  7. I have a British passport, family moved to Oz years ago. I am not 100% but think only citizens, residents and a few others can get in at this time. Happy to be proven wrong
  8. If the covid extensions are not continued I will just move on, no drama. Looking at a 6 month indonesian visa if I qualify. It is expensive and 7 days quarantine but no biggie. Hopefully by then the Communist party of Australia will let people with family there in not just Chinese students with rich parents
  9. I will be going to immigration myself tomorrow. They will either make an announcement before I get there or they wont. I gave up worrying about things over which I have no control a long time ago.
  10. In some provinces the 60 days starts at date of application for the first Covid extension. Understandable why people leave it late.
  11. I have an STV. In the event of covid extensions not being continued I have an appointment booked for the 25th. If they are continued I will cancel the appointment and go closer to my expiry date. To facilitate this I am using an agent (I hate immigration anyway) At no point has there been any mention of covid extensions not being available to STV holders
  12. The unhelpful answer is it depends on where you are extending. I did mine in Chiang Mai. Was not asked for insurance first time, second time I was. You will need the usual copies so passport photo page, visa page, page with entry stamp, application form, TM30 and 1,900B. Don't leave it till the last day just in case they decide to ask for additional info which is always a possibility.
  13. The 60 days from application is frustrating as I am stamped in till 20 Feb. My cunning plan is I have an appointment booked at immigration on 25 Jan and if extensions are not continued I will turn up and see what I can get. If they are continued, I will cancel the appointment and go closer to 20 Feb. I am using an agent and would consider this approach a bit risky without one. Fingers crossed for the 24th!
  14. My sister in law once used my snake balm talc for a little dusting after what I presume was a 'trim' The noises coming from the bathroom had me giggling for days.
  15. Just a personal comment. I have a British passport but my family live in Queensland. I have had two jabs and a booster but have been unable to visit them for over two years without very expensive and almost impossible to obtain hotel quarantine. I do not want to make a pro vaccine statement but if there are entry rules then they should be applied to all.
  16. I mix baking soda with milk but same same. Had quite a few days when it has been corn flakes only but does not last long????
  17. If borders do remain closed might be worth considering a Special Tourist Visa. More paperwork and conditions than a normal tourist visa but not that complicated. Allows a stay of 270 days without leaving the country.
  18. I had to show proof of double vaccination to get in to the Chiang Rai flower festival at the weekend!
  19. In Chiang Rai for a couple of days up from Chiang Mai. I knew there was a flower festival near the bus station but could find few details. Is it an annual event and what are the dates? Had a pleasant night with food and music next door, I knew nothing about that. Is that on at the same time as the flower festival or did we just strike lucky. Did get asked for proof of vaccination. My booster cert in Thailand was not enough, I needed proof of original jabs. I had my cert from the NHS in the UK with me so no drama. All very polite. Cheers
  20. I got the same message from my provider in November. I use CurrencyFair which is similar to Wise. A summary of the mail was anything over 50k may have to do go via SWIFT and could take longer and be more expensive. Multiple transfers of less than 50k would be fine. Don't shoot the messenger here as I am not exactly sure what SWIFT is, just reporting what the mail said.
  21. I got a similar email last year. I use CurrencyFair which is very similar to Wise. The gist of the mail was if you wish to send more than 50k, send it in multiples. It did not state a limit to the number of daily transactions but I have not tested it.
  22. I cant find the link, sorry. Member Katatonic has quoted it on page 5 of this thread. I have read it on a number of FB forums. Good luck.
  23. Perfect thank you. Just the info I was after. If you can think of any specific places for $500 much appreciated. Not sure I could handle anything too exciting for a bit, I have been in Chiang Mai since April!
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