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Greenwich Boy

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Posts posted by Greenwich Boy

  1. 1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

    I paid for Moderna before I got Pfizered, I will now be using Moderna as a booster.


    Best to check which private hospitals doing Moderna, go on their Facebook page as some people on the one over here are wanting to sell their Moderna shots which are transferable but you will have to make sure its ok with the hospital for the time frame your looking at, the one that is doing me has confirmed March for me in an email for my booster.


    If you have a Thai partner or friend, get them to look at Thai forums in Chang Mai as I am sure there will be people wanting to sell their Moderna shots, because they have received something else and don't need them, although might be a bit pricey at 3,300 baht for 2 doses, of which you will only get 1, but the way I see it is a single Pneumonia jab will set you back as much so in my opinion, it's worth it.


    After March I would imagine vaccines will be readily available at most hospitals for a fee.


    Hope it works out for you, forward planning is always best.


    I agree. My second jab outside Thailand was March. Not being resident here I am a bit concerned that some countries will start asking for jabs less than 12 months old before allowing entry. Will bide my time but come February will be looking for a booster even if it is just for travel. No issue with paying, hopefully plenty available by then.

    • Like 2
  2. Previous poster is correct. Normal 30 day extension has to be done first.

    There is another Covid specific form that asks you to confirm why you are asking for an extension.

    There is a link to it somewhere on this forum but I am a dummy and can not find it.

    Something to consider, when applying for a Covid extension at CM you initially get 15 days then the other 45 when you return. Mate did this yesterday and his extension started then, not added on to his original permission to stay date. A bit second hand info I know but just reporting what he said.

    • Like 1
  3. 14 hours ago, RickG16 said:

    Would be great

    In Pai we stayed at Sawasdeepai River Resort. Good location shame the pool was out of action due to Covid. Booze widely available in restaurants and bars. On the way in to Pai we diverted to Kho Kuu So bamboo bridge which goes over paddy fields to a temple. Prettier before the harvest comes in.

    On the way to MHS we went to Ban Rak Thai for lunch which is an ethnic Chinese village on the Burmese border. If you have little ones with you there is a fish cave just before the turn off to BRK (the food stalls in the car park do excellent roast chicken and pork)

    MHS stayed at Piya Guesthouse. Next to the lake. Pool open. No bars but got a drink with dinner.

    Girls went early morning to feed the monks at a temple over another bamboo bridge. Su Tong Pae.. very pretty early morning with mist over the river..

    On the way to Mae Sariang we stopped at the sunflower fields off from Khun Yuam but not sure when they stop flowering.

    Mae Sariang was Riverbank Resort (everything seems to be River something) which as expected had views of the river. Only one restaurant was serving booze, think it was called Riverhouse.

    From there went to Mae Sam Lap which is a village on the Salawin river on the border. A few boats there working the river, reckon you could hire one for a trip but we did not. The road is a bit rough and you have to turn around and come back the same way. We could not get through the park.

    Enjoy your trip.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 13 hours ago, seedy said:

    Turned back at the park gate Sunday

    Agreed. We got to Mae Sam Lap, had a coffee, took some photos and headed back the same way. Never did get a straight answer as to why we could not do the loop through the park. State of the road maybe?

  5. 25 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    Just now in discussion with poster who was refused today at CW in applying for covid extension regarding this onward ticket nonsense.

    Hope he posts his experience. Perhaps he already has.

    Looking at his options.  


    @ThaiVisaCentre are you aware of this "requirement" for outbound flight being done at CW? 

    Damn ridiculous. 


    Daft I agree. I have not needed a Covid extension yet but will apply for this one. I have no onward ticket but plan to use a $12 one. If they are only ticking boxes see no reason why this should not work.

  6. Did it last week. CM, Pai, MHS and Mae Sariang. Side trips to a couple of bamboo walkways, Ban Rak Thai and the Burmese border on the Salawin River near Mae Sariang. Heading out now but if you want details of what is open, booze availability and hotels we stayed in can provide later.

  7. Bob. You may be better asking for this to be moved to the Visa Forum but to answer your questions.

    Tourist Visa is now an on line process in many countries. I don't think medical and police checks are needed for a normal 60 day tourist visa (TR) Check that your friend has not clicked on the wrong type of visa (STV or other)

    You can still get 30 days on arrival, it is visa exempt not visa on arrival. This can be extended by 30 days at immigration. Thailand Pass, insurance, quarantine and all the rest of the current palaver still apply.

    • Like 1
  8. Following this closely as I would really like another 30 + 30 when my permission to stay finishes in Feb. Ideally walk over the bridge in Mae Sai and walk back but that sounds too easy. Unless rules change just leaving the country for a short period of time will require a Thailand Pass and possibly very expensive insurance on return. Then there was the palaver pre Covid of not issuing visas in a country where you were not resident (bit hazy on details here) All sounds good but don't hold your breath.

    • Like 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


    Natural immunity is not long lasting and not greater than that provided by vaccine.


    Vaccination after recovery from infection is strongly recommended.

    For info purposes my lodger in the UK is recovering from Covid. He is no crybaby and said it was horrible. He was double jabbed and due a booster. The NHS have advised that the booster be delayed by 2 months. He will get this as soon as he is allowed.

  10. 3 minutes ago, khunjeff said:

    In theory, one of the great advantages of Thailand Pass over the COE (other than the "1-3 day" processing time, which has already ballooned to 7 days before it even started) was  that it would simplify everything that you went through. Those things you mentioned would all be checked prior to issuing the Pass, and then you would only have to show the QR code and Covid test result at the departure and arrival airports - no one would check the underlying documents.


    Now, will the folks in charge really have the fortitude to be able to stop low-level officials from asking to see all of those documents "just to be sure"? I guess we'll find out once Thailand Pass goes live.

    In theory you are correct but can not see that happening in practice. Most of the requirements were needed to get the C of E in the first place. Everything was checked thoroughly at Heathrow. Between getting on the plane and getting off it at BKK nothing had changed. That did not stop everything being checked again. It was even different people checking different items. Sometimes copies of documents were kept by officials. The idea of breezing through immigration with just a QR code is dreamland

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    Why on earth are immigration going to check that, it will mostly be done for the health pass only as far as i see it. Immigration should just be checking your passport

    My experience entering in May. At Swampy everything was checked before you even got to the immigration counter. This included insurance, C of E, negative PCR test even my lease agreement. Not a lot of fun after a long flight stocking up on free booze before quarantine!

  12. 11 minutes ago, Phil Wheal said:

    Thanks for the reply. I am reading on the Thai immigration site that you can only get a 30 day extension based on an existing visa and not on the visa exemption system (they don't make it easy!). Do you know if that's definitely the case? Let's just say it is possible to do that extension. Do you mean that if you had, for example , evidence of a flight to say Singapore, 25 days after arriving in Thailand, that would be sufficient to satisfy your long haul carrier and they'll issue your boarding pass, even though they'll know you have a return ticket with them 36 days later? Hope that makes sense!!

    OP. I may be in the same situation soon. UK passport but living in Ireland. What was the reason given for not being able to use the e visa system?

    For proof of a ticket out of the country in less than 30 days have a look at www.onwardticket.com

    There are loads of other similar sites. Designed for pedantic visa regulations!

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Salerno said:

    Personally never really had a problem as never had enough time off for it to be an issue (been asked to show a ticket ... 3 times up to now ... when I had one way into Bangkok but as I had flights with other airlines out I could show, not an issue). But, one trip, the guy at the check-in next to me was was kicking up a ruckus as I was walking up to my check-in. Last I heard as I was heading off was him loudly declaring "Satisfied now!" as he held up his phone so the check in dude could confirm he'd just bought a ticket there and then 555

    I applied for and got a STV earlier this year with just a one way ticket. No hassles at check in either (Qatar) I did have a $12 ticket in my pocket just in case!

  14. 4 hours ago, aldriglikvid said:

    Thank you, sir! A METV sounds like a blessing, but I don't have one in my scroll menu next to the STV. 


    Good luck ahead. ????

    The only problem with the METV is that you are banking on borders reopening. I think this is why it is not being offered by some embassies. When  (if) available it is a lot less hassle than the STV although the one I have will see me through to end Feb so no complaints

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