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Posts posted by Peterpan

  1. Hi:

    I have been trying to find a shipping company to send two or three cubic metres of personal belongings from Central Canada to Thailand. I have checked the threads on TV, and companies that have been recommended have since discontinued pickup from Canada. Canadian freight forwarders that I have googled will only ship in 20 or 40 foot containers.

    If anyone can give me some leads, it would be greatly appreciated.

    This guy is well known and is the best in town, I have shipped my stuff from 3 different locations to Thailand door to door.


    [email protected]


  2. From the embassy side if you are registered it makes their life much easier in case you die, have an accident etc.

    Don't expect them to keep in contact with you or be of general help but the embassy can be very useful on the serious side of life.

    Well I wont give a Sh..t when I die, just like they dont give a Damm when Im living

  3. My Girlfriend did some checking on the net trying to find me a good health insurance deal, we then was visited by a lady Mrs. Saranya Lakkhason from Siam Commercial new York life insurance, with her she brought a man Mr. Nat Phondee from Thai health insurance co.ltd. after some negotiating an agreement about a new visit was made for the actual application and payment of the premium.

    A few days later Mr. Nat Phondee came back and the application form was taken care of and the premium 26.758 baht was paid, a company receipt was given in exchange.

    After some weeks of waiting with frequent calls the phone of Mr. Nat Phondee and the phone of Mrs. Saranya Lakkhason was no longer open, checking with Siam Commercial New York life insurance we was informed that Mrs. Saranya had been terminated in her employment with the company, and checking with Thai health insurance co.ltd. they claimed that Mr. Nat Phondee was not employed in their company.

    Thai health Insurance co.ltd send two employees to my home, they apologized for the trouble we had, and the man speaking English offered me in no uncertain terms an insurance on goodwill since their company felt very bad about somebody using their company and their company papers to scam people, i was very satisfied with this attitude and their promise to follow up the case with the police(otherwise I would go to the police), i then filled out a new application and was assured that i had cover already from this day, i was explained about some tax measures they would do to be able to claim a tax refund on the premium, and in the end I was given a blue company polo shirt.

    As it happens a week went by and after contacting Thai health insurance again was told that the recommendation to insure me by the representatives visiting me was overturned by somebody higher up, i explained that i had been given a promise in no uncertain terms, but their reply was that that must have been a misunderstanding, now the man that was here spoke almost perfect English and there is no way i could have misunderstood, there is also no way i would have accepted a polo shirt without the company's promise to give me a new insurance.

    The actual status of Mr. Nat Phondee at the time he was in my house is uncertain, I don't know for sure whether he actually is a former employee of Thai health insurance or was employed at the time of the scam, i don't feel completely convinced by the explanation from Thai health insurance on this matter, i simply don't know for sure.

    All I know is that i now own a polo shirt from Thai health insurance worth 26.758 baht :o this polo shirt will be handed over to the police tomorrow along with the paper evidence.

    In the meantime dear Thai visa members i advise thorough ID checks and caution dealing with representatives from above mentioned company's.


    larvidchr. :D

    Get the police involved, you have her name and the company have all details of her. Dont waste any time start proceeding.

  4. That is a great idea for a business, just hit the nail on the C........ oops sorry mate.

    A mate of mine said that when he was around 70 he would go home to a

    retirement home in Canada, I said what for. You will have lived here for

    10 years, you have everything you want and now another 5 to go and

    then go back. What the F..K for.

    I think I will look in to this. I can imagine the advert in the National

    paper back home.

    Old age (MALE ONLY) Retirement home for those ones who want the

    best from the best in Thailand.

    5 Star food, Menue of your choice delivered to your room,

    25 year old Dollies as nurses, Or 25 year old Nurses as Dollies.

    Sauna and Massage available 24/7 to residents only and theres guest.

    12 seater Minibus for Friday and Saturday nights out with the lads

    Guaranteed to get back and not alone.

    It wil be reserved for midweek golf and the half way stop over at the B/Fly Bar.

    All rooms come with King size bed walk in wardrobe full Bathroom with

    Jaquzzi for 2 or 3 and fully mirrored. Sat TV for all your live football in

    all rooms.

    (No Minibar) just a complete Full Bar in your room with look alike Nursing staff

    as your personnel Bar staff. (Or Trolly Dolly)

    All inclusive.


  5. I walk anywhere in Thailand and meet a foreigner.

    Why do they (almost all) acknowledge their presence?

    I mean they say hello while I really do not know this person.

    When I am in Europe/America I never meet people saying hello to strangers.

    Why do they do that?

    Its called communication, something that most of the West has forgotten about.

    Would you prefer if they sent you a text on your mobile.

    When I was in Houston, I found it fantastic how friendly they all where and anywhere.

    Even in supermarkets everybody saying good day.

    Europe a bit of a cold shoulder, but out here most will say Hi How are you doing.

    Would you prefer this !!!!!!!

    What you get these days is, WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT. shame shame

  6. I was sent here by my company to build and start up a factory, so I had the full expat support package, including house, car, driver, fat salary, and assistance with moving all my stuff, banks and credit cards, medical insurance, visas and workpermit (the latter two were 3-year deals due to BoI priveledges). I worked out my 3-year contract, and retired at 42, more than 8 years ago. I am lucky to have a steady financial income from Europe, enabling me to live very well here in Thailand. Never looked back!
    As to outfitting a new home--it's dirt-cheap in Thailand compared to the West. I ended up buying all the essential "stuff" in Thailand (appliances, furniture, etc.) for about 5% of what I sold everything else back in the home country. (And saved all those shipping costs, as well!).

    I wonder about the above quote (if I have read it correctly, if not ME BAD). Say toptuan had "stuff" with a replacement value of B1,000,000. It is IMO not realistic to realise more then 50% of this when sold second hand, probably quite a bit less. But let's stick with 50%, that means B500,000. So now toptuan is going shopping in Thailand with 5% of this, i.e. B25,000...

    I would like to know where he did his shopping, or to see the quality of the stuff he got...

    I moved my entire contents from Tenerife in 2002, 90% were only 9 months old. Shipped to Thailand, door to door 5,000 pounds sterling. Sorry I couldnt get the same quality or fill my house for 5,000 sterling or 10,000 or 15,000. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Pfizer Announcement

    Pfizer Corp. announced today that Viagra will soon be available in liquid form, and will be marketed by Pepsi Cola as a power beverage suitable for use as a mixer. It will now be possible for a man to literally pour himself a stiff one. Obviously we can no longer call this a soft drink, and it gives new meaning to the names of 'cocktails', 'highballs' and just a good old-fashioned 'stiff drink'. Pepsi will market the new concoction by the name of: MOUNT & DO.

    Thought for the day: There is more money being spent on breast implants and Viagra today than on Alzheimer's research. This means that by 2040, there should be a large elderly population with perky boobs and huge erections and absolutely no recollection of what to do with them. If you don't send this to five old friends right away there will be five fewer people laughing in the world.

  8. A farmer has about 500 hens, but no rooster, and he wants chicks. So, he Goes down the road to the next farmer and asks if he has a rooster that he would sell.

    The other farmer says, "Yep, I've got this great rooster, named Ralph. He'll service every chicken you got, no problem."

    Well, Ralph the rooster costs $3,000, a lot of money, but the farmer decides he'd be worth it. So, he buys Ralph

    The farmer takes Ralph home and sets him down in the barnyard, but first he gave the rooster a pep talk. "I want you to pace yourself now. You've got a lot of chickens to service here, and you cost me a lot of money." Consequently, I'll need you to do a good job. So, take your time and have some fun," the farmer said, with a chuckle.

    Ralph seems to understand, so the farmer points toward the hen house and Ralph takes off like a shot. WHAM! Ralph nails every hen in the hen house - three or four times, and the farmer is really shocked.

    After that, the farmer hears a commotion in the duck pen and, sure enough, Ralph is in there.

    Later, the farmer sees Ralph after a flock of geese down by the lake. Once again - WHAM! He gets all the geese. By sunset he sees Ralph out in the fields chasing quail and pheasants.

    The farmer is distraught and worried that his expensive rooster won't even last 24 hours. Sure enough, the farmer goes to bed and wakes up the

    Next morning to find Ralph on his back out in the middle of the yard, mouth open, tongue hanging out and both feet sticking straight up in the air. Buzzards are circling overhead.

    The farmer, saddened by the loss of such a colorful and expensive

    Animal, shakes his head and says, "Oh, Ralph, I told you to pace yourself. I tried to get you to slow down, now look what you've done to yourself."

    Ralph opens one eye, nods toward the buzzards circling in the sky and says, "Shhhh! They're getting closer."

  9. thanks for all the tips- it isn't sounding like a great offer when you figure the taxes in etc. !
    you need to ask for a tax equalization package.

    can anyone give more details on that?

    Tax is 50% of what you earn for the first 181 days in that Tax year, after that you will become a residence of that European country. All Taxes will be paid once you pass the 181 days in any one Tax year, on all and any earning paid inside or outside of that country.

    The Apartment you rent once past 181 days, will be your known main residence for tax purposes as the lease agreement will be in your name, if the company pay the rent and the utility bills taxes have to be paid on that as well. As it is part of your income.

    I am a Brit who worked in Milan same deal for everyone, in my contract the company paid all taxes. (Lucky Us)

    Your Tax Equalisation means you wont pay twice, just a percentage in holland and a percentage in your home country which will = to the persentage of total tax due in Holland. 50% of everything.

    It has to be clear in the contract of all salary, accomadation, daily living allowance, travel to and from your home country. Get them to pay the taxes.

    Yours Sincerley

    None Tax Memeber of the EEC

  10. Same happened to me last july, but they took 2 lots of $2780 out and went over the limit, and was used on the internet at a nutricianal website in the US.

    I still don't know how they managed to use it on the internet, because when I have tried the bangkok bank visa electron online it always gets declined.

    When I went to the branch, they was ignorant about it, as to say so, but instead of getting peed of I ask a friend to get me the fraud department of bangkok bank:-







    Fax 66-2-2384774

    Direct 66-2-2315738

    When I went in I had to fill a form out, and give them a copy of every page of my passport. The money took about 3 months to get deposited back to my account, not as fast as the western counterparts.

    I advise that if this happens, go to the fraud department of the bank in bangkok, the branches are very helpless in this matter.



    Thanks very much Bryan, I will cut and paste it on an email to him


  11. Hi

    Has anybody else had experience of money being taken out from there thai bank account, bye means of somebody else using a dummy ATM card lately.

    A friend of mine who is 65 and retired shipped his money over in October for renewal of his Visa. In the month of november, 95,000 THB was taken out 7 times in France in Euro = 2,000 Euro each time. The Bangkok Bank didnt flag it at all. He is off to BKK on Wednesday with his Lawyer to try and sort this out. He only ever used his ATM for cash, it wasnt a Visa Electron either.

    Has anybody else experience this and what was the outcome.

    Cheers to all in Advance.



    If this is a case of genuine fraud then the Bangkok Bank will investigate the matter and if your retired friend will receive a refund of his cash.

    However it will take time. It is in the B.B's interest to find out exactly what happened here, they will want to find how such an action was possible.

    2000 Euro per day withdrawal from a Thai account in France by ATM sounds rather high. I even wonder if it is possible.

    Hi Libya ii5

    Thats what He and I dont understand, I can ony draw up to 250 sterling in one day on my card but can draw up to 50,000 THB per day in Thailand, 20,000 hit, another 20,000 hit and then 10,000 hit. finished.

    He did tell me yesterday that the Bank did say to him a German woman all so had complained of a similar thing.

    His lawyer said dont bother with this small branch we go to the Head office.

    I will post the outcome of the meeting on Wednesday, it may help others in a similar position.

    You are wright it is in the interest of the Bank, but all so it depends who you speak to.

  12. Hi

    Has anybody else had experience of money being taken out from there thai bank account, bye means of somebody else using a dummy ATM card lately.

    A friend of mine who is 65 and retired shipped his money over in October for renewal of his Visa. In the month of november, 95,000 THB was taken out 7 times in France in Euro = 2,000 Euro each time. The Bangkok Bank didnt flag it at all. He is off to BKK on Wednesday with his Lawyer to try and sort this out. He only ever used his ATM for cash, it wasnt a Visa Electron either.

    Has anybody else experience this and what was the outcome.

    Cheers to all in Advance.



  13. "Thanks for that info. But I'm sure some will still not feel sorry to have talked out of number 2"

    I am sure they will not either but it says a lot about them if they do not retract statements made if they are found to be false.

    Of course they will not and the next time it will be the same all over again.

    The lynch mob small minded mentality of some amazes me.

    So Sad that two young inoccent girls died from an inhumane person on there first Thailand holiday experience.

    My 20 year old daughter is lucky, I gave her all the rules to follow whenshe comes here, these poor girls never had a chance.

    I do hope he is caught before page 40, and will all on this forum have more respect for the dead girls and there families. I know some of you do but most dont.

    In 1995 when I was working here, I used to go to the beach at 5 am and watch the sun come up, but I knew the rules.


  14. hi i was wondering if there was a prefix you add before your dialled number (one 2 call) so the recipitent cannot see your number? eg. in uk it is 141. thanks in advance.jim

    If its one to call then its a mobile,go in to settings and find sending number and turn it off


  15. Hi

    I have a problem and I am not sure which is the best way to send 500,000 b to thailand.

    We live in the emirates and I have checked here that we can send bank transfer to Kasikorn bank and the money will be transfered as thai baht.

    It seems however that when it arrives in thailand they will take the following:-

    0.25% of the 500,000 for the transfer =1250 baht!!

    A simple 20 baht for the transfer ( I can live with that one)

    Then it will transfer from BKK branch to branch in the north they charge another 10 baht for every 10,000 baht = 520 baht!!

    To me that works out at £300 roughly, but I have already lost out in the conversion to Thai baht prior to sending the money the the BKK branch?

    The questions are;

    Is this legit

    IS there another way of sending it

    Can I bring it in my bag as Thai baht or is there a limit to how much I can bring to Thailand.. (yes i will check here too about taking money out of country)

    Should I convert it to US dollar and bring to thailand?

    Does anybody have any other suggestins please

    Many thanks


    I send money every month to Kasikorn account and I send US dollars, never THB and the costs are peanuts

  16. Thailand

    Travel - Passport/Visa

    Passport & Visa requirements

    Nationality Passport Visa Return ticket

    British Yes No Yes

    Australian Yes No Yes

    Canadian Yes No Yes

    USA Yes No Yes

    OtherEU Yes No/1/2 Yes

    Japanese Yes No Yes


    Passport valid for six months beyond intended length of stay required by all except the following:

    (a) holders of a Hong Kong (SAR) certificate of identity issued to residents of Hong Kong (transit only);

    (:o holders of a Singapore certificate of identity with a visa;

    © holders of South African temporary passports;

    (d) holders of a UN laissez-passer and Macau (SAR) China Travel Permits.


    Required by all except the following nationals for touristic stays, provided they hold valid passports, sufficient funds and confirmed tickets to leave Thailand within 30 days:

    (a) nationals of the countries referred to in the chart above, except 1. nationals of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovak Republic and Slovenia, who do need a visa;

    (:D nationals of Bahrain, Brazil, Brunei, Hong Kong (SAR), Indonesia, Israel, Korea (Rep), Kuwait, Laos, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Peru, The Philippines, Qatar, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Vietnam;

    © transit passengers continuing their journey, provided holding confirmed tickets and other documents for an onward journey and they do not leave the transit lounge.


    This must be applied for at the Office of Immigration (tel: (662) 287 3101-10) or at a Consular office in the home country (only for certain nationals: see Note.

    Visa notes

    Restricted entry

    Nationals of Afghanistan and Iraq will be refused (except for business purposes).

    (a) 2. The following nationals can obtain an entry visa on arrival at 23 designated immigration checkpoints throughout Thailand (consult nearest Embassy/Consulate for further information), provided holding a confirmed ticket to leave within 15 days, proof of sufficient funds, application form with recent photo, a valid passport and that their visit is for tourist purposes only: Bhutan, China (PR), Cyprus, Czech Republic, Hungary, India, Kazakhstan, Maldives, Mauritius, Oman, Poland, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia and Ukraine. The fee for this service is approximately 300 Baht; note that this is subject to frequent change. Travellers should also note that there are normally long queues at the immigration checkpoints. (:D Visitors who enter the Kingdom with Visa on Arrival generally cannot file an application for extension of stay except in special cases such as illness which prevents them from travelling, etc. They should submit their application to the Office of Immigration Bureau, Immigration Division 1, Soi Suan Plu, South Sathorn Road, Bangkok 10120. Tel. (662) 287-3127 or 3101-10 ext. 2264-5; website www.police.go.th/frconten.htm).

  17. Yes, I agree with what has been said. I came here when the baht was 25/$ and found it a remarkably inexpensive country to live in. At 35/$ it is still inexpensive. I will not be moving to another cheap country - I love Thailand!

    its amazing isn't it mate.

    a few days ago they were going on about how xenophobic los was and they were going to leave.

    before that it was the new visa laws and that was going to make them leave. :D

    now there going on about how the US dollar is going to crash and that will make them leave.

    well, i got to tell you boys,

    us fella's are going to have an even better time in los when all the nay sayers leave town. :o:D :D

    bye bye punters . :bah: :bah:

    Its the same at work, If this or that happens Im leaving this job


    Two years later they are still there, saying Im leaving this Job

    The pound is stable for now, the Euro is getting back in line to Feb 2002 when it came in and the $ is Fcuked

    the THB is stable

    Feb 2002 the dollar has been declining all the time its was 1.41 to a pound

    October 2002, 1 pound = 68.1 Thb 1 Pound = $, 1.57

    October 2002, 1 $ = 43.4 Thb 1 $ = E, 0,98,

    October 2002, 1 Euro = 41.2 Thb 1 Euro = 0,627 pounds

    Feb 2007 1 pound = 68.2 Thb 1 pound = $ 1.96

    Feb 2007 1 $ = 34.8 Thb 1 $ = E 1.29

    Feb 2007 1 Euro = 45.21 Thb 1 Euro = 0.66 pounds


  18. My advise

    - Put your savings with HSBC Offshore (tailored to expats, english proficiency, stable and secure)

    - Bank with a local Thai Bank (move money from HSBC Offshore to your local Thai bank once a month or whenever you need money for your monthly expenses)

    - Use your HSBC Offshore Visa Debit Card to widthdraw money from the ATM if you need quick money or use it as a credit card (better to wire funds because of the service fees charged when using the debit card)

    This is good advice, However for Offshore you could also consider HSBC has branches in Singapore, again perfect English, efficient and polite Singaporean staff also internet banking and it's just down the road from Phuket (given the cheap airlines) when you want to pop into your branch. Singapore is also a stable economy without monetary restrictions.

    You can open an HSBC account in Singapore in a number of currencies from their IPB in Isle of Man while you are still in UK. They are unable to open an account in Thailand for you from there.

    Have you seen This thread

    and also this thread

    I like HSBC in Singapore as well, but it can be inconvenient for some as you need to physically go there in order to open an account. HSBC Jersey's sole purpose is strickly aimed to expats and they seem a better choice for the "never need to visit the branch" type of banking.

    HSBC in Singapore, Hong Kong, USA and Jersey all offer international level banking, find out more at www.hsbc.com/hsbc/intzone_banking

    Also someone else mentioned that HSBC Offshore (Jersey) is an expensive bank - I agree - but it depends how much money you have. I mean, one only needs £60,000 in cash and/or investments (roughly $120,000 USD) to become a premier customer and have significant lower fees.

    For someone who doesn't plan on being a Premier customer with HSBC Jersey, I think they are better alternatives but for people with £60,000 (or equivalent in another currency) it's a no brainer.

    For a local Thai bank I would recommend Kasikorn Bank. The level of their english speaking staff at the calling center is good. You will have a Visa Electron Debit Card which can be used in Thailand or abroad to widthraw funds at every ATM who displays the Visa logo. You can also opt for a virtual Visa card (web card); which is a Visa card number for online purchases where you control how much funds you want available on the card.

    Kudroz Has good advice

    We do the same as what you do, Ive been working overseas since 1980 and HSBC in Isle of Man is for saving.

    I have never visited the Branch in I of M and dont need too. 5.1% free of Tax auto transfer to current account in HSBC Isle of Man. Just transfer to Thailand anytime, money is safe even from the X wife and her Lawyers.

    Me and the Mrs have an account each at the Kasikorn bank same branch just for normal living, Im out the country most of the time working and that visa electron has never let me down.


    Is I o M that good to keep assetts protected from x spouses ? I thought Switzerland or Carribean Trusts were a more sure way but would be interested to hear from you... I have looked at the I o M banking laws and without an I o M court order, little can be done. HSBC Singapores rules seem to be a little more open, but now clear on this. Even Swiss banks now have caises about spousal access ! Best I have seen so far is a Cook Island Trust, but I guess that is expensive...

    The courts tried to get at my money they even had the account number, my x wife photo copied eveything behind my back. I thought it was frozen, but it wasnt they told the courts to F off, I of Man is self governed.

    Me :o Her :D

  19. My advise

    - Put your savings with HSBC Offshore (tailored to expats, english proficiency, stable and secure)

    - Bank with a local Thai Bank (move money from HSBC Offshore to your local Thai bank once a month or whenever you need money for your monthly expenses)

    - Use your HSBC Offshore Visa Debit Card to widthdraw money from the ATM if you need quick money or use it as a credit card (better to wire funds because of the service fees charged when using the debit card)

    This is good advice, However for Offshore you could also consider HSBC has branches in Singapore, again perfect English, efficient and polite Singaporean staff also internet banking and it's just down the road from Phuket (given the cheap airlines) when you want to pop into your branch. Singapore is also a stable economy without monetary restrictions.

    You can open an HSBC account in Singapore in a number of currencies from their IPB in Isle of Man while you are still in UK. They are unable to open an account in Thailand for you from there.

    Have you seen This thread

    and also this thread

    I like HSBC in Singapore as well, but it can be inconvenient for some as you need to physically go there in order to open an account. HSBC Jersey's sole purpose is strickly aimed to expats and they seem a better choice for the "never need to visit the branch" type of banking.

    HSBC in Singapore, Hong Kong, USA and Jersey all offer international level banking, find out more at www.hsbc.com/hsbc/intzone_banking

    Also someone else mentioned that HSBC Offshore (Jersey) is an expensive bank - I agree - but it depends how much money you have. I mean, one only needs £60,000 in cash and/or investments (roughly $120,000 USD) to become a premier customer and have significant lower fees.

    For someone who doesn't plan on being a Premier customer with HSBC Jersey, I think they are better alternatives but for people with £60,000 (or equivalent in another currency) it's a no brainer.

    For a local Thai bank I would recommend Kasikorn Bank. The level of their english speaking staff at the calling center is good. You will have a Visa Electron Debit Card which can be used in Thailand or abroad to widthraw funds at every ATM who displays the Visa logo. You can also opt for a virtual Visa card (web card); which is a Visa card number for online purchases where you control how much funds you want available on the card.

    Kudroz Has good advice

    We do the same as what you do, Ive been working overseas since 1980 and HSBC in Isle of Man is for saving.

    I have never visited the Branch in I of M and dont need too. 5.1% free of Tax auto transfer to current account in HSBC Isle of Man. Just transfer to Thailand anytime, money is safe even from the X wife and her Lawyers.

    Me and the Mrs have an account each at the Kasikorn bank same branch just for normal living, Im out the country most of the time working and that visa electron has never let me down.


  20. Just keep transactions below $20,000. No problem.

    Above that amount the 30% will be deducted without bank agreement not to do so - but can be refunded once proven funds were not for items that the 30% applies to.

    Guys, I have just spoken with my accountant as he should know and the 30% with holding is only on stock not a bank transfer to you bank.

    As I am due to send a large amount and I heard about this 30% thing, so I ask what was the score, he said no problem.


    You need a new accountant.


    Just transfered $50,000 and no problem, that is what my accountant told me, I wonder if it is because of number 1.4 maybe

    In any banking system worldwide big amounts you have to prove what it is for, I sold my house in Tenerife for a lot of poundssterling, until I sent a copy of the sales agreement to my offshore Bank in Luxembourg I couldnt use it. Once sent could do what I like with it.

    And you need new glasses


    Summary of the Reserve Requirement on Short-Term Capital Inflows

    This notice pertains to the Bank of Thailand's announcement regarding the implementation of reserve requirement on short-term capital inflows on 18 December 2006 and its subsequent relaxation. The goal of the measure was to help maintain stability in the Thai baht which is conducive to sustained long-run growth in the Thai economy.

    The following summary is intended to help add clarity regarding the measure and serve as a reference for financial institutions in implementing the reserve requirement.

    1. Foreign currencies bought or exchanged against baht for the following transactions are exempt from the 30 percent foreign currency reserve requirement:

    1.1. Foreign exchange transactions related to current account activities including transactions related to exchange of goods, services, income, transfers and aid.

    1.2. Inflows for equity investment in companies listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand and Market for Alternative Investment (excluding mutual funds and warrants), investment in the Thai Futures Exchange (TFEX), and investment in the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand (AFET). Funds destined for the aforementioned investments should be deposited in the Special Non-resident Baht Account for Securities: SNS.

    1.3. Foreign direct investment defined as investments by non-residents in resident entities where the investor owns at least 10 percent of the equity capital and has managerial power.

    1.4. Investment in real estate such as land and condominiums (excluding real estate mutual funds).

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