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Flying Clog

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Posts posted by Flying Clog

  1. Hello All,

    (sorry, didn't read through ALL the posts on this thread)

    So to be clear - are the requirements for the renewal of a 1 year Thai DL the same as a 5 year???

    So the same documents required as the kind member posted on post 1 of page 1 of this thread?

    Or are there additional requirements?



  2. Does anyone know if there is any particular hassle if you let your Thai DL expire by a few weeks before you renew it? (we'll be going to the UK for a month over Xmas and can't be bothered to renew it before we leave as we're running out of time...)

    As soon as it expires, do you have to sit the test all over again, or is it a simple renewal/paperwork exercise?

    Also, I've heard that going up to Phang Na is less of a hassle than doing the renewal in Phuket Town? Does anyone have any experience with this and/or know where the Licensing office is up there?

    Thanks in advance,


  3. Hello,

    I was wondering if anyone knew of a place north of the Heroines (preferably Cherngtalay/Thalang) area, that they think might sell/repair light bulbs for a car (CRV).

    The interior light packed up, and it's not the fuse as far as I can see.

    Tried Honda at the Heroines, but need to leave it there for hours, which seems ridiculous for a 5 minute repair.

    Any ideas greatly appreciated!



  4. This is insane!

    Myself and my Hong Kong expat buddies are evacuating back to Hong Kong this week to escape the pollution.... which is the reason we came to Phuket in the first place!


  5. Hello,

    My wife would like to get some braces fitted to sort out her misaligned teeth..

    Can anyone recommend a place? We've check Bangkok Phuket Hospital and they're on the pricey side...

    Preferably somewhere they speak some English.. And in an ideal world in the Chergntalay area..



  6. I had precisely the same experience with Kasikorn Bank as NamKangMan. On a tourist visa. Piece of piss.

    Don't bother with ANY of the other clowns out there.

  7. I agree - Kbank is the most friendly for people on tourist visas, like myself.

    The've got branches in virtually every town on Phuket.

  8. stevenl -

    What planet are you on? There are no traffic rules in Thailand that I'm aware of.

    So what I'm saying is a white line across the road should be treated with extreme caution because 95% of people on the roads in Thailand won't have a clue what it means, as proven by the posts above, and present company included.

    The ONLY solution is to drive defensively - ie. yield for a white line across the road!

  9. There was a white line across the road, like there should have been a STOP sign next to it. Maybe there was no sign, but this is Thailand. A sane person would treat it as a stop junction, or at the very least a yield.

    The Thai bloke was in the right, and the idiot septic got what he deserved - bang to rights.

  10. More fool you.

    The normal lanes are for the swarms of unwashed - mainly Russians and Chinese. They can't queue in an orderly fashion, let alone fill out their arrival card correctly. Just leave them to it. If they're put off by the Phuket airport immigration experience then good - maybe they won't return which would be an excellent result!

    Just use the express lane. Just consider it an airport fee for those in the know. I seem to recall many airports in the US charge more than that to use a luggage trolley for the 5 mins it takes to get out through arrivals. I can think of many other examples around the world. Don't get me started on the departure tax out of Heathrow. I fail to see the difference.


  11. NamKangMan got it in one! I guess they just put a sticker on it!

    Thanks for all your replies. Had a look in Villa market in Laguna, and they 'claim' that all their meat is halal, so that's that sorted then.

    The funny thing was when I asked at the butcher, she said, yes, it's halal, and pointed at the sticker on the pork in the pork section! LOL!

    TIT for sure!

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