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Flying Clog

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Posts posted by Flying Clog

  1. Hello all,

    I stupidly bought an ice cream maker in the USA a couple of weeks ago thinking it would work here since the plugs are the same. I didn't, however, check the voltage rating... Most of the stuff I've bought in the US is capable of 100-240V, but this thing only does 110V..

    So I did a little googling and it seems I need a 'step up transformer'.

    Does anyone have even the slightest clue where I might be able to find one? Preferably in the Chergntalay/Laguna area, or at least north of Central Festival..

    Thanks everyone!


  2. Hello, I'm a resident expat in Phuket, and I would really appreciate any info on a good tour operator to go and see the James Bond islands...

    Preferably not one of the cowboy/sausage factory operators that blasts a clapped out speedboat full of terrified Russians and Chinese to an overcrowded beach full of flotsam topped off by a disgusting buffet lunch!

    Maybe a slower boat, possibly catamaran, that sets off from Boat Lagoon or points north east.

    Thanks very much for any info!



  3. I use the Bio Agents Mosquito Trap and it works really well. Bit pricey, and make sure you put the trap on the other side of the garden as opposed to near the house, as then you end up with undesired effect of attracting more mossies than you kill!

    I catch dozens a day in mine, along with many 'tiger' mosquitoes which are known to carry Dengue.

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  4. We live in Laguna, and the going rate for the 4 bedroom semi-detached townhouses we currently rent seems to be around 80-90k, so I would assume the smaller 2 bedroom condos/townhouses in Laguna Village would be around the 60-70k mark tops. Been there a year and a half and it's excellent I must say.

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  5. It's a no-brainer : rent a car, they're cheap as chips. Either from one of the multinational rental companies at the airport, around 20-30 usd per day, or from the local places on the main road south of the airport, for as little as half that.

    If your budget doesn't stretch that far, rent a scooter. Simples.

    Any other method of transport on Phuket is suicidal.

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  6. Agree with all the above. Wish we had fly screens on our windows, in which case they would surely be open at night!

    Problem seems to be that our 2 year old has a persistent cough due to dry A/C at night, hence the hunt for a humidifier to park next to his cot...

    Will check central, thanks,


  7. Does anyone know where you can by a humidifier for use in a child's bedroom in Phuket? Specifically anywhere north of let's say, Central Festival, as we leave nearer Thalang.



  8. Does anyone know where I can buy a mesh scooter seat cover? I saw one on a PCX yesterday in Surin and though it might be a good way of keeping the heat off the seat when I can't find shade to park it under!

    See pic attached.

    Any shops between Chalong circle and Thalang? Ie, chao of road east/west, bypass or Thep?


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