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Posts posted by seajae

  1. personally if it was  my daughter was being molested in school by the same gang of boys and the school did nothing I would be ensuring they would not do it again by having someone have a very long talk to them to make sure they knew what would happen if it continued. This is one subject I get very caught up in, my 14 year old daughter was raped and killed by acouple of teenagers so I tend to have a different perspective than many others, as a father you do what ever is necessary for the sake of your daughter and take action that will ensure those doing it dont it again, if the school and police refuse to help then you need to step in.


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  2. I used 120cm lengths on the fence at our other house around 10 years ago, they are still looking great, I first painted them with an exterior acrylic sealer(this is needed if you want them to last, this is my trade) then 2 coats of dulux weather shield low sheen. This was done before putting them up to ensure that all surface areas were coated, I applied the last cout on the faces of them after they had been attached, make sure all edges are coated sides, top & bottom and they will last for many years. Once a year you can wash down the faces with a broom and soapy water then hose it off to remove oxydized paint, this makes the painted suface last years longer

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  3. I stayed at a Bangkok hotel years ago that had an inclusive breakfast, we got our coffees and other things and put them on a spare table then went to get our food, when we got back a group of chinese had put our coffees etc on the floor and were just sitting there, I got very vocal and told them all where to go, luckily they got the message. Sometimes people ignore the fact someone is already using the table

    Sometimes the people that want that table do need to go to get their food so by putting something on the table they hope to stop others from taking it. Where we often go for breakfast at a dim sum shop one of us has to sit at the table while the other goes and gets the food as when we have put our things on the table and both gone we come back to other sitting there and our things have been put aside, unfortunately many people are ignorant and do as they please ignoring others, while saying this if people put things on a table then disappear for a long time they have no one to blame but themselves if someone else sits there

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  4. Lived in the south(Surat Thani) for many years now, its great if you know where to go and where to avoid. I dont do any tourist areas as every tourist aea in Thailand is a rip off especially the islands, been to the north a few times  but it does nothing for me, lots of hookers and bars, the one good thing was the night market. The queens flower show seveal years back was great, considering how poor everyone in the north appears to be I can understand why all the daughters are made to service others, the food is bloody awful and way too many drunks but if thats your cup of tea you are welcome to it. Really depends on why you live in Thailand, I am not here for the sex and bars like many are, did all that in my younger days, I am here for the peace and quality of life, everyone has different tastes snf how they want to live, you dont like the south, I dont like the north, you really need to get a life and stop whinging if you are going to stay here long term, the weather is only a small part of Thailand you need to accept, there are a lot more things that will get on your goat , maybe try thinking with your big head and not your small one

  5. On 5/10/2024 at 7:23 PM, Sheryl said:

    The government pysch hospital in this area is:




    Might be worth family member going there to discuss even though the patient may be unwilling to attend

    Thanks Sheryl, they have returned from Bangkok, they were not able to do a lot but I will now send the information on the hospital to them to see if thay can get something happening

  6. On 5/8/2024 at 5:35 PM, Sheryl said:

    There are both government pysch hospitals (few) and pysch departments within larger general govt hospitals.


    Where in Thailand are you located? 



    The people concerned live in Bangkok, my wife will be travelling there today with the rest of the family but the person is refusing to go to any meetings with all the family present so my wife is going to approach the head person in the large private hospital they work in(they are a doctor) to see if they can do anything as the person concerned is refusing to accept they have a problem or is willing to be spoken to about it. They are refusing to attend the arranged meeting with the whole family because they say that the family will not agree with them and that the person organizing the meeting is not high enough for them as well, they want the head person in Thailand only in a one on one, this alone is showing how delusional they are becoming. Will see if I can update more after the weekend, again thanks for all the help/suggestions.

  7. Thanks everyone, this is appreciated, one of the people involved had to go into their head persons office due to a made up report  by this person and they are going to attempt to get all the family together to talk to them  in the hope to resolve what is happening, it involves the govt so hopefully something will be done to get the help needed. I will wait to see what happens and let you all know, thanks again.

  8. I really need some help/advice, the wifes cousin appears to be suffering from possible mental issues and her family have no idea what they should do, in Australia it would be a simpler matter  but here I have no idea. Is there a department she can be reported to that will make her undergo an examination to check her mental health as she appears to be getting worse and has her family are very worried. Last night there were several hours of phone calls between the family to try to work out what they can do but no one had any ideas so I said I would ask in here in the hope someone is aware of any help they can get before she gets too violent, any assistance would be greatly appreciated, sorry but I cant go into details as it involves some very important work positions which is why this is not easy for the family.

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  9. we have been getting 2000 ltrs of water delivered twice a week now for several weeks so we can water our trees, the water table keeps dropping due to others having automatic watering systems and raised tanks to run them, they are constantly filling the raised tanks that supply their automatic systems from their ringed wells which drains our well, we get to water for 2 hours with 2000 ltrs before it dissapears. We have no choice as the trees will dies if we dont do it, our dam has around 20cm of water in it and we are trying to get at least 16000 ltrs delivered so we can water the trees on the opposite side, we normally have to do this each year but this year it has been a lot worse with the heat, just a part of living in Thailand, house well is around 40 mtrs and still providing the house water thankfully, it is the dam and the ringed well that are running out of water, the water table is generally only around 2 metres below the surface and we have never had to fill the well  before but now with the heat and all the water use by ohers with propeties adjoining ours we have no choice, hopefully the wet season will hit very soon

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  10. wife and myself both contracted covid over the songkran weekend in Phatthalung, symptoms were not as bad as our original covid some time back but are similar, still having chest problems & headaches but slowly getting better. We have been wearing masks since we started getting sick but unfortunately many thais do not wear masks when sick and prefer to spread what they have to everyone else which is why it is still around. Was also hard getting medical help, surprised at the way we were treated by hospital staff and doctors.

  11. thanks guys, will check it out, also realized that the 2" tube into the well may not be sitting under water continually, the filter is only plastic so has a tendency t float and the weight to hold it down had come away so wll try attaching another weight to ensure the end remians under water, really appreciate the replies

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  12. I have a 2" honda water pump that only pulls a 4 to 5 metre head, its rated at a 8 metre head, was working fine but last week it started to loose pressure when watering, Pump does not change revs at all  but water pressure from the watering hose goes from a 3 metre squirt for a few minutes to  a 30cm dribble for a few minutes, this repeats continously while the pump is running between the 2 different pressures.  With all the heat I have had to have 2000 ltrs added to the well everytime I want to water as the well runs dry over night(water table has dropped due to other doing heavy watering), this problem  started happening after the first time the well ran dry but once we had the 2000 ltrs added the pump started working  ok before this started happening so it has me puzzled, removed the screw cap and made sure the priming area was full and cap securely back on but have had to refill the priming area the next day  before use. I am not mechanical minded apart from some basic stuff so any suggestions as to why this is happening would be appreciated, pump was serviced around 6 months back so I know it should be ok, thought possibly air in the sytem but not really sure as I cant understand why  the pressure changes keep happening at similar times continually.

  13. 23 hours ago, n00dle said:

    surround the trees with wire cages.  


    how is that not obvious?


    over 500 trees, you expect me to pay because of the neighbours refusal to do anything when I already pay for coir chip and spreading it around the trees, as for eating them I have already told the worker he can kill and eat as many as he can catch

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