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Tony Clifton

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Posts posted by Tony Clifton

  1. RECAP #2

    -New chief of police installed

    *-Bomb explodes next to police booth neard PAD, same pattern as before with unsolved bombings pointing to Thaksinistas.

    -Chief Immediately declares no batons, shields only

    -DAAD gathers dunken yobs

    -Drunken yobs are allowed to hop onto m'cycles and walk the street with weapons clearly showing in hand.

    -Police line has resistance of paper wall on many occasions during march, seems intentional

    -One killed, over 40 injured.

    -Decision already scheduled for today Sep 2 regarding PPP party disolution.

    -Everyone waiting for Samak's next move.

    -Samak declares STAT OF EMERGENCY, which doesn't allow more that how many people to meet?

    -How many judges are supposed to gather today to decide on PPP's dissolution? :o

  2. Police Chief giving one minute press conference to show they are in control even though the army came to the rescue. :o. 6 more cops standing behind him for a collective loss of face, make it easier on the Chief.

    DAAD still out on the streets screaming, looks like they just lit a fire betwen houses, NBT cut away instantly....

  3. And the problem behind all of this, still seems to be Thaksin.

    More precisely, the way that Thaksins policies have divided the people of Thailand.

    The present Thai government, whether they are good, or bad, will always be haunted by his memory, the country is still split into two factions.

    Tony, you say:

    -DAAD gathers dunken yobs

    -Drunken yobs are allowed to hop onto m'cycles and walk the street with weapons clearly showing in hand.

    Come on, they are fighting for what they believe in, a very unpleasant situation. I am certain that if you were in their circumstances you would welcome a stiff drink, or are you teetotal? Bet they smoked a few cigs as well.

    They are not the "drunken yobs" that you claim, they believe in what they are doing.

    I do not want to take sides in this argument, I prefer to stand back and observe. However:

    The situation has been triggered by the (illegal) actions of PAD, a group who seem bent on seizing power at all costs. Forget the old gran, and the kids, they should never have been there anyway, it's not a picnic. Seemingly if an election was held tomorrow, the same people would hold power.

    Don't forget people are dying for this, things are totally off track in Thailand at the moment.

    A very bad situation with no easy resolution, how can the split between the sides be fixed? If either side wins, the other loses.

    PAD forbids alcohol at it's sites exactly because of what you saw the DAAD doing, all 7 feet tall walking with sticks and metal pipes. Journalists and cameramen have confirmed the DAAD thugs reeked of booze. look at the footage! Have a look at the policeman with the black jacket as well. Drun-ken hi-red thugs.

  4. What horrible news to wake up to. :D

    A few people wrote about this be setup and I believe this is the case as well. A co-worker mentioned to me yesterday that he had seen about 8-10 ambulances and about 4-5 paddy wagons heading into Bangkok between 7:30-8:00AM. Another poster on the forum reported he had seen something similar yesterday afternoon as well. That was a lot of emergency personal moving into Bangkok yesterday at various times and the reason is clearer now.

    If there are a few hundred unarmed police officers under orders not to use force, and they have mobs numbering in the 1000's on each side of them with sticks, rocks, sling shots and possibly guns, and they get out of the way - it is not a setup.

    The pro-government people attacking the heavily fortified and armed compound was also not a setup. That was just stupid.

    I feel bad that this is going on and hope it ends peacefully soon.

    Sorry man but the police Chief's order of batons only makes absolutely no sense when two opposing sides are so close together while DAAD gathered strenght and openly threatened to attack PAD. Given DAAD's violent history, one could also say the poliche CHief is a total idiot if not in a setup.

    Look at the footage where DAAD stands in fron t of the first police lines, 1 man deep with shields only? :o It is also FALSE that the first riot police lines were in full gear as the article above mentions, look again, a cop without weapon and only a shield and a visored helmet is NOT full gear.

  5. Selfishness, self-centeredness, that is the root of the troubles. If the PAD continues to terrorize the country, strife will continue. Nothing is accomplished by PAD or DAAD trying to violently take over an elected government.

    And nothing will be achieved by this government which has done close to nothing unless it served Thaksin and is still hanging on desperately, just one more reason to dissolve the PPP. An endless loop this shameless mafia syndicate of TRT-PPP feels so comfortable in.

  6. My recap :

    -New chief of police installed

    *-Bomb explodes next to police booth neard PAD, same pattern as before with unsolved bombings pointing to Thaksinistas.

    -Immediately declares no batons, shields only

    -DAAD gathers dunken yobs

    -Drunken yobs are allowed to hop onto m'cycles and walk the street with weapons clearly showing in hand.

    -Police line has resistance of paper wall on many occasions during march, seems intentional

    -Few killed, many hurt

    -Decision already scheduled for today Sep 2 regarding PPP party disolution.

    -Everyone waiting for Samak's next move, Emergency Law would please him , flush out PAD, coup also good for PPP cause.

    You couldn't think this sh!t up, unless you're in cahoots with the Thai police where you've selectively moved your people around.

    Radiocity Mike, the government is trying to take control, they don't have it.

  7. The early police manoeuvres are shown over and over at different times during the march, nothing short of a Monty Python movie.

    A national shame worthy of treason charges (like we saw against PAD earkier this week) for inciting and helping a group to a riot hand in hand with this dead-end government. :o

    NBT has gone back to regular programming, the muslim hour. :D

    I am thinking that if they sent me to stand in between those two worthless mobs with no weapon and no backup, I would have reacted equally bravely. :D

    The resistance DAAD encountered was equivalent to a paper wall, litterally.

    A lesson for us all tonight, don't f*&^ with a Thai as more Thais will come.

  8. The early police manoeuvres are shown over and over at different times during the march, nothing short of a Monty Python movie.

    A national shame worthy of treason charges

    (like we saw against PAD earkier this week) for inciting and helping a group to a riot hand in hand with this dead-end government. :o

    NBT has gone back to regular programming, the muslim hour followed by something totally unrelated to events. . :D

  9. Apparently the DAAD was led by a number of people on motorcycles - so my guess is that the women were DAAD (well actually, they must've been if you saw the red bandannas) and that they were beaten up by PAD supporters.

    Seems from another angle the woman sought refuge near the m cycle and wasn't riding it. Hard to say who s who with everyone wearing different colors, red and yellow on both sides.

    I think that's it for tonight, the drunks have tipped over by now or left with their 500 baht bills for the nearest blind pig for another drink.

  10. Apparently the DAAD was led by a number of people on motorcycles - so my guess is that the women were DAAD (well actually, they must've been if you saw the red bandannas) and that they were beaten up by PAD supporters.

    Seems from another angle the woman sought refuge near the m cycle and wasn't riding it. Hard to say who s who with everyone wearing different colors, red and yellow on both sides.

  11. DAAD were clearly outnumbered, suicidal move to walk onto PAD turf.

    I m waiting to see <deleted> beat up on the women riding a motorcycle, PAD or DAAD? Horrible.

    ASTV? "And the band played on... Ball of confusion..."

    Looking at the footage of a PAD member negotiating with police, these guys seem to be wearing heavier gear the the lines of police broke through.

  12. Army seems to be deploying small force, 6 men deep across a road, not sure where.

    Loaded with photographers, Samak will love that. POlice also present in riot gear.

    PAD seem to be negotiating with police.

    Live reporter has smiling PAD guards behind him, complete opposite of the drunken DAAD mob behind him earlier.

    Go to bed? And miss the coup a la Sri Racha John? :o

    (He missed the last one, not wishing for a new one)

  13. No mention of military.

    To avoid at all cost unless it gets worse, police have failed but was clearly intentional.


    I think the DAAD folled them by wanting them to take down the giant poster of The Little Emperor and his wife's police mugshots. :D Obviously, something else seems to be in the work with Samak-police-Daad-.

    I think he's going for the emergency law to evacuate Govt. House but will have something whispered in his ear.

    2 birds, one stone, police chief and Samak govt.

    The ruling People Party power :o won at least a delay in its demise on Tuesday when a split Election Commission put off a decision whether to order the party dissolved. After setting Tuesday as decision day, the EC decided to put off its ruling on the dissolution case for two weeks. It will now try to reach a vote on the issue on Sept 2. (Bangkok Post)

  14. Shinawatra claims that more people from other provinces will travel to Bangkok to join the confrontation with the PAD protests.

    I hope the PAD has reinforcements somewhere.

    Most of the pro-government protesters were teenagers and some of them were drunk, Thai TV station reported early Tuesday morning.

    A reporter said that he could smell alcohol from them and believe they were intoxinated.

    Most of them wore red headbands and t-shirts. I wonder if they were from Uthen Thawai or Pathumwan Technology campuses. Or they could be just be motorcycle taxi drivers that are pissed off because their free booze ran out.

    Where did you see that statement?

  15. Such a small group could have been handled very easily.

    You can see the death toll from Songkran already just by looking at this, another miserable failure to add in the pile.

    Head honcho of police in a black jacket holding 2 phones clearly looks like he was on the bottle tonight, trying to explain something to a superior looking at in a strange way, priceless. :o

    I can't remember the new Chief of police's name, neither will you, it was his first and last day on the job. :D

    That also explains my earlier conspiracy, hel_l just go to an inactive post until retirement.

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